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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: abusive

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Anyone else have a friend/family member who does this shit? 2331

I didn’t see it when I was little, but now I’m beginning to notice a pattern of behaviour with my mother.

Step 1. Mum: says cunty thing
Step 2. Other person: calls her out on cunty thing and/or cunty thing has invoked angry response
Step 3. Mum: pretends step 1 never happened and step 2 was totally unprovoked. Goes totally into victim mode. Extra points if the cunty thing she said invoked an angry response with bad language, because then that’s all she will focus on - ‘don’t use that language …view more

I’ll dance while you die 2434

I want you to be miserable and to pray for the sweet relief of death. I want to post the audio clips I have of you abusing my daughter while the children slept merely yards away. I want everyone in your voting district to know how you live up to your campaign slogan: “Protect your family. Protect your property. Protect your community.” I want the babysitter you fucked (who was also married) in your marital bed while my daughter worked to bring home a nasty germ for you. I want your current …view more


I just hate her.. she is reallly really really filthy, she never ever ever washes, she tells my sisters and i that she is filthy but she really is. it’s cuz she wants to be that wya. seh litterally has poop in her nails and she never washes her hands. she makes fun of my sisters adn i because we wash our hands because deep inside she knows she doesn’t and she wants to yell at us about it. she cooks really dirty food for us so my sisters adn i dont eat it and we starve. If we dont eat her food …view more

Sometimes I hate my father so much. 2937

I understand him and can accept that he was raised in a different time, and that it’s just who he was raised to be…but it kills me inside. My father would rather me marry an abusive alcoholic white man than a loving and compassionate black man. I fear I will never be able to be happy and find love because I fear disappointing him.

Not really a rage but… 2733

Ya know, my life is going pretty well. I finally got out of an abusive 5 year relationship, I’m doing well at uni, I have two best friends whom I dote on and adore more than anything in the world (and I receive adoration and doting in return), I finally have a good relationship with my parents, I’m in a place where I’m happy being single and I’m more confident than I’ve ever been in my life. So why can’t I just enjoy it? It’s like I’m constantly waiting for the next fucking shitty thing to …view more

I don’t want this. 2839

I hate this.
I really don’t think I’ll ever find anyone that will fall in love with me.
On the outside, I come off as so confident, so beautiful, so intelligent, so everything, and I am-a truly amazing woman. I am enjoying life. But inside, it hurts. It’s not that I won’t ever find anyone, but the fact that if I do, I don’t think I’d ever be able to accept him. If he were to offer his kind hand to me in my time of need, I would shove it away, curse him, and run far away!… I always told myself …view more

Fuck Parents… 2440

Yeah, sometimes life fucks you over with your parents. My biological dad is shit. He never wanted anything to do with me. My ex-step dad is also shit. He was abusive before he got kicked out. If he tried shit like that now, since I’m 18 and I work out, and he’s 40 something and fat, I’d kick his fucking ass. My mom tries sometimes but she got messed up by the abuse and divorce and she’s stuck in the same rut as before but too fuckin blind to see it. Not to mention her mom’s the exact same way, …view more


What do I want? I want you to admit to your ‘friends’ that just like you hurt those people and almost ended up in jail, you hurt me the same way. TELL these people that you’re so friendly to that you HURT me. Abused me. Ran me through the ringer. Physically, mentally, emotionally. TELL THEM! I want you to realize that it’s unfair to make me out to be this ‘crazy bitch’ and TELL them how unfair and hurtful and cruel you’ve been to me. Don’t just gloss over it and say ‘well, I was in a bad place …view more

Hate my fucking life. 3440

My fucking mom moved me away from my life in my home country when i was young only giving me 2 weeks notice, so in 2 weeks I had to say good bye to all my friends, family and my dad.

They divorced because he was physically abusive and would hit and threaten her with weapons as well. I am honestly glad she is out of this situation but I have so much anger towards her and everyone in my life. I don’t feel anger towards my friends, but to my family I just feel so much HATE towards them.

We moved …view more

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