my girlfriend is really great i love her a lot but it seems as if she can turn on me at a moments notice about small unimportant shit i was trying to correct her spelling about something and she fucking attacks me about it because of something that doesnt affect me and how shes right and shit but the link i sent her has the name in the spelling i have so im actually right and shes being ridiculous and its not even like i corrected her in public in front of everyone this was over a text and she
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I’m in my final year of university. My friend and flatmate, who has been with me now for three 3 years, was diagnosed with bipolar at the beginning of this academic year, which would explain her erratic behaviour. She has to be sectioned almost, she was taken into hospital for around a month to see which medications she should be put on etc. I was so upset, as was my other flatmate and friend who also lived with her. We were so worried about her, tried to go and visit her but she pushed us
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So if YOUR life really sucks,
*Do you drink or use drugs to try to ease the pain?
*Do you single out and or just hold a life long grudge towards those who abused you?
*Do you cut yourself to punish yourself because everyone treats you like a loser?
*Do you have bipolar disorder, depression, OCD, ADD?
*Did you miss out on all the best in life that everyone else takes for granted?
*Did you never have anything you really wanted and sometimes only what you needed, or got bailed out of a situation
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