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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: friends

Your search returned 134 results.
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Best friends? What even is that? 3434

Where do I even start?
So my “best friend” since 4th fucking grade who supposed to be there for me hasn’t called me in a week! Even though I texted her that I needed to speak to her immediately because I’ve had a fight with my ex, not only did she not call me back but when she finally texted me she made fun of me and called me a stupid bitch because she never liked him anyway. Like are you kidding me bitch? My heart is breaking over here and you’re making fun of my decisions?

So then I call …view more

I’m ashamed of my friends 2021

I hate what my friends do. They do drugs regularly, hang out with people who are addicted to nicotine and have been to juvie, and drink alcohol at school. I hate that they do this and they always accidentally make me feel bad or stupid because i dont do all the things i do. I hate myself because im too scared to tell them that i hate it. I will not do anything that i would be ashamed to tell my kids. I absolutely refuse. But if i tell my friends i dont approve i might loose them, and i couldn’t …view more

birthdays 2730

So much for the term “Sweet Sixteen” because there was nothing sweet about this birthday at all. After my parents told me that I couldn’t go over to a friends house to celebrate because we would be having a ‘family celebration’ they made me spend my sixteenth birthday at home, they moved my dentist appointment up so I can’t even eat cake on my birthday (not that there was any cake since everyone thinks its irrelevant to get me cake while I always make sure cake is there for everyone else). My …view more

Abi 2731

I want to let you know you are a total bitch. I hope you die in hell. You just kiss teachers’ asses so you can get what you want. Te while theater auditions- you only got on because you are best friends with the teacher. Really you suck at theater. Also, you’re a shitty friend. You backstab and size up people. Please stop trying to act nice, we all know you are a bitch so just cut the act. Along with all of that, you think you are so pretty. Let’s be really here, your face looks worse than a …view more

i hate ppl, 817

One of my friends asked me if I would say yes if this guy asked me to prom. I really liked him and so i told her that I would. After, my best friend came up to me and said that my friend was asking all the girls in my grade this. The guy later asked me to prom and I found out that the girl that asked me if I would say yes to the guy only asked me and my best friend, who I’ve known since I was 7 lied to me jghruidfhbj,gdzflhk,nsdflesdk

Me 2537

Sorry I’m not your dream child sorry I’m not one of my siblings who are just so perfect or emotionally stable sorry I’m depressed sorry I need surgery sorry for being me is that what you need to hear well that’s not what you are going to hear for all I care my friends stick by me for more shit than you ever will so no I’m not going to apologize or anything one of my most inspirational people once said never apologize for who you are so I will not apologize at all go FUCK YOURSELF NO ONE CARES …view more

Why can’t i just be me? 1827

Okay so i am totes opposite from my friends. I don’t want to be like them, but i would rather try to “fit in” with them, because ya know, yah. Well i’m trying not to be a complete h8er because i’m not a full blown “hipster”. Like seriously i’m trying, i’m even ranting to a weird website, common right? I don’t understand why i can’t be me and still not feel like i’m totally accepted into the “group”. I love all of them unconditionally, and i know they would so anything for me and feel the …view more


I feel so alone… my friends are all realy busy or well enough for me to dump my problems on them… My BF..(hmm,,) has been sort of distancing him self from me. no more “how was work?” “are you okay?” “can i come see you next week?” … always waiting for me to text him first…
i dont know what to do.. i’m stressed out with stuff for university, and he hasnt even tried to calm me down. told him about getting an interveiw to my FIRST choice uni… not even a well done.. i bet he forgets about my first …view more

I didn’t mean for it to get this way. 1924

We’ve grown apart and one part of me loves it because I don’t think it could have ever been and the other part of me feels like a bitch because we had something small. You trusted me. We talk all the time, but given our situation I don’t think it’s healthy for us to continue on like this. Thinking that something could ever be with us when that’s not what I want. I never wanted that with us. I just wanted us to be friends and I need to tell you this, but in doing so I would fear that telling you …view more

Fuck Friends. Fuck Family. Fuck Life. 1117

Friends are great. Wait, what? That’s right, they aren’t. It sucks when you know that your friends are beginning to not care about you. I hate the glazed look they get in their eyes when I talk to them, or the tone of their voices when I speak to them. I can hear their “I am greater then thou” complex dripping from their speech. I hate not being able to turn to them. I’ve had so much shit in my life lately; I don’t want to bother them, though. I want to desperately tell someone that I think my …view more

Wishing that one girl ugh 2123

Girl I’ve been friends with since the start of highschool, dated her twice in my early years, we then drifted, and now we’re really good friends again.
I LOVE HER SO MUCH UGH. However I believe she’s out of my league.

Oh my god you annoying prick 2138

So for the most part I love my friends but I can’t stand how if it doesn’t resolve around them it isn’t worth talking about. Ummmm no! You don’t actually have to hang out with me you dumb cunts! Like stop being assholes and fucking tell me you don’t want me around or you don’t want to hang out. Like no it’s not some big ass deal to me, I’m not going to stop being your friend and I’m not going to stop talking to you. I’d rather you be real with me and we’ll figure it out from there.

The “Bad” Friend 1927

Y’all need to stop this bullshit. We been best friends for more than 10 years and y’all wan let so man come between us like that? Jus cause y’all like him don’t mean he even gunna give y’all the time of day!
If y’all wanna fight why you dragging me into it, so in the end I can take all the blame right? So I gatta be the one apologizing like always even when I ain’t involved? All these years I listened to y’all, cried with y’all, bent over backwards for y’all pretty much been y’all bitch tryna …view more

Little Sister? 1819

So I’ve been in kind of a bad place lately - I’ve been depressed, moody, bipolar, anxious, etc. So I was hanging out one afternoon with some of my sorority sisters including my Little and was feeling kind of down. Well they noticed and asked me what was wrong, so I started to tell him and they just rolled their eyes and scorned me for telling them all these problems over and over again without them getting better. They just wanted to hang out with me when I was happy. Some sisters, right? …view more

A Lifted Burden 1823

I dated this guy for 9 months. During that time, I would vent to my friends about all the stupid shit he said and did. Whatever, I still liked him. But after a while, they were over it. They said he was a bad guy and justified their opinion that I should break up with him by saying, “We just want you to be happy, and you’re not.”

I knew deep down that I had two options - break up with him and be sad, or stay with him and be sad - and neither of them would make me happy. But finally, a few …view more

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