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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: feelings

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She doesn’t believe that I care 1813

I have a friend, best friend actually, that has recently come out and told me that she’s been feeling depressed a lot. At first I thought that our feelings would be the same, but hers are a bit more worse. Today she said that she was feeling really nervous about kids at school and how she thought that they didn’t like her. I proceeded to tell her about how a lot of people love her, including me, so she doesn’t have to worry that much. She only repsonded with okay. I told her that I loved her …view more

Shut up. 2128

Alright, I have a friend who I do love very much. They are great and funny and hella fucking attractive and practically just amazing to be around. I would do practically anything for them because they would do the same for me, too! The downside is that they are depressed and have anxiety and they do cut (a lot!).
And I get it! depression is very serious and I feel very bad for my friend. I do everything I know how to do to get him to understand that I care for him.
But really.
Sometimes I …view more

Hate you 2026

Fuck you, C****. You’re nothing but a horny boy who likes to fuck with my feelings. I knew I shouldn’t like you, and I tried not to, but you KEPT FORCING YOURSELF ON ME, even though my precious boyfriend is more of a man than you’ll ever be. You’re such a shallow prick, I hate you. Go back to fucking Hawaii and fuck your new whore of a girlfriend. Let’s see how long she lasts. I can’t believe I actually considered leaving him for you. I would be pregnant and heartbroken right now if I had. …view more

fucking stupid love 1921

ex boyfriend and me just started talking again, still love him dearly, we both still have strong feelings for each other, but are hesitating to go back to a relationship as he is heading overseas for 1 and a half years, im studying at university. I love him and care or him dearly but I would be happy just staying friends because he really is an amazing guy. He’s stressed and flustered and very confused ( as am I) and im scared he will just cut off all contact with me whatsoever or just last …view more

Religion 1622

I hate it when I have to lie about being Atheist. My boyfriend and I were discussing our views and I had to lie about what I believed in because he means everything to me and I don’t want to lose him over something like this.

dear lola, 1619

dear lola,
you’re a good person. you’re attractive and charming
your personality is addicting and i enjoy being around you
dear lola,
i think that you may return my feelings for you,
your friends keep talking about it
dear lola,
please hate me.
(or save me from this hell)
dear …view more

I Love You 1622

27 years have just passed me by thinking I had my share of love until I first laid my eyes on you. I have always thought that it is stupid not to actually say how you feel; it is the other person’s right to know that you have feelings for him/her, and you have the right to speak up, until I met you. Do you know how it feels when your heart starts ridiculing every emotion you ever had because this emotion is like nothing else? I started defining the word beauty by you, every beautiful tune that …view more

If only… 1925

I really like you. And I mean REALLY like you. I think about you often. My heart beats fast when I see you in the hall. I get butterflies in my stomach whenever your name is mentioned. When you smile and say hi to me, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I wish I could be with you, but I know you’re not interested. If I even alluded to the possibility of my feelings, you’d punch me in the face. I mean, what straight guy is actually cool with another guy liking him? At least other people …view more

Fuck life.. 1929

K well I’m a girl, who likes a girl told her I liked her & practically spilled my feelings for her out. & I feel like it hasn’t gotten any where.(We are both bisexual). Like I mean she’s told me she wants to date me, recently. But when I ask her if any time soon she acts like it’s a joke. I don’t know if she’s just playing with my emotions or what. She also likes this guy though but she can’t have him considering he has a girlfriend & he would never date her. But she always talks about him. …view more

this boy 2431

I HAVE FEELINGS FOR MY CLOSEST GUY FRIEND AND ITS EATING ME ALIVE. And he’s into self injury and I HATE it and I keep trying to get him to stop, but he doesn’t get why i want him to. I can’t tell him. He has feelings for me too, I won’t ever forgive myself if I hurt him. I’m so afraid I’ll change my mind.

A forbidden fruit….my best friends girl. 2815

It hurts so much. I’m such an idiot. Should have said something sooner. I see how you both look at each other. So jealous of the way you caress his face. Even at work i cant get away. I wish we were strangers instead of best friends. I confessed my feelings to you. Told me if i would have asked you out sooner things would have been different. We talk and text things we would never dare tell anyone else. I even told you about me leaving this town and going back to Atlanta. There is nothing for …view more

Awkward. 2430

You’re a prick and put me down so much, some cases cry, whether you intend to or not. I’ve tried telling you multiple times what I feel but you push it aside and still find a way to patronise me. It’s like I can’t even face to talk to you any more but I can’t help it as I do have some feelings towards you. You just don’t get it do you? I want to let it all out instead of beating around the bush but I’m scared of what you will say in reply.

Really? Are you that pathetic? 2329

Seriously. First we talk about our feelings and I tell you I’m not interested in dating you or anyone else so you say you’ll drop it. Okay great. Then you have to go and be so pathetic later and ask me out in a juvenile note. Honestly…we’re almost at college ya dumbass. Show that you actually have courage and ask me out face to face if your going to ask me out again after you say your going to drop it. I know I can’t control feelings, but if I’m going to turn you down the first time and give …view more

Am I yours?? 2630

I have been seeing this guy for about two months. He is the first person since my ex that I have really felt this connection with. We laugh all the time, we text 27/7, we can talk about anything and everything and we do! We like all the same things, everytime he texts me or calls me I get a HUGE smile on my face, I feel like he is my best friend! I never thought I would connect with anyone like this. He is amazing! And since I have been seeing him I haven’t wanted to talk to anyother guy or be …view more

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