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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: angry

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A bitch named Jake 2521

This stupid whore has ruined my life for almost a year now.
Shes one of those girls who pretends they’re a “Guy at heart” to try and get guys to like them. She even has a guys NAME.
Shes a stupid bitch who, in all her profile pictures either; Turns the flash way up so it blocks out half her face, makes the duck face, OR puts everything in black and white/black and white with any random thing but her ugly face in color. Often a combination of two or three of the above.more of the above.

She …view more

This sucks. 1820

I don’t bloody get it. I never do anything half-assed; I finish my assignments ahead of time, I always complete my homework, I listen tentatively to my college lectures, and I’ve always maintained a good relationship with my teachers.

My semester examination results was released last week, and I did pretty ok. Nothing to shout about, but something I can live with. I studied my ass off for it, but I STILL could not accomplish my goal of getting straight A’s. It’s alright. I can try again. …view more

I Just Realized How Much I Hate My Mother 1821

My mother is the classic Cinderella–she expects everyone to treat her like a princess, to cater to her every need. It can’t be helped. She grew up poor but intelligent and without a father, but I can only say that I’m losing my sympathy for her. Everyone has shit in their lives, but she’s never moved on from hers and done anything about it. I’m beginning to hate her for her selfishness, her incessant need to talk about herself, her dominance, and her constant nagging. She complains about the …view more

Facebook Bitch 1826

WTF is wrong with you. Maybe you assume that just because you act that way around everyone else and they all accept you as joking (which you are because you’re close to them) means that you can be that way to me. BUT, I can tell that you’re just using that lousy shit piece of excuse to cover what you’re doing so that other people will be on your side and think that there’s nothing wrong. I know you’re aiming at me, you fuckin bitch. FUCK SOCIAL NETWORKING I’M SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO RANT ON THE …view more

I know you’re cheating. Why won’t you just admit it? 3130

I’ve seen the way you look at that girl you work with. I’ve driven by on some of those late nights you were “working” and saw your car was nowhere to be found. I’ve seen the phone bills where you’ve been calling her and talking for hours. If that weren’t enough, last week I found a lacy red thong on our bedroom floor that doesn’t belong to me, and it smelled quite distinctly like pussy.

Why won’t you just admit that you’ve done me wrong so I can stop going crazy over this? I’ve confronted you …view more

screwed big time 1120

$1200 in the hole trying to keep bills paid and food on the table. Working my ass off to bring in extra to no avail. Overdrafted big time. Paypal in negative. Can’t get a loan to straighten stuff out. I need people to buy my stuff!

I help and help people all the damn time. Why doesn’t anyone ever help me when I need it?

He’s a JERK and I’m an Idiot! 2524

I’m SO MAD because part of the reason I broke up with my ex was because of him inviting his flirty coworker R to his birthday party and having no issue with her giving half the guys at the party a (clothed) lap dance with the awful friend she brought along. He particularly didn’t see why it was an issue for me that the two of him were giving HIM a combined lapdance in the living room where everyone could see.

Yeah, because that wouldn’t make me feel upset or embarrass me in front of ALL of our …view more

fuck 1119

i have had it up to fucking HERE with my friend honestly they keep going on about complete shit i don’t FUCKING give two tugs of a dead dog’s dick about. we used to actually talk to each other but oh no those days are long gone now it’s just him yelling at me because of the music i listen to and the stuff i watch and what i find fun why don’t you just SHUT the FUCK UP, i don’t share your tastes in a lot of things but do i constantly go on about it no i FUCKING don’t. he won’t stop going on …view more

My stepmother ruined our family 819

I really truly hate my stepmother they have been married for 30 years I have put up with all her crap talking about my mom treating my dad bad talking shit about my sisters and just plain making us feel as though we are not worth anything! I finally have stood up for myself with her at 36 years old . She has called my work and talked shit about me she has come between my dad and me and one of my sisters! I am not an evil person but when she tried to commit suicide last year I now wish she would …view more

Attention Whore 2322

Every time I see you, I want to smack you. Really hard.

You’re playing all sorts of dangerous games, you simpering idiot. And even though you like playing fire, you’re gonna get seriously burned. And I really hope I’m there to see it happen, so I can point and laugh and say, “I told you so.” And part of me REALLY hopes that you get burned bad. I want to see you curled up in bed, crying your eyes out, because YOU messed up.

It’s hard to want to be your friend - to put forth the effort to …view more

Everything is NOT about Sex 2237


Seriously, for anyone on either side of this debate, there are better verses to illustrate your point and your repeated invocation of the story of Sodom makes you sound like an idiot who didn’t bother to do a lick of …view more

Stupid kids. 2936

Long story short a grey and white cat comes up in my window he’s pretty skinny I feed him my cats check him out and stuff he hangs out and all that good crap. Then two stupid kids run up try to beat him with sticks and throw dirt at him the cat runs away almost into the street but turns around and stays under a car. The kids try and get him out but he doesn’t budge and they go away.

WTF is wrong with some people?

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