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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: friendship

Your search returned 19 results.
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Stolen friend 1222

I used to be rly close to this girl, but this year we kinda grew apart. Anyways, I also started talk to this guy this year and we became pretty close (only in a friend kinda way). We talked A LOT and we were just great friends. Recently, that girl has started talking to the guy more and more. And now it’s like she just stole him all together since her barely barely even talks to me anymore. She’s always talking about how she’s talks to him, and the funny things he says, and somehow always …view more

friends? 1516

Lately I’ve been ffeelong invisible to my friends. I don’t know if it’s something I did wrong, or they just don’t want to talk to me anymore. I have this friend used to be in one of my classes. When the new semester began, we had no classes together. I was really sad because we work well together and that class made us more closer than I’ve been with her. Now that the new semester began, we started to drift apart. One of my fears is being forgotten by a friend. It just sucks that one class made …view more

Losing my best friend? 1722

My best friend of five years has recently become kinda annoying. Often not many people like her because she’s ‘bitchy’ etc, but I’ve always thought that they just didn’t know the real her- but recently she’s just become so… irritating. Like it feels as though I can’t have my own opinions around her without being shouted down and she’s kinda controlling a lot of the time. I love her still, but I don’t know what to do? Am I just getting pissed off for no reason? Am I just imagining these things …view more

Friendship 1126

K here’s the thing. I have friends. I’m not the type of person to complain about not having friends when I actually do. I’m not picky with who I befriend either. But the friends that I have are all over the internet. When I say I don’t have friends, I mean friends in real life where I can see them everyday and hang out with them every day and not struggle on a certain date and time we can see each other due to distance and time differences. I love my internet friends though, don’t give me …view more

Fuck you. 1830

Twice this has fucking happened to me. Twice where guys have started the friendship. They said the first “hello” I can clearly remember, but a few months down the road they send you a horrible message because they’re fucking idiots. One lets his gf onto his facebook and lets her send me a horrible message to make me doubt myself and only apologises 3 months later and also lied to me whilst talking to me.
The other one is also calling my all these colourful names that any girl wants to hear. …view more

I’m starting to hate you 2226

You always think you’re right, you think you’re better than everyone else, you think you’re so clever. Everything has to revolve around you, you can make fun of everyone else’s problems but your take your own deathly serious. You’re so depressing and lazy, you’re dragging me down. You’re the worst influence I could have right now. You make me so angry but I have to keep it all in. You’re the only person I’ve got right now. We’re best friends and room mates but I’m starting to hate you.

I Kinda Hate Myself 1920

I don?t know if I?m gay, but i know I?m not straight and i guess this not knowing what to call myself ( amongst so many other things, including the fact that my friendship group of 10 years has only ever seen me as straight, the fact that for some reason the word ?lesbian? has always seemed to be the one chosen for teasing me and i?ve always laughed it off?as well as some cowardice) is the reason for my failing to come out. I don?t know what to come out AS. Any time i?ve thought i was attracted …view more

You were never a friend to begin with. 1620

You never backed me up, or defended me. You always said my ideas were stupid and I’m not funny. When a rumor got to you that I called you a “fake-baking gross bitch” and you decided our friendship wasn’t true, it was one of the best moments of my life. You filthy slob. I was slowly trying to fade away from you. It’s a shame on how it’s going to be awkward and hateful when I see you with our friends, but at least I don’t have to deal with your over reactive, cry baby, never-takes-a-shower ass, …view more


All I’ve wanted since the first time we met was to be the one to make you happy. You helped me through hell and a friendship grew. I’ve been sick for years, you made me want to heal. But I’m getting sick again. You can’t save me, you can’t help me. When I see you happy, I hurt. It’s unhealthy. I really don’t know what to do. I love you on some level but it intensifies when I’m around you. I disgust myself. If I was where I wanted to be, maybe you could love me. I will work harder and you will …view more

Of course your butt doesn’t look big. 2024

Why do I lie?
Why can’t I call things as I see them?
Why do you ask my opinion if all you want is to hear lies?
If I ever dared to tell you a truth you didn’t like, somehow I would be the bad person. But I won’t do that, and you love it. It makes you feel good that I will lie to protect you every time, while bit by bit my self respect drains away. That’s the price of friendship with you.
It’s too high a price for any human relationship.
You’re fucking sick, and I’m just too damn weak.
I guess …view more

Liars and Attention-Whores 1930

She honestly thought I wouldn’t care that she made my *little* sister cry. But why did I care? I stuck up for my sister, and I had to deal with insults and hatred because of it. I thought that was alright though- I could live with that, “as long as my sister is fine…”

Yet I hear today my sister- the very same sister!- condemning me and gossiping with HER. About *me*! She was helping spread lies and rumors about me, her older sister who, not even twelve hours before, was attacked for sticking …view more

Who are you? 2122

I’m disgusted by the fact that I honestly loved you-or the you I thought you were. How you could hide who you really are for 10 years is really just…HOW COULD YOU?! I mean, you’re just so fucked up. I finally got a glimpse of who you “really” are and OMG. Seriously? Seriously? Did your mother leave you in the crib crying for hours? Did someone kill your puppy? Are you just naturally that fucked up or did something happen? Never mind. I really don’t care or want to know. I’m just glad I found …view more

Life Sucks Big time. 1928

I’m in love with with him. I think about him day and night. Any time spent with him or texting him makes me smile form ear to ear.
He does not know any of this or I don’t think he does.
Every time I think about him which is a lot makes me super depressed cause I know that “we” will never happen.
I would never tell him this cause i would be devastated if our great friendship would end.
I wish i could get over him but it’s hard to do when we spent lunch time together.
I would love if there was …view more

backstabbing bitch 2636

Seriously, this bitch friend of mine need to come down to earth, and tell me to my fucking face all the lies she been trying to spread about me before I get seriously POD at her and bitch her out with all the shit that is ACTUALLY true about her and her pathetic hoe-ish life. I been nothing but fucking nice to her, despite how stupid I always thought her decisions have been, and helped her out. So seriously….Get a fucking life, and stop making up BS about me to OUR FRIENDS. I’m so sick of her …view more

Realizing… 2728

Well its about time I’ve come to pick up the pieces and truly see things for what they are. Instead of making up excuses and picking fights. I’ve finally open my eyes to acceptance. I have this friend and she is very sweet. She’s not the sharpest tool in the shead but she’s alright. She makes a lot of mistakes and majority of the time yes she does act selfish and like she’s 5 years old. She never seems to learn or give up when your really supposed to and takes things was to serious when its …view more

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