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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: dating

Your search returned 25 results.
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Men never hit on me 2027

Men never hit on me. I am 22 and never had a bf before. I don’t go to bars or clubs. I see other women on their snapchat who talk about how their uber eats driver or how a guy at a grocery store hits on them but this never ever happens for me and I just feel so ugly. I am forever alone ))))):

I hate my height honestly 1421

I’m a guy around 5′3 and I honestly hate being short. Being short is not bad, sure there can be awk pictures or just the thought of people always looking down on you, but that’s where your personality comes in. I was the class clown in almost every class :). People would like me just cuz of my easying going way and my sence of humor of course. As well, being funny made me more noticable in school, some teachers even had good fun relationships with me. I love myself, I love that I can make …view more

Society 1730

Dear Snake,

Stop dating every girl at once. Tell me your secrets, because you aren’t even that cute and you date at least 3 dif people a day.

Thank you,

Society wants you to share.

Boyfriend sucks 2023

I first dated a guy last year, he was one year older than me thus he was a senior at school. My friends always say that he is the perfect guy for being so gentle and nice and sweet. But I’m sorry, that is just boring to me. I feel like he is way too clingy and desperate for attention. Not to mention his breath smells awful from time to time and his mouth is always dry and yellow. I can never bring myself to kiss someone like that. The reason as to why i broke up with him was because he’s …view more

Experienced 1521

You’re still going to school dances, so I say keep your friend no matter what. But, just so you know in the future…if you have guy 1 and a guy 2 comes along and you’re thinking about him….you never really loved guy 1 to begin with.
Friendship is always first, you can keep them till you’re 90….guys, well, you’ll know who you can and can’t live without. The ones you can live with are the ones that allow you to keep your friends!

Feelings that i dont want 1623

Recently my ex told me that he still likes me. We broke up two years ago because he wasnt ready for a relationship. Ive gone on many dates and i still cant seem to get over him. He told me that once he gets his own car we can maybe start dating again but he said thats a little while from now so our feelings might changed. That he might find someone else or i might find someone else. Honestly, i just need to get over him right now.

Best friend’s boy friend 1623

Okay so honestly I am done. I dated this guy, who has this brother and their brother ended up dating my best friend. I dumped my guy because he is an insensitive prick and because he threatened me. I was hanging out with my best friend who decides to ALWAYS bring her bf who always bring up my ex and he goes “lets just all be friends” and I am like no he threatened me. And then whenever I am with my friends everyone is dating so I am wheeling. I CAN NEVER BE ALONE WITH MY FRIENDS ANYMORE.

It’s Complicated… 2123

You invited me to be a part of a group project. I accepted. Now, I participate, not because I have loads of free time – not even close – but because I was aware immediately that you were someone that I needed to be around. I wanted to get to know you. I did, and you totally shattered my expectations. You’re positive, smart, and beautiful, but most of all, you’re strange. You say things that make people feel uncomfortable. You say things that my dream woman says. You’re the first woman that’s …view more

Okscam 1821

I don’t want to pick on Okcupid specifically because all dating sites do this. It’s just that Okcupid really made this clear to me because they make use of virtually every load of BS that other sites do. I have to give them credit though because they stay on top of every possible angle of the dating scam. They’re scammers, but good scammers. I have to compliment them on the level of their sickness. Yes, it is sick. Sites like that are like a dude in a white van hanging out by a school or a …view more

how do i tell him how i feel without scaring him off completely? 1829

So i have been in love with this guy fro almost a year now and i have told him how i feel but i still don’t know how he feels about me and like he was dating this girl and they broke up so i was obviously happy until i talked to him and realized how much he cared about her but he sent me this message
“I just wish I could find some one that cared as much as i would about them…”
and like it was my chance to tell him how stupid and blind he was being i wanted to yell at him and make him feel …view more

I don’t even know 1927


Why is life do hard? Girls are fucking horrible. The one i like loves another girl. Another girl likes a different guy. Another possible girlfriend is dating lots of people. Another possible girlfriend is too hardcore for me. I’m a sadist and I feel like turning into it why can’t I be like a normal Asian? Why is life so hard?! Why can’t I be normal for a change?! Why do I have to see the hidden stuff everyone hides? Can’t I be a little un-observative for once? Can’t like be normal with …view more

Hopeless love 2019

I hate that i want what i cant have especially when it comes to love. I hate trying to be friends with my ex’s just to have the feelings come back up i just wanna tell her can we just be together again? But i know the odds are of that are none.

So tired of all this… 2027

Drama in my life. I’m a girl 15 in high school, was at one point dating a girl. (I’m bisexual) then we broke up. She’s been my best friend for about a year. & we use to talk & tell each other everything. Then we dated and shit just fucked it all up. Were both socially awkward faggots at times (I don’t mean that literally). So our relationship was shitty. At least from my perspective. I think half of the reason was because I wasn’t use to a relationship with out compassion & intimacy. Like I …view more

Pain 1721

I’ve just been tired of all this hurt I’ve been going through, I’m not sure if I should forgive my ex or not.. the other day one of my co workers cheated on her fiancee and then started dating the person she cheated with. Then, her fiancee forgave her…. and they’re friends.. what my ex did to me was nothing compared to that and yet, I couldn’t forgive her…. am I just immature? I really want her back…. and I’m not sure if I ever can get her back. I think I’m really upset about this relationship …view more

What is this? 2423

We facebooked all the time, you asked for my number, we’ve been talking day after day, and when we met up for the first time in a while, I’d already told you I liked you, but you didn’t even bring it up. You didn’t even have the common decency to reject me, you just pretended it didn’t even happen. I’d rather be rejected than just ignored. It’s like you don’t even think it’s worth your time to mention it.

Fuck you. I’m crazy about you but I won’t stand for this. Not after all this time.

I’m …view more

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