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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: friend

Your search returned 122 results.
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Why is it so hard. 2135

I told you that i liked you and i was sorry it was going to be awkward.. You said it didn’t have to be.. it still is in a way. I’ve talked to you a little after but only like once or twice.. You’re in my last class and today i was by you because my friend sits by you and we were working together.. I see you in the hallway and i act like i don’t notice you but in reality i forget what im saying and start saying random things so you don’t notice. I smile and freak out when i see you. When i first …view more

I wish he didn’t like her 1826

So I am friends with two people I volunteer with. One is a guy and one is a girl. I have been volunteering with the guy for longer than the girl, in fact, I was the one who invited her to come volunteer with me. Later on she starts disscussing how attractive the guy is and such, and I told her that he was like a brother to me and couldnt think of him that way. Which is obviuosly not true, hence my rant. I like him, a lot in fact. She of course gets all crazy about him saying how much she likes …view more

You were my best friend. 1619

You hurt people, especially the ones who are close to you.
Why must you have an opinion on everything and everyone? Why must you find the flaws in everyone so decide that you hate them without even acknowledging the fact that they are actually good people?
You treat everyone like shit.
You pretend to care.
You are an attention seeking bitch.
You actually are a slut, so stop paying out everyone else if they are too.
You are mean.
You make me so mad and make me cry.
Whenever I went to you for …view more

Everything changes, everything falls apart. 2428

When my former best friend and I became friends when we were 10, she was a very sweet, kind person, but she was terribly insecure and struggled with anxiety issues. This insecurity followed her throughout middle school, high school, and beyond. I always tried to encourage her, did what I could to foster confidence in her, but no matter what I did, her insecure nature always crept back up. In high school, I started noticing that whenever she started making a new friend, she’d always change her …view more

Going to Hell 2023

I’m in love with my best-friend (another girl) and I can’t say anything because she’s completely in love with her boyfriend. Not to mention I was raised in a very strict christian household and if my parents ever found out I even thought about liking a girl they would completely disown me and tell me I’m going to hell. For once, I just wanna be me and be happy

I’m angry with myself, confused and upset! 2021

I met a guy who i got on really well with it, in fact before we went out on a date, i told my friend that i have gotten on with someone so much ever before, we went out a few times, I stayed at his place and all.. Now after that for two weeks we couldn’t meet up but we both had expressed how much we wanted to see each other, I made a massive effort to see him and he cancels last minute. Now since then which is a week and a half ago, he’s become really bad at texting me back and left it a whole …view more

I love you but stop 1019

Friend, I love you. I love you a lot. You’re great.

But shut up about homestuck one day of the week, please. Just one fucking day can we talk about something that isn’t Gamzee or Karkat or what’s on your dash and this fanfiction that jfc is so fucking funny. I can take it if we talk about it for an hour or two, or a day, or hell, two days. But it’s been two weeks. I honestly can not take this anymore.

I hate when 1835

I hate when somebody cuts me off and says, “No, you don’t understand.”

When discussing politics, my friend cut me off and said, “No, You don’t understand because you haven’t taken economics. What we discussed in the class is that blah blah blah.” His argument was actually super simple and unintelligent, hmph!

what the fuck… 1632

Ok, what the fuck is wrong with my life…? First, I serious feel like my life is falling apart. My best friend is my crush, he’s flirting with my other best friend, who is a girl, I have cut, I feel like I’m dead inside honestly, and I just got a text from my best guy friend telling me that he doesn’t even see me as anything as just a friend. I swear, this year is gonna be the death of me-_-…

Who do you think you are bro?! 2329

I’m tired of my friend and the people around me! Every time she speaks it’s about how her life ’sucks’ when truthfully it doesn’t. Then the people around me start talking about how their lives suck and I sit there thinking in my head “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” That’s the things I don’t get why people complain about how sucky things are when honestly I couldn’t give two shits. Wow you’re life sucks I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do for you. If you think you’re life is so sucky then CHANGE …view more

So tired of all this… 2027

Drama in my life. I’m a girl 15 in high school, was at one point dating a girl. (I’m bisexual) then we broke up. She’s been my best friend for about a year. & we use to talk & tell each other everything. Then we dated and shit just fucked it all up. Were both socially awkward faggots at times (I don’t mean that literally). So our relationship was shitty. At least from my perspective. I think half of the reason was because I wasn’t use to a relationship with out compassion & intimacy. Like I …view more

To My Needy Female Friend 1721

PLEASE DON’T TEXT ME WITH A “FUCK MY LIFE” AND EXPECT A RESPONSE. Geez, I can’t believe you’re over 30. You sound like a teenager, complaining about how you need a new life, a rich boyfriend, and all this other crap. While being discontent with aspects of your life is a good thing when it leads to changes for improvement, you just expect sympathy from friends as if we have no problems of our own. You’re healthy and employed with money in the bank–you are not granted a FML pass. You are also not …view more

Had enough 1623

I just need to rant somewhere, and I figure somewhere anonymous is good. I’m sorry if you don’t want to read this but, I’m going to say it anyway. My best friend has started cutting again, and I’m about 2 hours away from him and can’t get to him easily, as he’s always busy. My boyfriend is having trouble with his ex, she’s lying to him and saying she wants to be with him, and it’s getting to him and therefore making me upset. I don’t quite know how to explain how I’m feeling but I’m just …view more

Bullshit. Just talk to me. 2216

We’ve been best friends since eighth grade. Talked every single night on the weekend that we could manage. She’s my sister. And now her and her pal at her school (sadly, we go to different schools) just got in a fight and I’ve been ignored since before Christmas Vacation. Its been almost 4 damn weeks. I don’t know what the hell I did. I’ve asked her “What did I do to upset you?” and her reply was “Sorry I’ve been busy” Bullshit. Grow a pair and tell me what your freaking problem is. I’m sick of …view more

Go ahead play me 1524

Who do you think you are? You break up with your girlfriend who you were just stringing along for the last few months, and then you definitely started treating me then more then a friend, unless you cuddle and hold your friends hand while watching movies. Then all of sudden for no reason or explanation you act like I was never more then that girl that lives a few doors down. I deserve an explanation.

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