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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: annoyed

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i’m done. 25480

i swear i am DONE. you’ve made friends of mine cry because you don’t admit that you ever do anything wrong. you can be such a hypocrite sometimes. i don’t want to hear you talk about sex or flirt with a guy that is both GAY and IN A RELATIONSHIP because you’re too thirsty and boys at your school probably don’t like you much so you do it to him. and you white knight for him too, everything revolves around his safety and making sure everything is perfect for him. you think you’re justified to …view more



I am not Your Maid 1030

We’ve been together for 5 years, I love you and I love the life we have built for each other. That being said, please stop trashing the place and then making fun of me for getting annoyed when you put nothing away and even the furniture is no longer where it originally was. This is not me being “OCD”, this is me getting fucking tired of being a full-time maid that gets no help or thanks at all while working two other jobs.

idiot friend 1432

i tried to relapse last night and today i told my friend and she got mad at me for not talking to her then. All i wanted to do then was hurt myself, but now i’m mad at myself for not trying to get help like i should have. So now i feel like a jerk for not telling her how i felt. I totally hate this. I need someone who will tell me it’s okay and tell me to talk to them next time if i can, not someone who will get mad for me not telling them the first time. And i know she would get annoyed if i …view more

oh thanks 1229

so i had this guy friend for three years now and we are pretty close friends.
me and him actually get along pretty well despite how an asshole he is to everyone, he would say things that either offend or scorn somebody, stranger or mutual associates.

but what frustrates me the most, is other people reacting to this friendship. at first they’ll ask “how are you even friends with him??” then it’ll go to “omg are you guys dating? how are you even coping with his shit anyway?”


heres the …view more

My “Sister” 2025

I’m “best friends” with this girl, we’ve been friends for a long time on YouTube and we’ve never missed a day talking to each other until she grew bigger than me, she started ignoring me, and forgetting me. Stopped calling me her best friend. We called each other sisters because we loved each other like sisters. She now always looking to get something that probably cost $100 for free, she’s using crack versions of apps to cheat her way to popularity, and no one even knows it’s all cracked, …view more

Anyone else have a friend/family member who does this shit? 2331

I didn’t see it when I was little, but now I’m beginning to notice a pattern of behaviour with my mother.

Step 1. Mum: says cunty thing
Step 2. Other person: calls her out on cunty thing and/or cunty thing has invoked angry response
Step 3. Mum: pretends step 1 never happened and step 2 was totally unprovoked. Goes totally into victim mode. Extra points if the cunty thing she said invoked an angry response with bad language, because then that’s all she will focus on - ‘don’t use that language …view more

I don’t know if it’s a big deal 2024

I feel mad, my heart beats really fast just because i am mad, but i need to be calm. My boyfriend did not even say to me that he is going to someones birthday party. I don’t even know why! Is he being secretive or what? Why does he doesn’t even want me to know where is he going?! And one thing, is drinking a really big deal to relationships?

Complaining about burn marks on food 1732

Why do people complain about burn marks on food? You need some type of fire or heat to cook something. Like what the hell else are you supposed to use? Its normal. What even will a burnt mark do? Like it wont taste too different or any different at all.

My home situation 1328

Sometimes I just wish my mom would just shut up and leave me be she is so freaking annoying on Sundays when I ‘m just trying to catch a break. I just got back from a choir tour, wanted to relax and play some league of legends and now she bugging me on how I have to go out and do something. Are you kidding me? I just spend an entire March break on the road when I could’ve chosen to stay and just do homework and MAYBE play some stuff when my parents aren’t home. Do I need to lose weight? …view more

I really wanna call u dumb 1731

Okay for real why do you do this to me. You literally treat me as the last option or forget I exist. It’s like as soon as something better comes your immediately just go to that choice. why???? You have such bad mental tunnel vision and always act on impulse, and that hurts me a lot. Like recently you went and spent a lot of money on a job I am literally trained to do. But what is stupid is that I actually went with you. Why did I agree to that? I shouldn’t have went. Not only was it rude to …view more

Support me atleast.. 2530

I basically just got a scold from my mom. I never understand my parents, they can’t just depends on me for their whole life. Two thousand fifteen wasn’t my best year and I could call it the second worst year. I had been my sister’s babysitter this whole year. My parents said they can’t depend on my brother since he just sleep around. They could’ve scold him. They are parents, they have the rights to scold him.

Two thousand sixteen, I wanted to join a boarding school. My parents won’t let me. …view more

Dumb friend pt 2 stop censoring my shit 2229

You’re not ten anymore. You don’t get to treat me like shit and then go act like an idiot and blame me for all your fucking problems. I’m sorry you’ve had a terrible life. I’m sorry you were bred from a line of inbreeding hillbilly fucks who have zero brain cells in their entire being. I’m sorry your parents are weird. But guess what? My life’s been terrible too, and my parents are just as weird, and my genes are shit too because I’m going to die from fucking Alzheimer’s after struggling with …view more

My boyfriend gets stupidly annoyed at everything 1628

My boyfriend gets annoyed at EVERYTHING. Like, the most random things too. Things that I would never know how to predict. For example, tonight we were having a really fun, pleasant conversation at his apartment and we were flirting a lot (we’ve been together for a while and our flirting involves a lot of teasing and crude jokes). He had some dollar bills and he started reaching towards me with them. My legs were slightly open and it looked like he was reaching to put them between my legs (I was …view more

My roommate is annoying the crap out of me. 1527

I hate my roommate lately. Our internet has been on the fritz and I was trying to connect to the modem directly to see if the router might be the problem and she was like, it’s not the router it’s the modem. Now, I realize it is probably the modem but I figured what’s the harm in checking? And then she was like, the router always works, it’s the modem that’s malfunctioning. Which is a dumb thing to say because a router is hardware, it can absolutely malfunction. She was like, I know, it’s my …view more

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