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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: anxiety

Your search returned 19 results.
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my mental health 1127

I honestly doubt anyone will read something this long, but here we go anyways. I don’t want this post to be a cry for attention or anything, but I need to rant so fucking badly.

I’m not self-diagnosing because I honestly think that you should go to the doctor and figure it out with them, but I think I have anxiety, am suicidal and depressed. I’m not sure if depression fits in with being suicidal or vice-versa, but I listed both because I want to be sure. I’m also not sure if suicidal is only …view more

Didn’t know 1827

So I didn’t know that if they lay hands on you against your will that it can be considered sexual assault until 8 months ago. I always thought that penetration was the determining factor. From when I was in 5th grade to graduation of college I must have been attacked by 15+ people. Never mind when i was attacked then I was 4. Now I have a panic disorder and an anxiety disorder, but no one in my family seems to take me seriously. I have worked so hard to recover from depression, and to just …view more

fuck you parents 2729

my fucking parents
its all them
they dont give me any personal space, freedom, anything
they dont even beleive it when im depressed
or have an anxiety attack
or anything
if im stressed and crying they call me a crybaby
if i want to die and they hear me even mention it or whisper somthing or seem expecially different my mom …view more

Mess 1831

My mom just had quadruple bypass surgery and I honestly, with everything in me, wish she would have died during the procedure. Everything went fine except that she’s a different person and not one that we can live with. She NEEDS physical therapy and we had to spend THREE FUCKING DAYS fighting with her about entering Rehab. If that’s not bad enough, she’s now treating us like her personal enemy and trying to get out of everything the rehab people get her to do. She says she wants to go home, …view more

More of my insanity. 2431

To calm my anxiety and depression, I go for late night walks. Like 11 pm or 2 am walks. I often sneak out, but my brother found out and told my mother. To a normal parent, this would raise a red flag. Your teenage daughter sneaking out at night. Not my mother. She merely acknowledged that I sneak out, then yelled at me about being in my room too much.

Just a few moments ago, she told me “You self diagnose yourself with all these things and none of them are real.”

Oh really.

Suicide isn’t …view more

This is me and my Insanity 2229

I want to talk about my own mental health. Chances are, I won’t have the will power to share this with my friends/family. If anyone is somehow able to read this, please, just don’t judge me….
I have depression. I fight frequent anxiety attacks when trying to sleep. I have thought about suicide. I use the internet to block out the silence, the hollow feeling in my own brain. Books take me somewhere else, anywhere other than my own life.
When I go outside, and people try to politely talk to me, …view more

Communicating with boyfriend not quite working. 1735

So, I’m dating this guy. He’s my first boyfriend and I absolutely love the shit outta this guy, for some reason. In fact we have very little in common and we don’t really do that much with each other. I feel like he doesn’t quite understand me either, or more like he doesn’t try to. He often belittles me and makes me feel like shit. The thing is, I’m a pretty strong person and I can handle stuff like this really well but hearing this day in and day out is getting really tiring. He doesn’t …view more

Change 2632

Okay idk just wanted to get this off my chest

So ever since I was a child I was told I am a fun, outgoing kid who loved everything. But as I grew up to be a gullible person I ended up making friends and getting attached to people who eventually threw me in the trash and claimed I had bullied them. It gave me a bad reputation to all my other friends and they left me alone. I was so upset and since that incident I was closed off from everyone. I startes getting depressed and anxiety issues …view more

I don’t even know 2132

So one of my only friends I have pretty much told me how she’s tired of me. I have another friend that smokes weed everyday but I don’t do that anymore because weed doesn’t get me high, it just mantra me way more depressed. I’ve only been high once, and haven’t since then and nobody believes me. Iv’e actually completely stopped smoking for a while and Im planning on staying that way. My friend (the first one) blames it on anxiety. Then blames not having enough sleep is the reason. She gets way …view more

I can’t stop telling lies 1739

Everyone lies. But I can’t stop. I just got in trouble with my parents yesterday. I feel like total shit. I told my dad I was working all day, but I wasn’t even working half a day. I just spent the whole day with my boyfriend. And this isn’t the first time I told that lie.
The first time this happened I was actually supposed to work the whole day, but my boss told me she over scheduled people and to not come in. I didn’t wan’t to tell my parents because I knew they’d have a whole bunch of …view more

Life isn’t mine 2432

Okay, so for the last couple of days I’ve been completely fucking pissed. At what? Nothing obvious. I mean, I can’t even tell why I’m so goddamn angry this time. I want to just break every wall in this shithole of a house with my bare fists. I want to hit things and kick things and scream until my throat is bleeding.

It’s always like this. Anxiety, anger, anxiety, anger. How many shifts can the typical human being withstand?

Latest cycles have all been based around my parents. My rather …view more

Friends 1832

Ever since I was little, I’ve had anxiety. I can’t socialize properly, talk to teachers, ect. I have two best friends who are the only people I can really relax and be myself around, (apart from my family). Last year, my friends started to go through phases, get into boys, and there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s normal! The problem is, they’ve started to drift away.. I had to change schools due to severe bullying and medical reasons, and my friends stopped communicating.. They have my phone …view more

My Depressing Teenage Life 2434

I dont know if this is the right place for me to vent but here it goes. Im 14 and i have been going through things that shouldnt be wished upon your worst enemy.

Ive always been the type of kid thatt was content and kept their opinions to themself. I didnt really have any friends up until grade 4. I gradually started making friends and becoming an outgoing bubbly child. This was great at the time but i had always had that small part in my brain full of social anxiety which kept covering me. I …view more

Peers in my English class are all idiotic assholes. 3335

I’m a Senior in high school, so this is very sad. About a majority of the kids in my class are all rude, annoying, condescending, idiotic, lazy, pieces of trash. There’s only about seven people in there who I don’t want to stab in the eye.

There’s one girl who never shuts the fuck up. She has such a goddamn attitude and always talks to this boy next to her, and they boy is the dumbest fucker I’ve ever met. They’ll talk all class long, and eventually the teacher will come over and tell her to …view more

Her Pity Party 2531

Dear R:

I’m sorry that I won’t be able to make it to your pity party. I attended the last one, as you know, because I was trying to be a good friend. All I ended up with was severe anxiety and being cornered into listening to you exaggerate your problems for attention. I know you’re lying about how bad your finances are. I know that things aren’t that bad with your step son. You probably drove him to insanity. You spend more time online than with your husband. IS that because he’s awful or …view more

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