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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: girlfriend

Your search returned 27 results.
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I hate my height honestly 1421

I’m a guy around 5′3 and I honestly hate being short. Being short is not bad, sure there can be awk pictures or just the thought of people always looking down on you, but that’s where your personality comes in. I was the class clown in almost every class :). People would like me just cuz of my easying going way and my sence of humor of course. As well, being funny made me more noticable in school, some teachers even had good fun relationships with me. I love myself, I love that I can make …view more

Poly, and I hate my boyfriend’s other girlfriend 1621

My boyfriend and I are poly and talking about moving in together in a few months. We’ve been together four years and he started dating this girl about 6 months ago who is the most dry, humorless, pedantic, nitpicky, negtive, pessimistic, condescending, stick in the mud, killjoy I’ve met since my ex-husband. He said he wants to get separate bedrooms “for when his other girlfriend comes over”. All I could think was “you can’t tell me you genuinely expect to still be dating her in three months?!” …view more

Hypocrite S/O 1618

Does anyone else have a boyfriend/girlfriend that’s a complete hypocrite? Like seriously. My boyfriend was mad at me cause I made one friend at work who happens to be a guy. I’m really shy and introverted so people tend to think I’m stuck up so making a new friend was AMAZING.

But my boyfriend saw my phone when my guy friend was texting me and got so mad that he started yelling at me while I tried to stay calm, as usual, as I explained. I had to hold back from mentioning his like 50 female …view more

You broke me. 2633

I am done with you. We were friends, at one stage we both wanted to be more. Time passed and you moved on, understandable for our situation, but to completely CUT me off? It’s not fair and you know it. Then when you and HER… broke up you came crawling back to me looking for advice and you know what I said to you? I told you that even though she doesn’t want to be with you, that you should try and make it work and prove yourself to her. I talked to you about my problems and you helped, a lot. …view more

I don’t even know 1927


Why is life do hard? Girls are fucking horrible. The one i like loves another girl. Another girl likes a different guy. Another possible girlfriend is dating lots of people. Another possible girlfriend is too hardcore for me. I’m a sadist and I feel like turning into it why can’t I be like a normal Asian? Why is life so hard?! Why can’t I be normal for a change?! Why do I have to see the hidden stuff everyone hides? Can’t I be a little un-observative for once? Can’t like be normal with …view more

I just wish he’d realize.. 1928

Okay, so, here’s my issue. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year and we have a VERY sexual relationship, which, I think is great. It’s very open and honest, which pleases both of us GREATLY. Here’s the problem though, we both have Tumblrs and my Tumblr is an outlet of expresssion for me. I don’t put anything super crazy on my blog, it’s really just to rant, or express anything that’s on my mind at the moment, without actually saying it. My boyfriend, has 2 Tumblrs, one is sexual …view more

Controlling Boyfriend 2030

My boyfriend is the biggest control freak ever. I don’t have any say on any decisions that “we” make. We were looking for a new apartment together and he made up his mind about what he wanted and that was that. It didn’t matter what I wanted or had to say or that I am stuck with my name on the lease paying half of the rent and bills for a place I don’t even like. He never consults me about any decisions that affect both of our lives. I feel like he doesn’t care at all about what I want. He does …view more

Valentine’s Day 2021

My girlfriend missed our valentines day date because she went out with her friends. She came home really late and didn’t know it’d be that late. But she’s been avoiding the issue. I’ve been trying to talk to her about this, but she’s been ignoring and went out with her friends again last night. Her friends won’t let her text or use her phone because they think that’s rude. She got drunk and wouldn’t reply to my messages. She says that she doesn’t get to see her friends often but still, I’m her …view more

Cool. 1626

I was at work since 5 AM. I’ve been sleeping cause IM TIRED? What do you expect?? I can’t text you back in my sleep?? Goddd I don’t understand girls sometimes

28 years old and still single. 2026

if i have a beautiful and awesome girlfriend, my life would be so complete.

i don’t think there’s someone more loser than me. i’ve been rejected 7 times in a row. why is it so difficult to get a girl? i am sad and lonely. i get so very jealous of guys with beautiful girls. i wish i can join the pickup artist community and learn their ways.

i don’t get it some girls did say i am good looking but when i approach them they go away. i hate life.

Stood me up…. 1618

After four years, the way you tell me you don’t want to hang out after making plans is to stand me up? I got stood up by my own fucking bf. Wtf did I do to even deserve this? You said you’d pick me up and then never did. Ignore my calls and texts, post a fb status about who the fuck knows and goes on with life. Maybe it’s good I’m going off to college, because this kind of shit is obnoxious and hurtful. Maybe we do need some time apart.

What should I do 2122

Okay… this all started a last month. My girlfriend broke up with me and didn’t even tell me or give me a reason why. I am so depressed, I don’t know what to do with myself. I miss her and I wish she would come back… but I don’t think she will. I think she went back to her ex, even after she told me she wouldn’t.. I blocked her out of my life so I could forget her, but it didn’t work. I only ended up hurting myself. I was talking with one of my exes and I started falling for her, but I decided …view more

pissy girlfriend whose boyfriend forgot to mention that relationship to me 2431

Okay it just really pissed me off that that girl phrased it, ?what is your issue?? I?m sorry, I don?t have an issue. But really, you had to ask me AGAIN? I?m sorry, but I was surprised to hear that the boy I?d been BANGING for several weeks had a GIRLFRIEND. It took me a minute to realize what a douchebag he was and whether or not I was going to cover his ass even though he lied to me.

So back to me having an issue- ACTUALLY, the only issue here is yours, girl: your boyfriend has an issue …view more

some friend you were… 2237

you used to be a great mate, but you treated your girlfriend like absolute shit and then go psycho when she came and talked to me about it, because i was somewhat nice to her.. now all you do is call me a retard and a fuckwit, and you dont even have the balls to fight me about it, because your a fucking keyboard warrior. you think your better than everyone, and i have no fucking clue why. i used to consider you a great friend but peices of shit like you make me want to vomit. you insult …view more

my girlfriend is a dick head 2119

My girlfriend, is lazy, selfish and manipulative. She constantly shouts at me over every little thing, uses sex as weapon (when she’s not with holding it for months on end), tries to stop me seeing my friends and constantly guilt trips me. I can’t get away from her either, I’ve tried several times and somehow she manipulates me into taking her back. She knows exactly how to push my buttons and works me like a puppet. I can’t think of anybody in this world who fills me with as much hate and …view more

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