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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: anymore

Your search returned 15 results.
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self harm and lonelyness 1229

ive been wanted to self harm again and id tell one of my friends so they know but all of them ether dont care or they think im looking for attention when i tell them how i feel. I have no one to go to anymore. it really sucks. Im more lonely then ive been in a long time.

Fuck it 1622

All I do is work and come home to lay down. If I’m not doing that I’m cleaning. I’ve tried playing games and watching shows but nothing interests me anymore. I have no friends because I hate everyone and I can’t trust anyone, let alone the fact that I find most people grating. What’s even the point to life anymore? Work until you die.

“”"”"”"”Artist”"”"”" 1826

Ok wow dear “”"”artists”"”" who use their shit art “”"”style”"”" as an excuse to improve, you are a disgrace to the whole freaking artist community. I don’t even post art on tumblr dot com anymore because my art gets as many notes as the shitty FUCKING ANATOMY DISASTERS THESE ASSHOLES POST LIKE THEY DO NOT CARE
I am skilled enough to see how much time they put into their crap art (not a lot) and i could slap a piece of fruck like this onto my screen in like three minutes. The particular artists …view more

I dont know what to do anymore. 1828

Ugh. *sigh* I don’t know what to do anymore.

I’ve never experienced anything like this before: the conceitedness I get when I’m near them, the butterflies when I look at them, and tripping over my words when I speak to them because of how nervous I am. This is like my normal social anxiety on a whole different type of level. I want to talk to them without tripping over my words, I want to ask them to hang out, and maybe later on down the road I would like to ask them out…but I’m sure they are …view more

I hate Junior High. 2135

it is only the first semester of school and I’m already stressed out. i have put so much pressure on myself that not even and 85% is good anymore. I feel horrible and anxious all the time. I also feel ugly. Im either too tall and skinny or I feel small and fat. And if i try and tell anyone that they laugh. As if i can’t feel fat. ITS UNFAIR. And why do all the girls my age have to be so so STUPID. Who do they think the are? Im sick of comparing myself to them all the time. Im also sicks of not …view more

Can’t hold it in 2426

I’m just so done. I feel fat and ugly as hell and God I don’t know if I can do this anymore. I just needed to say that since I can’t say it to any of my friends

What a dickhead 2034

After weeks of beating myself up, constantly questioning if you even care about me anymore or not, I FINALLY call you out on your bullshit and say ‘Look, do you want me to put the effort in and continue contacting you, or do you want me to leave you alone?’
And you don’t even have the decency to respond to that?!
I’m not even upset - I’m just fucking pissed off. Why did you even bother puttin in the effort to begin with if you were always going to end it like this?
At least giving me some …view more

Fuck It, Here Goes 1134

I don’t know anymore. This is going to be very long. I am fucking angry. I’m angry at you, at myself, at existence. At being. I don’t know why, exactly. I can’t pinpoint it. There are myriad tiny, trivial things. I feel like my life has surpassed simple hilarity and moved into the realm of the pathetic. It’s not that I’m overweight. It’s not that I’m ugly. It’s not that I lack confidence. It’s that none of these things matter.

I see people post things online who complain they are fat, or …view more

really…really? 2033

HYPOCHONDRIAC…you’re always sick all the time..and Im not buying it anymore


that’s three of my friends who either have attempted suicide, held a razor in their hand for their wrists, or just plain out wanted to to kill herself because her friend didn’t want to talk to her anymore.
in addition to all the fucking crap i have in my life, i have to go and be their goddamn psychiatrist and convince them that they shouldn’t fucking take their life.
i don’t know where i’d be with my family or friends, so you can imagine the fucking trainwreck i am at this fucking state.
i …view more

Cant Take High School Anymore 2528

Not sure why I’m even posting this to be honest. I guess I have no where else to express these feelings. I’m 16 years old and a sophomore at a fairly large highschool. I FUCKING hate it. I don’t hate it for the normal excuses such as homework, difficulty or rules. No, I hate the people there. The people I have to call my peers, all though I consider them no more than animals. Modern day society has molded them into these mindless zombies that feel the necessity to join every clique, be an …view more

idk 1931

Life seems to difficult for me right now. i just dont know what to do anymore. I try to help ppl and they reject me, i try to be nice, and rejected. any thing i do i get rejected. FML
one day im going to help the world, all be it small probably, but somewhere and somehow i will.
Ty for whoever reads this
I just needed someone to talk to :(

And another thanks to the creator of this website. I feel improved emotions when i write out how i feel

Stay Out of My Marriage 2134

Why the hell do guys have to assume that just because I don’t go out partying and I have my own separate hobbies that I must have a miserable marriage?

I don’t enjoy going out and getting wasted every weekend anymore. I have a job, I’m in school, I have bills to pay and responsibilities. I’m a grown ass adult. I’m over spending half the day in bed nursing a hangover.

I’ve ALWAYS been introverted. I’ve ALWAYS enjoyed my alone time.

Also, what if I was unhappy with my husband? Do they think …view more

You think I’ll let you back in?!? 2434

My best friend, out of the blue, tells me that ?We need a break, because I don?t think I can do this anymore.? She tells me, ?You?re too controlling.? When I ask her to elaborate, she won?t give me an example on HOW I?m ?too controlling?. After I tear her, my best friend of TWO FREAKING YEARS, out of my heart, I find out she?s talking sh*t about me behind my back!! This is after she, AND her mother, told me ?It?s just that you?re/we?re both leaders, and sometimes you need to let me/her lead. …view more

If I could, I would 2030

If I could top myself quietly, secretly and securely…I would. Life gives me nothing anymore.

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