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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: bullshit

Your search returned 31 results.
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oh thanks 1229

so i had this guy friend for three years now and we are pretty close friends.
me and him actually get along pretty well despite how an asshole he is to everyone, he would say things that either offend or scorn somebody, stranger or mutual associates.

but what frustrates me the most, is other people reacting to this friendship. at first they’ll ask “how are you even friends with him??” then it’ll go to “omg are you guys dating? how are you even coping with his shit anyway?”


heres the …view more

Everything is fucking stupid and empty 2021

I have a job, college to deal with and a hyper bratty nephew and niece. I have no time for the bullshit, but really what’s the point? Also I hate that I’m not seeing an alternative to spanking them to discipline them. I’ve tried everything else, and the fact only spanking works suggests that love and kindness are just bs that is beaten into us when we’re young. My parents did it to me, and all it did was screw me up and now I have no option but to do the same. I hate everything so I get wrapped …view more

Fuck You. 1527

You fucking gas lighting, self righteous Cunt. I hope you choke on every eggshell I’ve fucking had to walk on these last years. I am fucking brilliant, and you allowed YOUR insecurity to dump your shit and guilt on me. Fuck.You.

It’s not my fault you hit ME when you get angry. Deal with your fucking shit.

family betrayal 1829

I legitimately hate my fucking family. Every chance they get, they will take a jab at me. Whether a its a subtle or obvious I always know they’re talking shit about me. Sorry I’m not “perfect” which is bullshit! I am who I am whether you like it or not. So fuck you and everyone else.

Fake friends 1225

Isn’t it just great when life is going well and one day everything changes without explanation? You can be friends with someone for years and they can turn their backs on you in an instant. All my friends left me because of some bullshit rumor they heard. I’ve known them almost 4 years and they go and believe rumors that they should know aren’t true. they don’t talk to you about it. they just stop talking to you. they get everyone else to stop talking to you and you’re just left all alone with …view more

Why Religion Is A Fucking Lie!!! 2026

First of all, in the Bible, god killed so much people. Satan killed only 10, but god killed so much people that I’ll give no shit trying to describe it. And why would god damn people to hell just for being enough of an ass to believe in a different religion. It’s just plain bullshit. That makes god an asshole. Plus, there are so many fucking, flaws in the shitty rules or blah blah blah of Christianity. Atheism for life!!! Can god draw a shitty looking square circle. Your god isn’t who you think …view more

What a dickhead 2034

After weeks of beating myself up, constantly questioning if you even care about me anymore or not, I FINALLY call you out on your bullshit and say ‘Look, do you want me to put the effort in and continue contacting you, or do you want me to leave you alone?’
And you don’t even have the decency to respond to that?!
I’m not even upset - I’m just fucking pissed off. Why did you even bother puttin in the effort to begin with if you were always going to end it like this?
At least giving me some …view more

All-Caps Yelling 2026



Bureaucratic Bullshit 1818

Today I went to take my professional licensing exam. This is the exam that is a culmination of six years of university education, hundreds of hours of unpaid internships, and weeks of pre-exam study. I had managed to remain quite calm in the days prior to the exam and had gotten myself psyched up to pass it. I made sure I arrived extra early at the testing center so as not to miss my appointment and had brought all my identification and paperwork with me.

But when I presented my driver’s …view more

i know your lying 2530

dude, i know you’re lying. i know you still talk to her, I saw you ask her for pictures. why dont you just man up and tell me the truth. you lie and you’re controlling and even though you drive me absolutely insane, i can’t imagine living my life without you in it. what am i going to do?

Stupid ass motherfucking dick. 2029

I fucking hate him so fucking much! Words cannot describe the actual hatred I have towards him! The fuck does he think he is?! Why the fuck did I even see something remotely interesting in him in the first place! I just wish I could take all this shit back and I wish I never knew him. I will never regret saying that.
I literally hate everyone and everything at the moment. He’s the one to be calling me shit? He honestly cannot say shit because the shit he’s done. No, just, no.
He fucking started …view more

The “Bad” Friend 1423

Y’all need to stop this bullshit. We been best friends for more than 10 years and y’all wan let so man come between us like that? Jus cause y’all like him don’t mean he even gunna give y’all the time of day!
If y’all wanna fight why you dragging me into it, so in the end I can take all the blame right? So I gatta be the one apologizing like always even when I ain’t involved? All these years I listened to y’all, cried with y’all, bent over backwards for y’all pretty much been y’all bitch tryna …view more

Over it 2422

I know we’re not in a relationship (friends with benefits who love each other… Confusing, I know) but its not really fair if you say you love me and then go hook up with a guy,you know I despise… I forgave you after you slept with him, but I’m really starting to get sick of this bullshit. It’s getting to the point where it’s either me or him. I hat feeling like a fucking second option, because you don’t want to stop fucking him… I love you so much, but I’ve had enough of it… Why am I not enough …view more


The moment I gave her the fucking ring she turns into the biggest conservative bitch i have ever met. She knew what business I was in before we got engaged I guess now she feels she has the right to tell me how she thinks i should run my Business. But guess what I just dont give a fuck. I dont want to be part of your “high society” and I dont give a damn about what you or anyone else thinks. I could care less. I am so tired of having to walk on egg shells to make you fucking happy. You are not …view more

So sad. and confused. But mainly sad. 1818

I think I really really like you. Maybe I love you, I don’t know. But it sure as hell feels like you’re not interested anymore. Ok, I guess we both can’t control that, but at least clear out whether or not you want to continue with this, whatever this is. Thinking about you consumes so much of my time nowadays and I’m just stuck in a sticky situation, wishing I could just end things but liking you too much to do so. Do you care? Do you have feelings for others? Why don’t YOU just end …view more

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