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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: father

Your search returned 17 results.
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Family drama 1119

So now my eldest sister is getting riled up because I said I’m done and I’m tired and done want any contact with my father or sister. They both where wrong it not hate that holding me its hurt I’m done trying to be a sister I’m done trying to be a daughter she’s coming in just now learning about this shit but I’m not going through this bullshit anymore who gave that bitch gas money who bought her shit out of the kindness of their heart and who bought her kids food because in her own words she …view more

Dear daddy and mommy 1826

Your Marriage is far from perfect, we get it. you guys getting a divorce was the most logical thing to do after so many years of constant fights, anger and sadness. I’m cool with your divorce but the least you could’ve done was talk to me about it. I lived abroad and came home to a house that doesn’t even feel like home anymore, suddenly you guys were no longer together.
Dad, you didn’t even tell me the reason as to why you divorced mom, but hey, i figured it out long before you guys even …view more

I hate him 1829

I have hated my father for a long time because he is the biggest jackass, hypocrite, controlling asshole ever. He verbally abuses myself, mum and sister but wouldn’t challenge my brother who would snap and go right off at him.
Recently, I was watching a video about people shipping these two guys who aren’t gay and it annoyed me and my dad was like ‘what’s your problem?’ and when I said ‘people just pissing me off.’ I was referring to the video and he goes off yelling and screaming making me …view more



I can’t stand my father 1225

My father is 61 and is a tyrant. First of all, he is sexist asshole and ignores anything my mom and I say. My father has a superiority complex where he feels and thinks he is better than everyone and can treat people like crap because he makes more money, he’s smarter, he’s older, or whatever stupid reason his head comes up with. He is disgusting because he does NOT shower, clean up his urine when he “spills”, changes his clothes, or washes his hands. He thinks that because he is old, he …view more

my father 1122

I can’t believe I’ve spent 18 years of my life in the same house as my father.He is the most hypocritical,mean and always-angry person I have ever had the misfortune of knowing. He is verbally abusive-every day. And not only towards myself, but to my sisters and my mother,who is the sole money maker in our household as he is unemployed.I honestly cannot deal with him. Like, for example, on my 18th birthday he screamed at me and told me I was stupid, all because I did not clean properly. On my …view more

Obnoxious disgusting asshole in my house 2429

I’ve only met my cousin 3 or 4 times and each time he disgusts me more and more the last time he was here he pissed on my kitchen floor and pissed on the bathroom floor and my dad said that he wouldn’t let him stay with us again course he said that the first time he was here and the second time he was here the second time was understandable my grandfather had died and my father wasn’t going to leave him to bother my grandmom. But now this is ridiculous he’s in our house being lazy laying around …view more

Jackass father 1723

Where to start you bitch at me over my sister getting pregnant and not telling you till you hear she’s in labor. WTF AM I SUPPOSE TO DO ABOUT IT SHE DIDN’T WANT ME TO TELL YOU A GODDAMN THING THAT’S HER BUSINESS NOT MINE SO DON’T FUCKING BITCH AT ME CUZ UR DAUGHTER DOESN’T TELL YOU SHIT!!!! Further more dont tell me not to say something that I feel if I say ur not making fucking sense guess what it means cut the fucking shit and tell me what the fuck ur talking about! Who the hell are you to …view more

Why? 2643

Why did my dad leave? Why did he put us in a falling apart house and just leave, threatening to put foreclosure on us every day, whenever we went against his will? Every time we try to leave why would he threaten to hurt us? The house is falling apart now. All my friends are getting sick and dying, or getting in trouble and dying in accidents or fights. Every day I tell myself, “Some day, I’ll put a stop to all this, and make the world a better place.” But who am I but one man? Why can’t I find …view more

Priorities, asshole! 2829

My father, 61 years of age is also my apartment roommate for the last 10 months. He told me Friday that I’m gonna need to cover the rent for both of us for next 2 months because he’s not employed and is running out of money.

He has only worked about 8 months in the last 3 years. Mostly living off welfare checks and the kindness of others. I would not have moved in with him if I had known this info.

Now, I come home from a full day of work (and will be going in on my day off tomorrow to work …view more

Sometimes I hate my father so much. 2937

I understand him and can accept that he was raised in a different time, and that it’s just who he was raised to be…but it kills me inside. My father would rather me marry an abusive alcoholic white man than a loving and compassionate black man. I fear I will never be able to be happy and find love because I fear disappointing him.

Hate the person in my life called ‘dad’. 1522

Hate my dad for never giving shit about us, never thinking about us or our future, acting like he was the emperor in house ( expecting from everyone to welcome him home, inviting him to the dinnertable, basically ; he had to be the most important person in house). He was rich when I was little, he blew away his money by lending it to his family members (250.000 loans ; of which he actually never expected back). Never made any investment on our name (he does have 4 houses on his name in which …view more

I hate you, I think. 2733

So long ago we met. I liked you. You liked me. You had your heart broken by this dude. We started talking. You were falling for me. You told me so the week before he died. After he died you weren?t the same. Let me remind you that he was your daughter?s father. I still loved you. And you me. But you became distant. I feel you are afraid of losing me so you are pushing me further from your heart. I joined your school. I didn?t like it, I went back to the capitol city. You didn?t talk to me for a …view more

Novena 2427

Dear heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time I ask you for this very special one (mention favour). Take it dear jesus and place it within your broken heart where your holy Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour, not mine. Amen.

Say prayer for three days. Promise publication and the favour will be granted.

I Hate My Father! 3331

Yeah, I get that I’m not “supposed” to hate my father, but guess the fuck what? I do!

He has verbally abused me and my mother ever since I can fucking remember. He’s overly-religious, homophobic, and racist.

My parents got divorced last year, and it was the best thing that has ever fucking happened to me. But it was also the worst. Now my father wants to “restore our relationship.” But he doesn’t realize that we never fucking had one to begin with. Sometimes I just want to tell him that I’m …view more

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