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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: friend

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The beauty of highschool.. 1923

For once, I actually BELIEVED Primary school was the most drama i’d ever have to deal with. I mean, up until now, my life in highschool was literally PERFECT. FUCKING PERFECT. Amazing supportive friends, a wonderful love life, and an amazing family and home, but then you just have to randomly storm in and ruin it, over something that WASN’T MY FAULT. And all you do is take the sides of my other 2 friends, and now you feel the need to think you have to hate me because of what they always say, …view more

Addiction to the Inappropriate 2235

I think there is something wrong with me. I seem to be addicted to the inappropriate, or just really self destructive. Whenever a friend starts dating someone, I become suddenly and irresistibly infatuated with the new person. Well… evidently not ‘irresistibly’ as i never act on these stupid obsessions because they’re so INAPPROPRIATE, but they make life very hard and are ultimately very distracting. In the past I’ve developed feelings for a boy two years younger than me that i was meant to be …view more

You think I’ll let you back in?!? 2434

My best friend, out of the blue, tells me that ?We need a break, because I don?t think I can do this anymore.? She tells me, ?You?re too controlling.? When I ask her to elaborate, she won?t give me an example on HOW I?m ?too controlling?. After I tear her, my best friend of TWO FREAKING YEARS, out of my heart, I find out she?s talking sh*t about me behind my back!! This is after she, AND her mother, told me ?It?s just that you?re/we?re both leaders, and sometimes you need to let me/her lead. …view more

this boy 2431

I HAVE FEELINGS FOR MY CLOSEST GUY FRIEND AND ITS EATING ME ALIVE. And he’s into self injury and I HATE it and I keep trying to get him to stop, but he doesn’t get why i want him to. I can’t tell him. He has feelings for me too, I won’t ever forgive myself if I hurt him. I’m so afraid I’ll change my mind.

You were never a friend to begin with. 1721

You never backed me up, or defended me. You always said my ideas were stupid and I’m not funny. When a rumor got to you that I called you a “fake-baking gross bitch” and you decided our friendship wasn’t true, it was one of the best moments of my life. You filthy slob. I was slowly trying to fade away from you. It’s a shame on how it’s going to be awkward and hateful when I see you with our friends, but at least I don’t have to deal with your over reactive, cry baby, never-takes-a-shower ass, …view more

With jealous friends and boyfriends like you, who needs enemies??? 2225

How’s my day? Oh..I don’t know, How IS my day?? My day, my day, MY DAY! You wanna know how my day was??!! Well, it was okay..UNTIL THE END!!

My lying, backstabbing Bxxxh of a friend completely ruins my mellowness! I make ONE mistake over a year ago, and she holds on to it and uses it against me..WHILE I AM THERE! Then she gets jealous of my skin color for some reason and goes bashing light skin (Her own best friend has the same skin tone). AND THEN she somehow brings my boyfriend into the …view more

Do you know what it’s like? 2321

Now I know what it’s like to be totally in love with someone and not be able to do anything about it. He’s my best guy friend. He’s been dating another girl for practically the whole school year. I can’t help feeling slighted because I’ve known him longer and he STILL talks to me constantly, but he dates HER. Not fair! (Don’t comment on this with “Life isn’t fair” because I am well aware of just how unfair life can be.)
I just don’t know what to do anymore. Sometimes, I have dreams about him …view more

lies in jealousy 3437

I lied about being in love with my best friend when i wasn’t. i did that just to make my ex feel jealous. and now my bff thinks it was real and she’s acting all weird and making me feel horrible. and some guy has a crush on me… and pressure…the whole world knows about him and me and keeps pressurizing me..why do i have to do anything right or wrong..its my life…why do u keep tellin me how to live it..oh n top of it all im a lesbian teen…nobody knows except for my bff and she’s acting all weird …view more

Open Relationship my ass 2623

FUCK YOU! why do you want to have an open relationship!?!? wtf is so bad about me huh???? you get soooo FUCKING pissed and me everyday when i do NOTHING WRONG!! you get so mad at me because maybe i got a lil crush on my friend Nick BIG FUCKING DEAL!! the whole first 8 months of our relationship all i heard about was “Darla this, Darla That I miss Darla!!” FUCK HER!! shes a stupid fucking fat cow and can go burn in hell for all i care!!! but now ohh wait.. maybe one day yeah i did fuck up a lil …view more

irritated at best friend 2423

i am irritated because i had plans to hang out with my best friend on saturday and monday. well it turns out that she cancelled because her mom just decided to go out of town saturday, sunday, and monday. the EXACT days i was gonna hang with her and the EXACT days that i was free only. so since she couldnt hang out, my mom made other plans and stuff. but today she texted me saying that her mom cancelled the trip and now she can hang out. but then i cant because my mom already made plans.
it …view more

Why now???? 2125

10 years, 10 freaking years I was in love with you and you never reciprocated. You always said “We’re really good as friends”. And yes we were, you were/are the very best friend I’ve ever had. You’ve seen me through the darkest most horrible times in my life and you let me help you through yours. But we were still only friends. At any point I would have dropped everything to be with you. But no.

Now finally, FINALLY, I have this amazing, gorgeous, intelligent, loving girlfriend. Someone I can …view more

Gay Sex with Straight friend 1123

I had gay sex with my best friend last night after he came over depressed about his girlfriend dumping him for one of his straight friends. We talked about our exes and ranted while getting drunk, and then that’s when it happened. I don’t know what to say when I’m around him now. He keeps wanting to talk to me but i’m avoiding him. But all I know is I wanna have sex with him again. I’m gay, but he’s not and I think I may just be confusing him.

</3 1826

I think I’m falling in love with my best friend even though he’s straight, and it kills me to help him out with his girlfriend trouble

I hate you, you stupid pathetic dickhead…Piss off. 1624

I’m really pissed off at you Morgan. Before you were gay you were an awesome friend, now because your “gay” your an absolute,total and utter pathetic dickhead. All you talk about is sex,cock and random shit that mature people (like myself) don’t give a flying FUCK about and how fucking DARE you hate straight people. You were straight yourself, so what gives you the bloody right to hate us? Just becuase your “gay” dosn’t give you the excuse to verbaly abuse other people, due to your sexuality or …view more

I think I’m in love with my best friend. 2120

I’m preparing for ordination and recently I think I’ve fallen in love with my best friend. We’ve been friends almost 9 years and recently everything about her just kinda screams to me. I’m happy with my life now but can’t help but wonder if I’d be happy with her. She has said openly that she has feelings for me. I’m afraid that if I do leave I may regret it later and end up hating her for it. She doesn’t deserve that, she deserves someone who will love, respect and cherish her all the days of …view more

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