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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: friends

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Friends 2940

I had these two friends for over 4 years and everytime my birthday comes around, they don’t even ask me if I want to go out. They don’t even surprise me b taking me somewhere out to eat or anything. But when it’s their birthdays, they always want attention. They always want everybody to go out on their birthday. Never on mines. I just feel some type of way. All these years we’ve only gone out to celebrate their birthdays. I wonder if the thought even crossed their mind to take me out on my …view more

Sweet, Sweet Freedom 2129

Dear old friend group,
Sarah- You are dramatic for no god-damn reason. It is annoying and immature. I wish you could find it in yourself to life without a boyfriend for more than a month.

Rachel- You wine about how others act, but you don’t say anything to their face. I wish you can learn how to voice your true feelings to a person’s face.

Taylor- Being a lesbian doesn’t make you cool.

Emily- You are a blonde bitch, with your head stuck so far up your ass that it is a scarf.

Kendra- I …view more

What are friends? 2035

Here I am. I feel lonely. I have friends but why do I feel lonely? Every time I talk via messengers with them, they read it but never reply. I need a friend that can make me feel good. That can make me calm from my sudden emo. I’m not often being emo but sometimes I did. A replied I got from a friend doesn’t make me feel better. It doesn’t feel like I was comforted. It was more like “I don’t care.”. I know i’m the kind that always wanna win in an argument but at least one time, make me feel …view more

Embarrassing friend 2125

(not a rant) So today in math i was sitting by my friend (girl) and everything was normal and happy when a guy walked in wearing a cut up jersey which was cut like a crop top basically. My friend freaked out about it (because the teacher did not acknowledge the boy) and started yelling about how if a girl wore that they would be dress coded and then she got to the point where the teacher sent her to the principals office to talk to her about the issue (he didn’t have to change in the end).

I …view more

don’t bother with this 2127

girl that is upsetting me=karen
girl that agrees w me=lucy
girl that is closest friend but doesn’t agree=sara

due to recent situations, i feel as if i can only confide in 1 of my friends , lucy, and not be judged or have it passed on. we mainly talk about 1 person in our group who has been dragging our spirits down , karen, and the best way to sort it out (its not in a bitchy way just trying to find a solution w/ the least damage bc the girl its about is v sensitive) but recently lucy is not …view more

Fucking Fake Friends 1928

So I have this friend. Let me call her “Q”. So me and Q have been great friends in school for quite a long time. But as time went on, she starting chanings. Now all Q seems to want to do is try and be popular and talk about boys. She has this great fucking friends of hers who im going to call “W” So W is a girl I just met this school year. SO. FUCKING. FAKE. Her laugh is so damn fake, so is her smile. She likes about 5 boys. WTF. I like this guy named “E”. So Q used to like E, and W currently …view more

My friends are all bitches 1829

Pretty much all my friends are two faced bitches. I hate how I’ll complain about a person and they will agree but the next time they see them they be all nice and friendly to them. No one understands me, these people actually hurt my feelings and then my best friends hurt them even more but acting like it was nothing. I know that I should let these feelings go but I just can’t I try to forget about these things but I just keep remembering them. I can’t trust anyone. This one girl just pisses …view more





Being left out 2135

No matter what goes on with my ‘friends’ it is if they don’t notice I am even there. I am never spoken too but on the off chance I am spoken too it doesn’t last as some other person will start speaking to them or they speak to someone else and I get completely blanked. I really irritates me as all I want is to be sociable.

Just Lonely 2128

I’m pretty lonely and I don’t really have anyone to talk to about my problems. I have two friends. One is a bit of a narcissist and ignores you unless she’s interested in the topic at hand. The other is glued to the hip with her boyfriend and I can never get her alone. No siblings. My dad is emotionally distant and my mom is so stressed and tired from work that I don’t want to bother her. Not close to extended family.

I’d like to have a boyfriend but that isn’t happening: baby face, gummy …view more

“Friends” 1824

Im in the 8th grade and i have three “bestfriends”. I honestly think they dont even want me around. Theyre always leaving me out of everything. They treat me as if im trash and its just plain annoying. They ask for help but when i try to freaking help them, they pick verbal fights for no reason. I want new friends but i think i have social anxiety because i cant talk to strangers/people i rarely talk to without shaking or trembleing. But, I have no close friends that I can actually talk …view more

Young Teen with a Heart too Big to Go Around 2626

Since I’ve been in Highschool all of my Friends have gotten more and more stressed and I feel like I am pissing them off whenever I say a single sentence. But, my heart is just so big that I can’t help but try to help them with their issues in life.

But each day it’s getting harder and harder…. One of my close friends who lives around the country from me tried to kill herself, and I am so panicked. Everyone thinks I’m the smartest kid alive, I’m not, I cheat I lie… It’s getting harder and …view more

Shit Friend 2832

Wow, so I’ve been best friends with this girl for 3 years now, and she legit just cut me off for no reason. I’m mad, sad and regretful. She was never supportive, honest nor trustworthy, why didn’t I notice every shit she’s been doing earlier?
Let’s call her ASS. Ass is such a fake bitch. ASS can tell me all about how this girl, BITCH, talks shit about me 24/7 and then the very next day, ASS would act like she’s BITCH’s bff. Like, shouldn’t ASS stand up for me? It’s not that hard to tell BITCH …view more

Talking Shit 2733

Please tell me I’m not alone when I say this, but isn’t it annoying when someone constantly just talk shit about someone you care about? Like what the hell, you know I love and care about this person, you telling me about them in a bad, no shit I’m going to tell them! Ex. so this one girl whom I’m sorta friends with keeps talking shit about someone I love and care for, constantly calling them an asshole and crap…… I’m so close to just pushing her into a fucking ditch, she won’t stop talking bad …view more

I don’t even know 2635

So one of my only friends I have pretty much told me how she’s tired of me. I have another friend that smokes weed everyday but I don’t do that anymore because weed doesn’t get me high, it just mantra me way more depressed. I’ve only been high once, and haven’t since then and nobody believes me. Iv’e actually completely stopped smoking for a while and Im planning on staying that way. My friend (the first one) blames it on anxiety. Then blames not having enough sleep is the reason. She gets way …view more

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