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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: guys

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What do I do? 813

Does anyone out there just want to give up on guys and dating in general?? I liked this guy in the beginning of the year but turned out to be a stalker. Then I met another guy that I really liked but then turned out he can’t date. But then I found out from my friend one day after school she heard him saying stuff about me taking the whole I cant date speech. So turns out he’s just an asshole So now he acts like I don’t exist. We were close friends and I sit next to him in one of my classes. I …view more

Ugly, creepy guys! 2224

It’s not “creepy” if he’s hot. I freely admit it. When a very attractive stranger approaches me and tells me I’m beautiful, it brightens my day. When a guy who is short, fat or balding does it, it makes my skin crawl no matter how tactful he is about it. I just want him to go away. I’m not alone in feeling this way. Most women feel the same, but hide the true extent of it when the guys are around.

If said ugly guy doesn’t pick up on social cues that I’m not interested in getting to know him, …view more

Cheating. 2020

Being cheated on hurts. I’ve never been cheated on so I don’t know how it feels. I don’t know how a guy could ever cheat on a girl. The girls did nothing wrong for the guys to do this. I guess guys do it for satisfaction that we won’t give them right away like the slags do. We aren’t some bimbos on a corner you can just pick up in a car. We have dignity. We are people too. We have feelings, a heart, and courage too. We don’t just walk around sleeping with every guy that passes by. I hate it …view more

Being treated like your weak. 2019

So today my older brother was messing around and was acting like he would punch me. I laughed and said you wouldn’t because you know I would punch back twice as hard. He just said yea right. I hate it when people treat me like I’m weak. Just because I have soft spots for somethings doesn’t exactly make me weak like everyone says a girl should be. I’m not too strong but I’m definitely not weak either. I hate it when people are sexist like that. Woman can do anything a guy can do. Woman are in …view more

I think I like my friend…but we are both guys. 1820

I’m currently seventeen and like girls. My problem is that during high school I started to get to know this guy who would become my friend. Well, this friend and I haven’t really had that close of a relationship. But after the past year things started to become different; I guess it was because I stopped trying so hard to get to know him. I suppose i started wanting us to become bestfriends. Well, the past year my friend and I have basically talked to each other everyday on Skype, but with …view more

I don’t want this. 2839

I hate this.
I really don’t think I’ll ever find anyone that will fall in love with me.
On the outside, I come off as so confident, so beautiful, so intelligent, so everything, and I am-a truly amazing woman. I am enjoying life. But inside, it hurts. It’s not that I won’t ever find anyone, but the fact that if I do, I don’t think I’d ever be able to accept him. If he were to offer his kind hand to me in my time of need, I would shove it away, curse him, and run far away!… I always told myself …view more

guys pfffft 1929

Why do guys always go for the sluts. The younger sluts too.
They say they want a real serious relationship and then bang some young honey.
I can’t tell, they say their girlfriend is an angel, virgin before they met them and doesn’t do drugs or smoke or doing anything of that nature.
Are guys really that stupid and naive ???
Or do they know and know care???
how can they honestly believe that bullshit !

Such a scum bag….. 3442

I’m so fucking angry at the moment. My best friend is having a long grieving process about getting over her ex fiance that up and left her for no reason. He was a huge scum bag that hurt her terribly for the past 2 years. I understand you know you love the guy and its only natural to cry. There is nothing wrong with that. But how can you not be angry so quickly. She poured her heart out to him changing everything about herself, stopped hanging with her friends, especially if he wasn’t around. …view more

I’m tired!! 3329

Ok so I’ve had on hell of a year and a half and I’m just ready for it to be over! Over with the drama over with the new shit just over with everything! I have enough on my plate and I don’t want any more! One of the major things right now is why are guys soo stupid, I mean really, do you just not think or something!? To all the guys out there that keep calling me and I am not responding, there is a reason for it!! Think back to why we stopped talking in the first place….Really I’m not stupid …view more

oh the chooices we make..what do I do?? 3143

lets see where do i begin? I’m dating someone right now and i really do like him, he’s actually the only guy that could break through the fact i really like one of my good guy friends. But see the problem is, I love being with my boyfriend but, I really love being with my guy friend, and I’ve always had a huge crush on him from before me and my boyfriend started going together, or even met. But I waited around for the signs of my guy friend to show me that he really does like me before I did …view more

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