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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: boyfriend

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Backstabbing cunt wad bitch 1222

The person that I thought was my best friend told her boyfriend that, long story short, I was trying to flirt with her and get in her pants when I was doing the complete opposite. Then her boyfriend messages me on Facebook basically threatening my life. So I message my supposed best friend on snap and right before we made up her boyfriend, who is 300 miles away, logs on to her snap , which is super unhealthy, amd threatens my life again. And this girl turned the people we were with against me …view more

My Boyfriend 1629

My boyfriend is treated like absolute shit. He is honestly the nicest and most respectful guy i’ve ever met. Literally his parents make him clean his whole house, even their bedrooms and bathroom, call him names, have hit him, his brothers a complete dick, people at his school bully him. I can’t even explain how angry and sad this makes me. I mean we are both going to be out of our houses in two years so if he lasts that long i’m going to be happy. But he’s thinking bad thoughts and wants to …view more

Boyfriend sucks 2023

I first dated a guy last year, he was one year older than me thus he was a senior at school. My friends always say that he is the perfect guy for being so gentle and nice and sweet. But I’m sorry, that is just boring to me. I feel like he is way too clingy and desperate for attention. Not to mention his breath smells awful from time to time and his mouth is always dry and yellow. I can never bring myself to kiss someone like that. The reason as to why i broke up with him was because he’s …view more

The Problem With Dating A Younger Guy 1924

My boyfriend is 6 years my junior. 85% more mature than most guys my age… Except.. When he gets mad at me he blasts me with the silent treatment

The Things I Detest About My Boyfriend 2324

1. Watching and hearing him eat makes me CRINGE. He can be such a disgusting human being. I am constantly alerting him that no one wants to see the food that he is chewing.. He also eats his food as though it were a race to the finish line. When we eat I have to make it a point not to watch him or else I would constantly be bitching and repulsed.

2. He is a slob. I don’t mind picking up after him from time to time but the thing that gets under my skin most is that he will put his dishes in …view more

Poly, and I hate my boyfriend’s other girlfriend 1621

My boyfriend and I are poly and talking about moving in together in a few months. We’ve been together four years and he started dating this girl about 6 months ago who is the most dry, humorless, pedantic, nitpicky, negtive, pessimistic, condescending, stick in the mud, killjoy I’ve met since my ex-husband. He said he wants to get separate bedrooms “for when his other girlfriend comes over”. All I could think was “you can’t tell me you genuinely expect to still be dating her in three months?!” …view more

Feelings that i dont want 1623

Recently my ex told me that he still likes me. We broke up two years ago because he wasnt ready for a relationship. Ive gone on many dates and i still cant seem to get over him. He told me that once he gets his own car we can maybe start dating again but he said thats a little while from now so our feelings might changed. That he might find someone else or i might find someone else. Honestly, i just need to get over him right now.

Life man 1921

My boyfriend decides im trying to avoid him on purpose even though i fcking love him like wtf lmao if i dont wanna talk to you im going to tell you?? im trying to balance sports school ap classes and a relationship next year and this year he cant even handle one sport. next year is going to be fucking hell and i love this man we promised we would get married and i still promise him that but i think he is on the verge of leaving me. im also trying to deal with an eating disorder which isnt …view more

My so called “best ” friend 2022

I have recently told my friend that i’m gray sexual which basically means i have low sex drive so today they were talking about how their boyfriend kissed them. I then said i am going to be forever alone and then they said “too gray sexual for you” . I know its not that big of a deal but I am actually offended by it.

i miss you baby 1925

i miss you so much already my baby, i love you forever and ever!! these two weeks without each other will be tough but i will be waiting right here with a J when you get home. love you babe

Communicating with boyfriend not quite working. 1735

So, I’m dating this guy. He’s my first boyfriend and I absolutely love the shit outta this guy, for some reason. In fact we have very little in common and we don’t really do that much with each other. I feel like he doesn’t quite understand me either, or more like he doesn’t try to. He often belittles me and makes me feel like shit. The thing is, I’m a pretty strong person and I can handle stuff like this really well but hearing this day in and day out is getting really tiring. He doesn’t …view more

Hate you 2026

Fuck you, C****. You’re nothing but a horny boy who likes to fuck with my feelings. I knew I shouldn’t like you, and I tried not to, but you KEPT FORCING YOURSELF ON ME, even though my precious boyfriend is more of a man than you’ll ever be. You’re such a shallow prick, I hate you. Go back to fucking Hawaii and fuck your new whore of a girlfriend. Let’s see how long she lasts. I can’t believe I actually considered leaving him for you. I would be pregnant and heartbroken right now if I had. …view more

fucking stupid love 1921

ex boyfriend and me just started talking again, still love him dearly, we both still have strong feelings for each other, but are hesitating to go back to a relationship as he is heading overseas for 1 and a half years, im studying at university. I love him and care or him dearly but I would be happy just staying friends because he really is an amazing guy. He’s stressed and flustered and very confused ( as am I) and im scared he will just cut off all contact with me whatsoever or just last …view more

My boyfriend gets stupidly annoyed at everything 1628

My boyfriend gets annoyed at EVERYTHING. Like, the most random things too. Things that I would never know how to predict. For example, tonight we were having a really fun, pleasant conversation at his apartment and we were flirting a lot (we’ve been together for a while and our flirting involves a lot of teasing and crude jokes). He had some dollar bills and he started reaching towards me with them. My legs were slightly open and it looked like he was reaching to put them between my legs (I was …view more

Just Lonely 1523

I’m pretty lonely and I don’t really have anyone to talk to about my problems. I have two friends. One is a bit of a narcissist and ignores you unless she’s interested in the topic at hand. The other is glued to the hip with her boyfriend and I can never get her alone. No siblings. My dad is emotionally distant and my mom is so stressed and tired from work that I don’t want to bother her. Not close to extended family.

I’d like to have a boyfriend but that isn’t happening: baby face, gummy …view more

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