It’s been four months since I had gotten laid by my boyfriend. And damn, it sucks. I’m at my wits end. But cheating is never an option so I have no choice but to masturbate and wait for him. (We are in a long distance relationship btw)
I’ve spent years of my life trying to get you to like me. It eventually worked out. I’ve done everything in my power to make sure our long distance relationship can work out. I’ve flew, drove, took a train, spent money I didn’t have to make sure I could make you happy. We’ve been together almost two years, and in that two years, I feel like we’ve become further apart than when we first met. I know I messed up a couple of times during our relationship, and I hurt you emotionally. That was never
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C, I never knew I could be so proud of someone and so upset with them at the same time. Planning an entire year long trip when we have been together for two years, and not telling me about it… trying to keep me and your “band life” separate.. what is that supposed to even mean? I am the one who let you live with me for two months. I am the one who supported you when you were out to fend for yourself on the streets. I am the one who believed you would make it when every one else said you would
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