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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: boys

Your search returned 10 results.
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i’m done. 25480

i swear i am DONE. you’ve made friends of mine cry because you don’t admit that you ever do anything wrong. you can be such a hypocrite sometimes. i don’t want to hear you talk about sex or flirt with a guy that is both GAY and IN A RELATIONSHIP because you’re too thirsty and boys at your school probably don’t like you much so you do it to him. and you white knight for him too, everything revolves around his safety and making sure everything is perfect for him. you think you’re justified to …view more

This goddamn boy 2425

I met this guy a while ago. We were best friends instantly and we really hit it off. He’s funny and nice and adorable, and we share the same interests. Almost immediately, he told his friends he was REALLY into me, and it got around to me (we share a lot of friends). He said I was his “future girlfriend”
Originally I considered keeping him in the friend zone. He’s hot and I like him, but I wanted to be free. Then I started hanging out with him more…
We very gradually began to flirt. I was …view more

Move On 2535

I think I should let go of him. I think its been long enough that I’m no longer in love with him but rather the idea of him. I also think that he might be a dick, I don’t think he does it purposefully but if I think that he is then he’s obviously treated me like shit a few times. He just gives me mixed signals and makes me feel not good enough. I should let him go and move on.

Children should be seen and not heard! 2330

There are four houses near mine where kids live. Only one allows their sons to run about our street screaming, shouting and making a huge amount of noise. We have to crawl our cars down the street as the boys like to play chicken with any moving vehicle. We have eight houses that are all adult households. Three of these houses have garage conversions to make extra bedrooms and the boys try to spy through the blinds at the people inside getting changed.

All of us at one time or another have …view more

Quasi Dating You Call It 1627

Why won’t you stop calling me fat?
Why won’t you stop calling me stupid?
You tell me you’re kidding but those words are starting to feel truer every time you say them.

Why don’t your hands stop even when I push them away?
You say that you like me
But why don’t you listen?
You say that you care about me
As you grope my …view more

Open letter to the person I want to tall in love with 2328

Heya. Wasabi? Wazzup? What’s the dillio?

Sorry, I was just trying to talk like you.

So hey, um, I want to tell you something but I’m not sure how to. We’ve been hanging out quite a lot recently; and I say quite a lot because I have been either at home/the gym/driving OR hanging out with you. I barely see anyone of my friends anymore except for maybe four others. So yea, I feel like we’ve been chilling a lot. Did I just repeat myself there? I did.

Don’t get me wrong though, I absolutely love …view more

Grr 2833

I just got out of a serious relationship a little over a month ago. I’ve already hooked up with my best friend. We went all the way, and we wants to do it one last time. I don’t. He’s in a relationship, and i owe it to my ex to not do anything sexual. He’s taking the break up really hard, and is still acting like were in a relationship. But I’m okay with bein broken up. It’s all so confusing!!!

arghhh 2734

boys are pricks! theres this one guy and we’ve only met a couple of time as friends.. and he always telling me how much he likes me and that he think im gorgeous and he reckons we would make a really good couple.. he texts me, emails me, messages me on fb and mingleville, he calls me and asks my friends how im doing and stuff.. he tells me he’s fallen for me and that it would be perfect if we got together.
so. the other day we was talking.
he says; i really wanna get with you..
i say; why …view more

me me me…I’M SICK OF IT 2735

how do you get through and tell someone that they are being self centered, and all they talk about is themselves. you tell them something about you and they feel like its a battle for something so they have to say something thats better or worse depending on what your talking about? How d you tell them, yo, seriously there are other people besides you here. Lets hear about them, or w.e. ugh its just so frustrating. if you gotta problem and your trying to leak it out to them because they are …view more

BAH, BOY 2227

I wish you were gay. So so SO much.

That way I wouldn’t have to say no to you.

Or you could just not ask me out. That would be ok too.

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