You have this terrible blatant habit of making people hurry up and wait. Yes it ducking pisses me off, and I don’t care what ducking excuse you have about trying to assert dominance by making me wait or wasting my time. Put the ducking pipe down stop hanging out with scene people and get a fucking job. Every one of your fucking problems that have become my fucking problem stem from you being selfish and stupid.
I’m not your personal Jesus there to suffer with you for your own ducking sins and
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High school is over. I wish I could say the person I was then is the person I am…but that’s a lie. I have always been hateful, spiteful, greedy, and out only for numero uno. The people I met at my school were so obviously superficial and contrived, I floated among them daily, somehow managing to never lose perspective of who I am. If I had the chance to, if i was not so afraid of their hive-minded scorn, I would tell them all just how useless they were. I would make mention of how I trucked
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Well… I mean there’s always a lot of tension in people lives especially being young like myself living the college life..but I’m always the person that my friends come to for advice, as much as I love to lend an ear it kinda bothers me with one of my friends…I’ve known her for awhile and we’ve had our tiffs, but in the end I don’t think she really listens. I understand advice is a word of opinion to help guide you, but when your constantly going to someone with the same questions after you
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