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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: facebook

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Shameful petty deeds of the day #1 1624

Got a facebook notification. It’s some girl’s birthday. So I post: “Happy birthday!” like an idiot. Then hours go by, I keep seeing her birthday posts on my wall and it’s all “have a wonderful day!” this, and “oh thank you so fucking much!” that and “enjoy your kids” like that’s even about her? What? emojies of fucking koala bears with fucking balloons which doesn’t even make sense what is this…? Every single fucking person on that page got a comment, like a solid few word comment with an …view more

oralando shooting rant 1516

what the fuck is wrong with pepole right now? rainbows do NOT reprosent the oralando shooting in ANY FUCKING WAY. is this just a way to piss of the 53 victims that survived the shooting? NO. fuck rainbows. make your profile picture look like the fucking universal globe or the disneyland castle or anything that represents oralando. NOT A FUCKING RAINBOW FILTER!!!!!!! facebook added filters that look like the paris flag and the brussels flag for their respective shootings, but instead, facebook …view more

Friends to compare 1628

I stay friends with a certain number of people on Facebook because their lives are like watching a train wreck, in slow motion. I can’t turn away! Especially when I know intimate details about them that they don’t know I know. I enjoy the hypocritical posts, the fake sunny dispositions, the perfect selfie I saw them shoot 25 times before getting it right, the huge purchases-making them spiral into debt. I really love the posts that are such a blatant call for attention. It all makes me know …view more

oh my god 2528

i just wanna rant about my best friend . she goes on my account alot on facebook and then messed thiaged people so she messaged this guy that this other guy who is my friend was talking shit about him and he was about to beat him up because he thought it was true but really she was just lying. then the next day the guy said that i told him and he wants to beat my friend up but i had no idea what he was talking about so then my bestie pulled me away and told me what she did. then she ran there …view more

Sunday from hell 1520

This Sunday has been the shittiest one I’ve ever had. I had to be up at 9:00 in the morning after getting little to no sleep the previous night. From the second I woke up and checked Facebook, my day went to shit because of three main people. One was my best friend who is not my best friend anymore. I cut all ties with her and haven’t spoken to her or about her in two weeks. The other one was supposed to be my “friend” but in reality is really childish because she’s taking sides with the other …view more

Dear Facebook friends 1830

The 4,000 picture of you revealing your cleavage in the same angle? Not sexy. You’re trying too hard. Also, sister, your “sexy” pictures that I came upon when scrolling down? AWKWARD.

Facebook makes me hate the world 1832

People. Stop having babies. For the most part, they’re ugly as all get out and they make you look and act like a fool. A blind fool. Because you keep writing the words “cute” and “precious” under pictures of your progeny that would make a sane human scream “World War Z is real!!!”

Furthermore, do not post things that make you angry on facebook. They only make the rest of us angry. Instead, post them on Raging Bile Duct.

Girl gamer BULLSHIT 1721

I hate it when girls do the whole #GURLGAMER;)) thing, or take a picture of them holding a controller and only play black ops, call of duty, or halo. Whenever I see a comment like that I just ask them what games they’ve played other than call of duty, halo, or black ops. If they got no others then I do not consider them a girl gamer =n= play some Minecraft, amnesia, dead space, legend of zelda, left for dead, or assassin’s creed. Play other things than just first person shooter military based …view more

People are FUCKING MORONS 2428

I saw a meme on Facebook today. The meme was of a baby wearing a shirt that looked like real tattoos sleeves. You could totally tell they were NOT real tattoos.

I see all of these comments saying, “It’s a baby…how could you do this to a child?” and “Even if it is a shirt, it is wrong to put this on a baby, OMG I feel SOOO bad for the baby!”

Really you fuck faces? It’s a FUCKING SHIRT. What makes it any different than a baby that is wearing a shirt with hearts or a sports logo? Nothing. It’s …view more

Pull your weight… 2330

How is it that my wife gets mad when I barely bother her while she is doing homework and I’m watching the kids, but when I’m doing homework, the kids are all over my ass to the point I can’t concentrate while she sits on her fucking laptop looking at Pintrest or Facebook or watching E! News or the Kardashians for the 14th fucking time. If I say anything - which I have - she gets an attitude because she’s tired or doesn’t feel good and I need to be more supportive….which is rich considering she …view more

fakebook 2722

I don’t give a damn WHAT kind of sob story someone has behind all their showy, narcissistic, braggy, entirely exaggerated facebook bullshit. It makes me sick to see all this fake crap like “oh I traveled here, I’m writing a blog about it lol because no one has ever done that before” and “look how skinny/hot/funny/happy I am, I’m going to base my worth off of how many likes this receives.”

Stood me up…. 1618

After four years, the way you tell me you don’t want to hang out after making plans is to stand me up? I got stood up by my own fucking bf. Wtf did I do to even deserve this? You said you’d pick me up and then never did. Ignore my calls and texts, post a fb status about who the fuck knows and goes on with life. Maybe it’s good I’m going off to college, because this kind of shit is obnoxious and hurtful. Maybe we do need some time apart.

What is this? 2423

We facebooked all the time, you asked for my number, we’ve been talking day after day, and when we met up for the first time in a while, I’d already told you I liked you, but you didn’t even bring it up. You didn’t even have the common decency to reject me, you just pretended it didn’t even happen. I’d rather be rejected than just ignored. It’s like you don’t even think it’s worth your time to mention it.

Fuck you. I’m crazy about you but I won’t stand for this. Not after all this time.

I’m …view more

Facebook 1722

i hate the bullshit people who go on there, every status is either;

“ohhh i love my boyfriend/girlfriend” after few hours
“why did you leave me, i love you” shit

then you have the twats who post 6 million updates a day about crap nobody cares about.
what they have eaten, how the job is, there kids, how much they hate life and so on.

then you have the twats who want attention who just put “:(” and …view more

Facebook. 1921

I hate Facebook. Honestly, people are just so judgmental and you can’t even express what you really want to without being judged. Girls everywhere are taking pictures with their boobs popping out everywhere, it’s ridiculous. And they’re all sharing their profile pictures like “Like the pictureeeee, not the linkkkkkkk <333 ;*” Like, honestly if they wanted to like your profile picture they would’ve gone to your freaking profile and liked it themselves. And how they do that to get like, 40+ likes …view more

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