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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: anger

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Jealous 2229

I have a crush on one of my friends. Some shit went down about this other girl in our friend group and I don’t like her anymore. But my crush likes her and he likes her back and I want to punch her in the face. She hurt somebody close to me but he still likes her. I’m happy that they both found each other but what the FUCK

Dear daddy and mommy 1826

Your Marriage is far from perfect, we get it. you guys getting a divorce was the most logical thing to do after so many years of constant fights, anger and sadness. I’m cool with your divorce but the least you could’ve done was talk to me about it. I lived abroad and came home to a house that doesn’t even feel like home anymore, suddenly you guys were no longer together.
Dad, you didn’t even tell me the reason as to why you divorced mom, but hey, i figured it out long before you guys even …view more

Exams 2035

I HATE exam results. Every single time I have a passing grade that’s not that high my parents get so fucking triggered to the point that they would start insulting me in public, and they would even hit me with the remote at times. Why the fuck are high exam results a thing. What are they even here for? Just for asshole parents to compare you to that guy who scores top dollar? EVEN IF HES A FUCKING DOUCHEBAG?!? Look. I dont care that you guys do this shit to me. But if you keep compare me to …view more

“Other people have it way worse than you.” 2037

I absolutely loathe when my parents or somebody else says “other people have it way worse than you” or “children are starving in africa” when I’m upset about something but like does that make me feel any better??? no. Telling me not to be sad because other people have it worse is like telling me not to be happy because other people have it better. TELLING ME OTHER PEOPLE HAVE IT WORSE DOES NOT MAKE MY FEELINGS MAGICALLY DISAPPEAR! IT DOES NO HELP WHATSOEVER. Yes, I acknowledge that other people …view more

Fricking Exhusband 1335

I just have to say it. I know it isn’t original…but he is such an arrogant control freak. Puts our daughter in the middle of things and is just a jackass. I wish he could see that he isn’t hurting me anymore but that his actions are impacting his own relationship with his daughter. She’s in therapy trying to deal with him….but it isn’t working and I feel so badly for her. I hate that he lets his need for control hurt so many.

I don’t even know 2132

So one of my only friends I have pretty much told me how she’s tired of me. I have another friend that smokes weed everyday but I don’t do that anymore because weed doesn’t get me high, it just mantra me way more depressed. I’ve only been high once, and haven’t since then and nobody believes me. Iv’e actually completely stopped smoking for a while and Im planning on staying that way. My friend (the first one) blames it on anxiety. Then blames not having enough sleep is the reason. She gets way …view more

Decisions. 2432

I hate having to make a decision when people ask you things. Like, for example, I have to go somewhere this weekend but my friends birthday party is this weekend. I don’t know which one to go to. I can’t make decisions at all. It sucks. Especially since I want to be a Lawyer when I grow up. Someone please give me advice. Thank you.

Little Brother 2134

I am actually so fucking upset right now because my little brother literally gets everything he wants and he is the rudest person I have ever met and he makes me want to kill myself LITERALLY I AM NOT JOKING I hate my life and I have for a long time now and all of that is because of him and I think that either he needs to die or I do because the hatred I feel for him is the most unhealthy feeling there is and I don’t want to exist in a word with him and I have so much more shit I could say but …view more

Life isn’t mine 2432

Okay, so for the last couple of days I’ve been completely fucking pissed. At what? Nothing obvious. I mean, I can’t even tell why I’m so goddamn angry this time. I want to just break every wall in this shithole of a house with my bare fists. I want to hit things and kick things and scream until my throat is bleeding.

It’s always like this. Anxiety, anger, anxiety, anger. How many shifts can the typical human being withstand?

Latest cycles have all been based around my parents. My rather …view more

My Mom` “Boyfriend” 2729

Back in January my mom got a Facebook request from an old boyfriend she had from back in the late 80’s. Ever since she has literally been texting or talking on the phone with him. I have never met him and I hate him. For my entire life it has just been me and her and I want her to be happy but I hate him. He’s not even in the same city, but he takes up her life. If we`re out shopping or anything she`ll stop what shes doing just to talk to him and just completely ignore me. The worst part is is …view more


Black Lives Matter. Then all lives matter. But let’s be honest, no one but the black and white people matter. I’m just saying it like it is. And the fact that no one, NO ONE, at all will admit this bothers me so much, because, why do only black and white people matter? This is America, yes it is my home, but it is not my home at all. White people claim that white privilege doesn’t exist, black people claim that their culture has been taken… but hasn’t everyone else’s culture been taken? We’re …view more

I hate my mom 1730

Today my mom thought it would be an amazing idea to let my neighboor come and build a fucking closet in my room and my brother needs to use MY laptop for HIS work while Im never able to use his - like EVER (except for now). And I really, really wanna draw on my laptop because I just recieved a grafik tablet 2 days ago and am super excited to use it. But no. “There are too many people why dont u go do smthing else, hun??” and when I said that I wanted to take it to another room until its done …view more

College is terrible 1436

I have more homework than I have time to do it. I have to choose which assignment is not getting done. I have one professor in particular that is irritatingly condescending and assigns more homework than everyone else. Unfortunately, I cannot drop any of her classes. All of her homework assignments are hidden, so you really have to read into the syllabus to figure out what the hell to do. I am currently doing an assignment for the third time because she never gave clear instruction and just …view more

Aggravating Sibling 2227

My younger sister knows exactly how to irritate me and is not afraid to, often injuring me in the process. If I were to pretend it doesn’t bother me, she will continue or try something else until I say it does. Once I do speak up she will only keep on doing it until I can’t stand it any longer and yell at her, resulting in her saying things like “Okay, okay,”"Just calm down,” and “Don’t be such a spaz,” in such an annoying, sarcastic tone that makes me want to freak out. I cannot do anything …view more

Fucked Up Ex 2430

Hey, so this is my first time posting anything on this website or any website like this for that matter but I have no one to talk to about my recent convo with my ex. First et me start by saying that he and I had a long distance relationship and he was the one who pushed it, plus he knew that because of physical abuse I endured in my childhood I’m not too eager to have people touch me easily. Fast forward to the last couple of months of our relationship he went into a coma and I spent months …view more

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