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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: angry

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I think I don’t want 2 get married anymore,sucks b/c love is what i always wanted more than anythi 2426

I am engaged to be married this summer. I am prolly having second thoughts and trying to ignore them. Nonrefundable deposits made, plus I have a STD now and no one else will want me. Don’t want to give my fucking family another reason to say I told you so. Both my partner and I work full time. All he does is sit on his fucking computer and do art. He works 9-6 and comes home to cook our dinner and washes the dishes. Oh, and he takes the garbage out once a week. Lots of fucking help there. …view more

F you, boyfriend 1516

I made the idiot promise to cut down on drinking months ago. He did cut down, but tonight’s the first time he went out with his friends in a while, so I said “okay just don’t drink too much” and he says okay. Next I hear from his fuckin friends that he’s drunk, and I asked him if he indeed was drunk. And he fuckin lies and says no. Now I asked him again, and he says no. Then I ask how much he drank, he says he lost count. So I said no, you’re fuckin drunk then. Don’t lie to me. So he finally …view more

Brother Dating Ex 1433

Oh my fucking lord. I have been dating this girl and I come to surprise her because she asked me to and I live out of state. I come to her house only to find my fucking brother hiding in her garage. The same asshole I talked to him specifically about her because he showed up at her house to help her hang her TV when I was away. She was the one who told me. Not that fucking bastard. I told him that if he had feelings for her to tell me and I’d break it off so some dumb bitch wouldn’t get in …view more

Sunday from hell 1720

This Sunday has been the shittiest one I’ve ever had. I had to be up at 9:00 in the morning after getting little to no sleep the previous night. From the second I woke up and checked Facebook, my day went to shit because of three main people. One was my best friend who is not my best friend anymore. I cut all ties with her and haven’t spoken to her or about her in two weeks. The other one was supposed to be my “friend” but in reality is really childish because she’s taking sides with the other …view more

ex boyfriends 721

you are a pathetic piece of shit, and i can’t believe the stuff you put up online that most of the time i just roll my eyes. but sometimes you really gross me out, were you always this disgusting and perverted and shallow? hell, i’ve known you for six years and you seem like a whole new person! but thats not why i’m here, when you post shit about me online, even without mentioning it is directed towards me, i know and everyone who knows you knows that its about me bc you’ve been with one girl …view more

i don’t have a love life… 1827

I’ve been daydreaming about how i’m going to meet my future boyfriend for years and years now. the only thing I’ve ever wanted was to love someone who loves me back. but i don’t really have much luck when it comes to these things. the 2 past boyfriends i had… i didn’t even like. i just agreed cuz I’ve rejected so many guys that i just thought if i said yes i’d grow to like them more which didn’t happen. I’ve been liked by soo many guys but they are all really not my type. my standards are quite …view more

When will I stop being such a loser? 1628

So, I’ve realized just recently: I’m the biggest loser on the entire planet. I sit at my computer and watch people do stuff so I feel like I’ve accomplished something with my life… I really haven’t.

These plans I make for myself? They’ll never ever happen, even if I strive for them. I want to join the AF, but I’m a fatass who cries when someone talks about dead animals. I want to go to this great college, but I’d never be able to pay for it. I want to marry this guy, but he doesn’t know I …view more

Christians are Deluded 1825

I do not understand how Christians can’t see the harm in believing they are born unworthy sinners who deserve to burn in a fiery eternity, saved only by the grace of a temper-tantrum throwing, spiteful creator who allows children and innocents to die every day, in hideous horrible ways. The affects that must have on our society seem staggering to me. Why do we act out, behave selfishly and commit atrocities which most people wouldn’t even consider? Why are humans so damn angry? Maybe it’s …view more

Teen nephew 2233

Ican only try my fuckn best!
If he wants to go back to his mum
And abusive stepdad, what the fuck can i do?!
His mum is being a manipulative bitch, his step dad says he will change and make an effort if he does…
Why the fuck do they think they are gona change if they didnt change before, when they were having problems and wanted a change?!
Are they insane?
Cos they sure are making me go insane!
What am i supposed to do? It is killing me just the thought of him going back there!

Why am I so angry…? 1927

Why does this country make me so angry? I’m speaking of the US, BTW. Everywhere I look, people here are so uncaring, so selfish. They have no interest lending support to their fellow countrymen, as they cry bloody murder anytime ANYTHING involving a use of their tax dollars comes up to HELP people. This attitude that anyone who’s fallen on hard times is lazy, stupid, and wants nothing more than to be a drain on the economy makes me sick. Yet people buy into it. “Anyone who’s poor is poor …view more

Why? 2544

Why did my dad leave? Why did he put us in a falling apart house and just leave, threatening to put foreclosure on us every day, whenever we went against his will? Every time we try to leave why would he threaten to hurt us? The house is falling apart now. All my friends are getting sick and dying, or getting in trouble and dying in accidents or fights. Every day I tell myself, “Some day, I’ll put a stop to all this, and make the world a better place.” But who am I but one man? Why can’t I find …view more

It’s not important… 1819

You know how your parents are supposed to care enough to want to help you get better? I was recently diagnosed with depression and obssessive-compulsive disorder, ONLY because I called her to come pick me up from school and take me to the doctor. I HAD TO BEG to go to the doctor and she tod me to explain to her why. I told her my frustrations and everything and you know what she said? She told me she didn’t believe me… And even further she asked me if I was lying just to get out of school. The …view more

Broken Man 1924

I feel terribly alone. I feel disconnected from everyone; cut-off. I feel like I don’t belong - here at work, at home, around family - everywhere. I feel unwanted; like a “lesser-than”. I feel people don’t want me around unless I do something useful, or am funny or smart - unless I earn my place.

I’m also angry and depressed; I screamed so loud yesterday that I hurt my throat and ears, but I cannot cry. The weight of these tow feelings are making me very tired and legarthic. I cannot rouse …view more

Roomate Drama 2218

My fucking bitch of a roomate left the country without tying up loose ends in our rent. She was supposed to get her checks back and void them and we were supposed to give them my new checks for the rest of our lease. Instead she messages me from Germany, all in a panic, and demands I do it for her. Cunt. I wish she?d fall down a hole (and instead of die- just break both of her legs and loose her eyesight so that she couldn?t be a fashion major and overly obsessed with the way she looks all the …view more

Honestly…. 1827

…sometimes i wann smash your face in. Both of you. You are mother and daughter, yes, but why not try thinking for yourselves or even getting your own f*cking personalities. One of you is enough, i dont need two condecending,arrogant,selfrighteous,hypocrite assholes in my life.

First of all, it is not okay to borrow something and then just to assume it is yours or you can keep it as long as you’d like. Even worse, its not okay to break or ruin something you borrowed from someone else! And it is …view more

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