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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: children

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Shut the fuck up about your children. 2126

You come into the office every day, and I’ve long since stopped asking you how your evening was because I’m absolutely fucking sick of hearing about your bloody children. All you have to say is “Fine, thanks, how was yours?” like everyone else does. You sit at your desk all day Googling the symptoms of medical conditions and then convincing yourself your kids’ have them. Today is panic attacks, yesterday it was a thyroid problem. They came into the office a couple of times, they seem like …view more

Children should be seen and not heard! 2330

There are four houses near mine where kids live. Only one allows their sons to run about our street screaming, shouting and making a huge amount of noise. We have to crawl our cars down the street as the boys like to play chicken with any moving vehicle. We have eight houses that are all adult households. Three of these houses have garage conversions to make extra bedrooms and the boys try to spy through the blinds at the people inside getting changed.

All of us at one time or another have …view more

Is life meaningless? 1520

Polititians are like children. Instead of answering questions directed at them they just start talking about what the other one did wrong. I am a young person and I am going to vote, but it is just all so stupid. If the Conservatives get in ontario is screwed and if the liberals get in we are for sure going to have a deficeit budget. I want to vote NDP, but then it is a throw away vote because they’ll never win because of the first past the post rule. Uhhhhh… be truthful, no government will …view more

I hope your IVF *doesn’t* work… 2821

A relative of mine is about to undergo another round of in vitro fertilization (after previously having two other children by it), and to be honest, I hope it doesn’t work… She and her husband already have four kids who don’t get enough individual attention in the first place. The dad is gone for weeks, sometimes months at a time due to work, and the mom seems to devote more of her attention to her hobbies than to her kids.

This especially seems to affect the youngest two boys (both under …view more

Children Are Disgusting 2222

Not only do these monsters ruin everything they put their grubby little fingers on.. but people expect you to sit there and think it’s cute!
I’m sorry Junior son of a bitch is an asshole and I don’t want to babysit.

And please tell me what the point of giving your stupid, drooling baby an iphone is? I’m sure you just love the fact that your retarded child dropped it in the toilet and spit up on it.

I do.

Ed Sheeran and Everything Else On the Planet 2427

Ed Sheeran is shit. One Direction are shit. TV is shit. Getting up in the morning is shit. Not being able to eat as much as you want is shit. People are annoying. Children are loud, smelly and shit and I hate every single one of them. I hate parents. Not my parents, but parents as a collective thing. They are smug and miserable and shit. The world is a terribly shit place. The news is full of utter utter shit. TV presenters are incredibly annoying. Noise is ridiculously annoying. Jobs are ALL …view more

Cupid, you missed. 1924

It’s amazing… my life is actually good. I wish I could find someone to share it with, but hey, you can’t have everything, right? I feel left behind at times; three years ago was the pits, but now I’m in a good place. Still, I wish I could find someone that was worth sharing my life with. Either that, or I wish I could get used to this already and get on with life and not give it another thought. Maybe that’s the better option actually? Who knows….. My parents are thankfully cool, and won’t …view more

Discipline your kids, for the love of all that is good…. 1519

Three years ago, when I was in the midst of a whirlwind of friends in my circle marrying off and planning the rest of their lives in coupledom, I would have been among those for whom the question ‘Would you like to have kids?’ would have been a no-brainer. Now, I’m not so sure. Since then, I’ve changed countries twice, FINALLY got a job that’s related to my degree (an apprenticeship that pays a stipend, but hey, we’re in a recession), broken up with the boyfriend of 7 years (it fizzled out; …view more

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