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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: confession

Your search returned 60 results.
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My Confession 1520

I’m 20 years old and my son is almost 1. I partially regret having him when we did. I hate living with my in laws. I wanted to wait to be married. I envy all of my friends. My partner doesn’t have any interest in anything I want to do. I pretend to be interested in his stupid games all the damned time. He wants to tie me down but I have never been that person and idk how to tell him without hurting him. I hate staying in one place for long periods of time but at the same time I want to like it. …view more

I have a confession to make. 1819

I should start at the beginning which was Homecoming, in September I believe. I was going alone with a bunch of friends, but going to chill and have a good time! If I met a guy, cool. If I didn’t, whatever. I was out all day, getting my hair done(took 3 hours), getting my makeup done(professional). When I finally put on the dress, heels, and jewelry, I felt good. I looked in the mirror and saw the girl I wanted to be. I thought I looked beautiful.
I went to the school, met up with my friends …view more

Fuck me, right? 1522

I am so desperate for sex that I pass by my window naked whenever there are other people outside. Or sit on the kitchen counter beside the window and massage my tits with oil. I also go to Omegle and video fuck whoever I’m talking to. I just really want to have sex. I’m a virgin.

I didn’t mean for it to get this way. 1520

We’ve grown apart and one part of me loves it because I don’t think it could have ever been and the other part of me feels like a bitch because we had something small. You trusted me. We talk all the time, but given our situation I don’t think it’s healthy for us to continue on like this. Thinking that something could ever be with us when that’s not what I want. I never wanted that with us. I just wanted us to be friends and I need to tell you this, but in doing so I would fear that telling you …view more

Self Love 2127

Honestly this site seems to be for, negative things. But I’ve got to confess just how amazed I am because, I finally learned to love myself. I’ve realized I am beautiful, that I am wonderful, and that I don’t need anyone’s validation for that.
And feeling this after so long in depression and hating myself is just breathtaking and amazing and I feel so powerful. I feel as if the whole universe is within me just waiting for me to reach out at it and it’s all mine and no one else’s to take or …view more

sex 1326

i had sex with my bestfriend 3 days before christmas but everything is fine we are still cool

When will I stop being such a loser? 1628

So, I’ve realized just recently: I’m the biggest loser on the entire planet. I sit at my computer and watch people do stuff so I feel like I’ve accomplished something with my life… I really haven’t.

These plans I make for myself? They’ll never ever happen, even if I strive for them. I want to join the AF, but I’m a fatass who cries when someone talks about dead animals. I want to go to this great college, but I’d never be able to pay for it. I want to marry this guy, but he doesn’t know I …view more

WTF?! 1821

I can’t be myself. I keep morphing into a character to fit my group of friends. Now I have no friends and I have no idea who the fuck I am.
I fucked a friend’s fuck buddy, but she really loved him and now this secret is ripping me on the inside because I don’t lie nor do I keep secrets.

I have a crush….. 2224

I’m a girl, I don’t think I’m gay but I have a crush on my English teacher. only because she helped me a lot with my problems at home. she is caring funny kind and went through the same horrible problems I’m going through and I think I see her more as a mother figure but I think that’s still a “girl crush” i think…..

I enjoy English now which is good but every time my mum screams abuse at me or hits me i wish I was with her so she could care for me, hold me and tell me everything will be ok …view more

It’s History 2030

This is a confession…
I looked in the internet history of my mother’s iPhone, and saw things like “casual encounter” and “suck my…” and “find adult friends!”
This is totally awkward and I’ve decided to not think about it, but I just feel that I need to say what happened SOMEWHERE. y’know?

Um…Yeah 2323

I was just watching Somebody to Love remix by Justin Bieber featuring Usher and I kinda just realized that Bieber is a little on the hot side. I’m a 14 year old girl who, for the past year and a half has been making fun of him. What has altered my brain waves? I have no idea.

I still… 1728

I still…

Watch cartoons, play dress up games, eat tons of sugar, believe in santa claus, play pokemon, watch pokemon(which kinda falls under cartoons), draw stick people, play with dolls, believe in magic, and want a kitten for christmas

My friend’s younger sister doesn’t.

My friend and I are in the 9th grade.

Strange sensation 1829

Sometimes I feel like my body is shaking apart with too much energy, like I need to do something to dissipate it or I’ll explode. It feels like I lose it through my hands. Its weird.

Something to be ashamed of? 2922

‘So what do you do in your spare time?’

Well I like to write explicit gay porn…

It soothes me.

Old enough to know better, but… 1922

I am old enough to not give a shit about this kind of stuff anymore, but for some reason just knowing this chick exists online is enough to make me want to blow up unicorns. She’s passive-aggressive, only acknowledges you if you can do something for her (otherwise she sticks to her gaggle of butt-monkeys), and openly manipulates the game. AND YET: OMG SHE’S SO COOL AND SUCH A GOOD ARTIST AND SO FUN TO HANG WITH! WE LUV HER SO MUCH!!!!!!

AND YET: A metric fuckton of people left the place she …view more

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