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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: brother

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Shoes and Brothers + crying mom = goodbye peace 2321

Major tl;dr warning. Note I am much older than my brothers. This all happened in maybe ten minutes:

1. Youngest Brother (alias Sam, 12 yrs old, has some sort of undiagnosed behavioral disorder) comes to living area. I’m screwing around on my computer while my other younger brother (alias Lee, almost 14, hit hard by puberty and is probably over 6 feet tall) is rambling on about something to me and I’m not listening. Sam goes to talk to my mom, who is washing dishes. She obviously wants him to …view more

False Sense 1425

hes got his brother, shes got her dog, you got her, they got each other, everybody else has a cat, or a child, basic companionship i dont. it was taken away from me, swiped from under my face while i sleep.

More of my insanity. 2833

To calm my anxiety and depression, I go for late night walks. Like 11 pm or 2 am walks. I often sneak out, but my brother found out and told my mother. To a normal parent, this would raise a red flag. Your teenage daughter sneaking out at night. Not my mother. She merely acknowledged that I sneak out, then yelled at me about being in my room too much.

Just a few moments ago, she told me “You self diagnose yourself with all these things and none of them are real.”

Oh really.

Suicide isn’t …view more

Best friend’s boy friend 2128

Okay so honestly I am done. I dated this guy, who has this brother and their brother ended up dating my best friend. I dumped my guy because he is an insensitive prick and because he threatened me. I was hanging out with my best friend who decides to ALWAYS bring her bf who always bring up my ex and he goes “lets just all be friends” and I am like no he threatened me. And then whenever I am with my friends everyone is dating so I am wheeling. I CAN NEVER BE ALONE WITH MY FRIENDS ANYMORE.

Little Brother 2437

I am actually so fucking upset right now because my little brother literally gets everything he wants and he is the rudest person I have ever met and he makes me want to kill myself LITERALLY I AM NOT JOKING I hate my life and I have for a long time now and all of that is because of him and I think that either he needs to die or I do because the hatred I feel for him is the most unhealthy feeling there is and I don’t want to exist in a word with him and I have so much more shit I could say but …view more

Fuckin Ugly Life 2825

So the thing is that My goddam mom is always like telling me how successful my cousins are and how they are getting married and how she wants their youngest daughter to marry my brother because “she is the prettiest” and all this shit…she also tells me that I’m jealous coz I’m ugly and all that…she has blue eyes and my cousins have blue eyes and I swear she is so fuckin full of herself the first thing she judges in girls is weather they are blonde with blue eyes and all that fucking shit.if she …view more

strange feelings 2422

whenever my mother does loving gestures towards me its weird…its like im expecting her to slap me or punch me…i hit her once but only one time and it was after she hit me, about 2 years ago, and it was over the temperature of DISHWATER. after that it was horrific..she would lock me in a room with her and she would just yell at me… my brother is hurt more than i am and i hate to see him that way. so now i just avoid situations that could cause me to hurt emotionally or act harshly. my dad calls …view more

I feel empty and sick all at once. 2426

I didn’t realize today was going to turn out like it has. I’m fbally in a good place with my life, working hard and getting things done. Sure, I don’t trust my brother, and I don’t want to be in the same room as him. I didn’t realize how angry with him I was until today. He used to tease me and yeah, sibling stuff, the eight months ago it got bad, I’ve been bruised, told that what I wanted to do with my life was useless, and now I’m scared of him. I’m angry that I’m scared of him. I’m taller, …view more

I wish he didn’t like her 2331

So I am friends with two people I volunteer with. One is a guy and one is a girl. I have been volunteering with the guy for longer than the girl, in fact, I was the one who invited her to come volunteer with me. Later on she starts disscussing how attractive the guy is and such, and I told her that he was like a brother to me and couldnt think of him that way. Which is obviuosly not true, hence my rant. I like him, a lot in fact. She of course gets all crazy about him saying how much she likes …view more

I can’t wrap my head around why you are such a dumb prick! 1921

Since everyone seemed to be getting their ‘them’ time to rant, I’m getting my me time.
I will NOT let the next half of my childhood be plowed through by drama. My brother already took the liberty to screw it up from when I was born up until I was 12. If you think I’m just gonna take a two year break(I’m 14) and get back into the bullshit-train, you’ve got another thing coming. I will NOT let some useless son of a bitch (empasis on ‘SON-of-a-BITCH’) step in, shit on my family and get away with …view more


GOD you have no right to say that my brother and I bitch and moan because guess what dad?! you do it more than we do Hell I go out of my way NOT to, yeah I’m crying it’s because you scared the living shit out of me!!! and now you’re trying to show me what I look like when I’m doing it oh no DO NOT CALL ME A SIX YEAR OLD WHEN YOUR NO BETTER THAN A TWO YEAR OLD HAVING A F**KING TANTRUM!!!

Archelen, Seriously do you have ANY idea how selfish and bitchy it sounds when you freak out at him over a …view more

wishing for freedom 3030

my mum died a few months ago really suddenly, i miss her so much, it hurts all of the time. i want to kill myself and follow her but i cant because i have a little brother, we have no other family so its just me and him. if i didnt have him, i would be free, im starting to resent his existance, how awful is that. i really dont know whatto do.

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