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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: friend

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Friend? 2018

So best friend of 11th grade decided to just not be friends with me 12th grade. No explanation. What a fucking ass, I confronted him and he said I was to nice.


idiot friend 1433

i tried to relapse last night and today i told my friend and she got mad at me for not talking to her then. All i wanted to do then was hurt myself, but now i’m mad at myself for not trying to get help like i should have. So now i feel like a jerk for not telling her how i felt. I totally hate this. I need someone who will tell me it’s okay and tell me to talk to them next time if i can, not someone who will get mad for me not telling them the first time. And i know she would get annoyed if i …view more

Not all friendships work out 1718

Had this online friend. She’s mentally unstable and very suicidal. She has posted multiple times on social media of her constant attempts despite repeatedly promising she will get help. I called her out for her broken promises on her last post about it saying she “will get help if she lives” (as I know she won’t) and I honestly wanted to say more (but didn’t) on her bullshit on how she doesn’t care about her girlfriend or her friends. She told me to “get off her back” and we haven’t talked …view more

Confused 1722

I have a friend that I really like, and for the longest time I kept it close to my chest as she’s straight… or was, or something, I’m not entirely sure what the fuck is going on. But a couple of months ago she was showing interest in me, flirting and such. I double checked with a few friends to make sure I wasn’t out of my mind, and then I asked her out and she said yes, but we only dated for a day. And I was good with that, honestly, but here recently she told me she’s not sure if it was the …view more

She doesn’t believe that I care 1813

I have a friend, best friend actually, that has recently come out and told me that she’s been feeling depressed a lot. At first I thought that our feelings would be the same, but hers are a bit more worse. Today she said that she was feeling really nervous about kids at school and how she thought that they didn’t like her. I proceeded to tell her about how a lot of people love her, including me, so she doesn’t have to worry that much. She only repsonded with okay. I told her that I loved her …view more

Lost friend 2424

Ok, I have this friend, his name is Luke. We’ve been best friends for a long while now. But then he decided to ask me out. After going out for a month and his doing a complete 180 and acting like a total ass throughout the whole relationship. Then after he breaks up with me he continues to want physical shit, and then proceeds to hit on one of my best friends. I love the kid to death and would do anything for him but I can’t, he’s stressing me out so bad. I don’t know what to do, I tried …view more

Jealous 2329

I have a crush on one of my friends. Some shit went down about this other girl in our friend group and I don’t like her anymore. But my crush likes her and he likes her back and I want to punch her in the face. She hurt somebody close to me but he still likes her. I’m happy that they both found each other but what the FUCK

Can we still be friends? 1417

I cannot remember how many times I spent nights crying over this…. It’s worthless but still…
Alright, I apologize if this is the millionth rant about girl drama you have read so far, but I can’t help myself. This issue is something I really need to get off my chest. It’s a hideous burden.

In elementary school, I had a good friend who I used to carpool with. I could be myself around him, even if he was somewhat popular and we blabbed all the time.

Then, when I hit middle and high school …view more

Love . . . ? 1019

I hate the word love. I just don’t understand its meaning as everyone has a different opinion on what love is. I tell people who I enjoy being around, that I love them. I tell my best friend who I a guy - Bae. Yet however . . . I can’t say the word love to my family. Nor boyfriends or girlfriends. To them it feels that stating I love them - means something . . . else? I don’t know- I just feel that love is a hollow word with little purpose.

Slut ass bitch friend 1535

Sooooo let me start from the semi-beginning. One of my best friends, lets just call her slut friend, was in a relationship. It was pretty long then they broke up and because she’s “hurt” and things were “complicated” she’s on this fuck guys movement basically where she doesn’t want relationships and just fucks whoever. Mind you she cheated on her ex-boyfriend and even when he wanted to forgive her and make it work she was like nah but I digress. So me, slut friend and another friend (she’ll be …view more

Outed by ex best friend 1424

So I’m lesbian. Most of my close friends accepted that but this girl decided to treat it like a piece of juicy gossip and spread it all around the school. She also teased me about it and would leave me alone about it. I forgave her for all of this because I like to avoid conflict but deep down I was still pissed-off. Then skip forward three months and we’re in college. The whole thing has settled down and although I’m still resentful I’ve moved on. Then I hear that a girl I just met asked if I …view more

You’re a bitch 1323

CAN I UNFRIEND YOU ALREADY? Okay, what kind of friend are you? Friends do insult each other, but they don’t mean it all the time. Sure, I’m lazy, fat, and all the bad things in the world, but do you think you’re inspiring me? No bitch, you’re making me hating on you. Like wtf, just because I listen to the chefs at my workplace call me fat(and they saying it without meaning it), doesn’t mean I wish to hear MY FRIEND saying it every time she sees me. And don’t you ever compare me to that ‘OLD …view more

Freaking hopeless love 1426

Love is freaking annoying. I (an 18-year-old girl) have two great loves in my life: one whom I know doesn’t love me (I don’t even know if he likes me at all), and I CAN’T GET OVER HIM. What’s more, he’s 4 years older than me, and he will always be a small part of my life, because he’s my step-cousin. Which means that I can never forget him and move on: every time I see him (it can be many months in between) my feelings flare up again.

And the other is a very good friend of mine… who’s gay. And …view more

I really wanna call u dumb 1632

Okay for real why do you do this to me. You literally treat me as the last option or forget I exist. It’s like as soon as something better comes your immediately just go to that choice. why???? You have such bad mental tunnel vision and always act on impulse, and that hurts me a lot. Like recently you went and spent a lot of money on a job I am literally trained to do. But what is stupid is that I actually went with you. Why did I agree to that? I shouldn’t have went. Not only was it rude to …view more

My so called “best ” friend 2124

I have recently told my friend that i’m gray sexual which basically means i have low sex drive so today they were talking about how their boyfriend kissed them. I then said i am going to be forever alone and then they said “too gray sexual for you” . I know its not that big of a deal but I am actually offended by it.

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