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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: hate

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Story of Love 1510

Week 1 : I like Alex.
Week 3 : y’ah know. I’m over him. He’s a jerk.
Week 5 : Alex likes you.

Hate my life

Mess 1831

My mom just had quadruple bypass surgery and I honestly, with everything in me, wish she would have died during the procedure. Everything went fine except that she’s a different person and not one that we can live with. She NEEDS physical therapy and we had to spend THREE FUCKING DAYS fighting with her about entering Rehab. If that’s not bad enough, she’s now treating us like her personal enemy and trying to get out of everything the rehab people get her to do. She says she wants to go home, …view more

My wife is making me miserable…. 1331

The moment I even think things are getting better they get worse again. I have no desire to stay married to her besides the fact that we a have a kid together. Don’t ever get married or have kids with the wrong person. You will regret it and contemplate suicide. Know who it is you’re sticking your dick in! There’s no amount of therapy that can fix your marriage if your relationship was already fucked from the beginning. It’ll turn you into someone that you hate.

Can’t Let It Go 1524

I developed feelings for someone I had become good friends with and we shared some pretty weird stuff with each other. Now she almost if not completely ignores my existence. I tell myself that I’ve gotten over those feelings and that she’s really not a good person, but every time I see her or her name pops up on Facebook, that longing is still there.
And I fucking hate it, and it absolutely ruins me every time.
But I also fucking love it.





Asexual and genderfluid 2236

I hate the idea of sex and the boys in my class are horny af (some made jokes of my privates and one made a joke about touching my boobs???) Technically I hate being a female as well and can’t people accept that not every boy/girl wants and craves sex with them? Nobody gets that I would much rather be a boy, my mum constantly ensures I am not anything but straight, she was so irritated about me being asexual, what is wrong with society?

“Friends” 1519

Im in the 8th grade and i have three “bestfriends”. I honestly think they dont even want me around. Theyre always leaving me out of everything. They treat me as if im trash and its just plain annoying. They ask for help but when i try to freaking help them, they pick verbal fights for no reason. I want new friends but i think i have social anxiety because i cant talk to strangers/people i rarely talk to without shaking or trembleing. But, I have no close friends that I can actually talk …view more

constantly keeping my mouth shut. 1525

Its seems like no matter what I do or how I do it I’m always being screamed or yelled at. Everything I do its a fucking problem. Everything I want to say is held back, but the moment I say something subtle IM THE FUCKING BAD GUY! I’m always being called names, some of them are so bad I just want to turn around slap them back up their mothers vagina and leave. Sorry I’m not the fucking best. Maybe you should have aborted the fucking mission! Your the fucking reason I have depression.

I can’t stop telling lies 1739

Everyone lies. But I can’t stop. I just got in trouble with my parents yesterday. I feel like total shit. I told my dad I was working all day, but I wasn’t even working half a day. I just spent the whole day with my boyfriend. And this isn’t the first time I told that lie.
The first time this happened I was actually supposed to work the whole day, but my boss told me she over scheduled people and to not come in. I didn’t wan’t to tell my parents because I knew they’d have a whole bunch of …view more

Little Brother 2134

I am actually so fucking upset right now because my little brother literally gets everything he wants and he is the rudest person I have ever met and he makes me want to kill myself LITERALLY I AM NOT JOKING I hate my life and I have for a long time now and all of that is because of him and I think that either he needs to die or I do because the hatred I feel for him is the most unhealthy feeling there is and I don’t want to exist in a word with him and I have so much more shit I could say but …view more

Typical. 1618

I hate you.
What kind of person inhibits learning? More so a mother?
Anything any of us dares to tell you we’re interested in, you shoot down in an instant. How do you fucking expect us to grow up woth our own identities? Unless you really don’t want us to. In that case, you should never have had kids in the first place. I started school aiming for good grades to impress you. Now I just do it so I can leave as early as I can.

Seeing other families being happy just makes me jealous. I have a …view more

I like you, I hate you, I don’t even know anymore. 1720

I used to like you. Then I stopped liking you. Why did I ever like you? Well, as soon as you found out, you immediately started hating me. You avoided me. You and your friends made fun of me. You caused me best friend, a girl who liked one of your friends, turn on me. She still makes fun of me. She has been doing this for 2 years now. I try to make fun of her, tell her to stop, but it doesn’t have much effect. You aren’t in my class. Thank goodness for that, I hate you so much. Or do I? I don’t …view more

I hate him 1829

I have hated my father for a long time because he is the biggest jackass, hypocrite, controlling asshole ever. He verbally abuses myself, mum and sister but wouldn’t challenge my brother who would snap and go right off at him.
Recently, I was watching a video about people shipping these two guys who aren’t gay and it annoyed me and my dad was like ‘what’s your problem?’ and when I said ‘people just pissing me off.’ I was referring to the video and he goes off yelling and screaming making me …view more

Fuck all of you 1520

Call me a cry baby, say i’m jealous. Whatever, i feel left out. You don’t even care about me at all. Never did. I was always the ‘backup’ friend. When you broke up with that bitch, you leaned to me till you found that queen and left me aside. And then you quit that stupid fucking group, and there i was waiting, the ‘backup’. Oh it’s now my turn for comforting. Because I don’t fucking exist unless you broke up with someone.And guess what now. Everyone else is ignoring me and think i’m boring. …view more

Fucked Up Ex 2430

Hey, so this is my first time posting anything on this website or any website like this for that matter but I have no one to talk to about my recent convo with my ex. First et me start by saying that he and I had a long distance relationship and he was the one who pushed it, plus he knew that because of physical abuse I endured in my childhood I’m not too eager to have people touch me easily. Fast forward to the last couple of months of our relationship he went into a coma and I spent months …view more

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