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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: death

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Fucked Up Ex 2430

Hey, so this is my first time posting anything on this website or any website like this for that matter but I have no one to talk to about my recent convo with my ex. First et me start by saying that he and I had a long distance relationship and he was the one who pushed it, plus he knew that because of physical abuse I endured in my childhood I’m not too eager to have people touch me easily. Fast forward to the last couple of months of our relationship he went into a coma and I spent months …view more

I ruined my life as a child when I chose to follow my mom and her new husband 2631

I feel so sick of myself right now. I am always sad, depressed, or unhappy in general because of what I’ve done…the icon I chose for this post does not yet express a fraction of the helplessness and despair that I feel. If you’ll bother to read my story, then I’ll thank you beforehand for having the patience to put up with the sad, sad person I am right now.

First off I have two younger siblings. One who shares a father with me, the other who is my half-brother from my mom and my stepdad. The …view more

I hate social gatherings! 2333

My grandfather has recently died. While this is perfectly normal for the whole family (including myself) to grieve for his death, I’ve just now realized…


I hate talking to people, even moreso in public, and even more “even moreso” when all of this public happens to be the family! I’m not good at all at social occasions, and I’m torn between not being at the funeral and everyone in the family thinks I’m a selfish asshole, and actually …view more

I just want to end my life. 1521

i did something stupid, but my boyfriend did something even worst. she didn’t lock his phone and his mum found out that we had sex. so my mum knows too. having a religious mum, she made me go to religious classes and if i don’t attend them, i have to quit school. I hate this. i don’t find a use. i want to study, leave this home i call prison, and just migrate to austrailia. my parents told everybody and now i’m all alone. i told my trustworthy friend what happened, she gave me support, but i’m …view more

I’m tired. 3131

You know it’s hard enough dealing with an abusive mother. It’s even harder when she puts on a charade and everyone thinks that I’M the bad kid, even going as far as sympathizing for her having to put up with me. All I want is the satisfaction of the truth emerging for all to see, an end to the senseless denial, and a fucking nap. And I was getting close to that - well, at least the first part…

Then she ends up with cancer. Metastasizing to the brain. Two to three months to live. I’m fine with …view more

Feeling Confused 3034

About two years ago I saw a woman burn to death in an automobile crash. I was the second one on the scene. She had stopped for a school bus, and a girl who was texting and driving smashed into the back of her pickup truck. Her truck was sideways in the road and She was knocked unconscious with a gaping head wound. Her door was wedged closed and the truck caught fire. There was no extinguisher or anything to try and put the fire out. I had to just watch her burn to death. One minute she was …view more

I hate God 1723

I am so angry with God. Why would he take my friend away from us 4 days before his birthday and graduation? He had so much to live for, was a great man in the making, and now we’re left with a gaping hole in our lives. Right at the end of our university experience, we have lost someone so integral to the structure of our lives. I have to go to my sisters marriage blessing on Saturday, grin and bear it while my brain is screaming that God is a bastard. I have to do a Bible reading, about the …view more

3rd Of June 7:01pm 1719

Am i really that stupid? just because i think that it matter more of what people think of me then what i think of myself? honestly who would want to live in a world were most of the people you know don’t like you, but you like yourself? well i no i don’t want to live in a world like that. i don’t care if people call me dumb and stupid for saying that. because i know i wont ever be able to love myself, i don’t even know who i am really. So how can i live in that world, when i do not even know …view more

Alone… 2330

I am so tired of lies. Everyone I know has lied to me. He tells me he loves me. I love him. He is my world. But he is a player and I know it! He flirts with every single girl he sees. The only person I could trust, likes him, and lives down the road from him, and hangs out with him, and tries to kiss him. Sigh. And he would let it happen. I don’t have any friends. because i’m shy. But i’m not shy, i’m just upset. I hate my life. I used to be afraid of death. The idea of it all being over was …view more

Boom 2720

I want to find a way to send the majority of humans into space, giving Earth a chance to recover from all our shit.

Death 1916

A friend of mine died of a massive heart attack this weekend, and it really knocked me for six…

What’s the point in living your life, building up friendships, relationships, careers when in the end, its all fucking pointless…you go away for a weekend, have an asthma attack, drop your inhaler and end up dead… Where’s the fucking justice?

When people die, I secretly am relieved 2221

Whether it’s babies, children , old folks, whatever, I secretly am a bit relieved simply due to knowing how overpopulated this earth is. Part of me feels like congratulating their families on doing their part to reduce the population. I’m not heartless, by any means. I can empathyze with their loss but know a year down the line, they’ll be fine. And their dead loved one will be fine as well. I just that I know the practicalities of life on earth in 2010 and what we’ll have to face as survivors, …view more

wishing for freedom 2627

my mum died a few months ago really suddenly, i miss her so much, it hurts all of the time. i want to kill myself and follow her but i cant because i have a little brother, we have no other family so its just me and him. if i didnt have him, i would be free, im starting to resent his existance, how awful is that. i really dont know whatto do.

Odd? 3329

Not a day goes by when I dont imagine my death or the death of someone close to me. I just like to plan out all the various ways and peoples reactions to them. Maybe it has something to do with my need to plan years into the future.

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