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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: annoying

Your search returned 43 results.
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How can I discourage this woman my boss’s sister from touching me/groping me/hugging me/getting in 1217

I need advice.Sorry for the long post, I would really appreciate it if you read it.I don’t know how to get out of this situation?I’m writing this post because basically I’m lost.I don’t know what to do?I invited my boss’s sister to join my all female group with a specific focus.My boss is always complaining that her sister is socially awkward and lost in life so i decided to invite her to join my group.I work there for the past two years but my boss doesn’t like me.She seems very uninterested …view more

Dear grandmom 1823

I’m sorry that I can’t fucking help you with every little thing I don’t go to the same bank as you and the grandchild that does you should call. At the end of the day I’m not a fucking banking genius so guess what no matter how many times you say just read it my answer is going to be the same, I don’t know what this is! So obviously I can’t help you why don’t you call the grandchild who dies go to that bank better yet why don’t you actually listen to me when I’m trying to help you. Instead of …view more

The PMSing Control Freak 1919

I live with my Mom and let me start out by saying that she is an insane control freak! She feels the need to dictate what I wear, what I eat, where I go, when I wake up, when I go to bed and basically what, when and how I do things. And never once have I yelled and her or ever shown her any disrespect. But I’m only human. I channel my rage into video games and I cry myself to sleep in either anger, frustration or sadness. And now something terrible has happened: Our periods have synced. When …view more

im a terrible person 1622

it’s annoying af but it could be my extremely competitive tendencies. when i mess up or can’t get better than another person, i internally dislike them. i wish i were more kind or accepting of my flaws. i love to be top of my class, and when i’m not, i hold a deep grudge. obviously not to the point of spreading rumors or other terrible things, but i think on the inside, i’m a bad person

Dodging questions 1130

So I’m madly in love with my girlfriend but she has this bad habit of dodging questions and changing topics when she gets uncomfortable, excuses being “it’s late I’m tired” or just getting upset even though I’m the one who is hurt. Like I asked if she wanted a naughty pic over Snapchat and she comes back with “I’ll see plenty of you this weekend”, like wtf is that? I tried asking her to be clear but I got nowhere, like damn if I could dodge bullets like you dodge questions I would be Neo from …view more

I hate him sooooo much! 1221

My former friend held a birthday in a park which is kinda weird since he’s like 14? Anyways, one of his friends is my classmate, and the kid is so flipping aggravating!!! He keeps asking complex mathematical equations and he requests that we do it in our heads. If we don’t answer he’d cackle so HIDEOUSLY. Gahhhh! He’s also very hypocritical(he complains that five year old act as if the own the playground), and he’s a terrible squeaky clarinet player in our band.

I can’t ask my former …view more

I don’t know if it’s a big deal 2024

I feel mad, my heart beats really fast just because i am mad, but i need to be calm. My boyfriend did not even say to me that he is going to someones birthday party. I don’t even know why! Is he being secretive or what? Why does he doesn’t even want me to know where is he going?! And one thing, is drinking a really big deal to relationships?

Losing my best friend? 1722

My best friend of five years has recently become kinda annoying. Often not many people like her because she’s ‘bitchy’ etc, but I’ve always thought that they just didn’t know the real her- but recently she’s just become so… irritating. Like it feels as though I can’t have my own opinions around her without being shouted down and she’s kinda controlling a lot of the time. I love her still, but I don’t know what to do? Am I just getting pissed off for no reason? Am I just imagining these things …view more

Feelings that i dont want 1623

Recently my ex told me that he still likes me. We broke up two years ago because he wasnt ready for a relationship. Ive gone on many dates and i still cant seem to get over him. He told me that once he gets his own car we can maybe start dating again but he said thats a little while from now so our feelings might changed. That he might find someone else or i might find someone else. Honestly, i just need to get over him right now.

Freaking hopeless love 1426

Love is freaking annoying. I (an 18-year-old girl) have two great loves in my life: one whom I know doesn’t love me (I don’t even know if he likes me at all), and I CAN’T GET OVER HIM. What’s more, he’s 4 years older than me, and he will always be a small part of my life, because he’s my step-cousin. Which means that I can never forget him and move on: every time I see him (it can be many months in between) my feelings flare up again.

And the other is a very good friend of mine… who’s gay. And …view more

Dear Immature People: 2033

If you’re overly immature, please grow up. There’s nothing wrong with being a fun, vibrant person, or being a child at heart. But it’s seriously annoying when all you do is act like you’re five. And this goes for all people who act like children even though they’re way too old to be like that. People who bully people for the color of their skin, or the god they believe in. People who judge others because they’re brave enough to express themselves. People who laugh when they see two men holding …view more


For a little over the last 3 months my husband and I decided to be nice to two friends who were on the verge of being homeless, we offered them space in our tiny one bedroom suite until they found their own new place to move into……….. Boy, did that ever quickly become the biggest f**king regret of our lives… =3=

Not only were they extremely annoying, but they were also lazy and completely ungrateful… oh, and did I forget to mention f**king lazy???!?

Neither of them had jobs, nor did they plan …view more

Shut up. 2128

Alright, I have a friend who I do love very much. They are great and funny and hella fucking attractive and practically just amazing to be around. I would do practically anything for them because they would do the same for me, too! The downside is that they are depressed and have anxiety and they do cut (a lot!).
And I get it! depression is very serious and I feel very bad for my friend. I do everything I know how to do to get him to understand that I care for him.
But really.
Sometimes I …view more

My sister 2131

Im so tired of my sister saying I stole her stuff.
I don’t keep track of what is hers. Shes really freaking out over fucking makeup brushes and a pair of shorts that ended up in my laundry and these bracelets I never knew were hers.
Its bad enough I don’t think my mom truly accepts me for being transgender, but seriously?
I can’t transition or anything because every time I try to talk to my mom about it, she ends up going out somewhere when I actually get the courage to bring it up.
My sister …view more

Do you like me only because of my race 1632

Phew. So there’s this girl I’ve been friends with for about a year. We had similar interests like video gaming and anime. About six months ago, I began to grow interest in k-pop and dramas. I eventually introduced her into it, and soon, she was on board. Fast forward a few months later, she likes all of the bands I like, and whenever I get into a new one, she immediately downloads all of their songs. She constantly tells me how obsessed she is with certain bands and tells me all of these random …view more

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