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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: horrible

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Mother 1730

I feel like I’ve been living in such a toxic environment because of my mother. She thinks everything’s about herself and constantly makes the rest of my family and I feel like shit. She says my brother and his wife are horrible parents, calls my sister fat to the point where y sister’s started to get concerned when she doesn’t need to be, and calls me a demon child along with other things. Hell, she gets pissed off whenever my sister and I wear clothes she doesn’t like or are somewhat wrinkled …view more

I hate Junior High. 2135

it is only the first semester of school and I’m already stressed out. i have put so much pressure on myself that not even and 85% is good anymore. I feel horrible and anxious all the time. I also feel ugly. Im either too tall and skinny or I feel small and fat. And if i try and tell anyone that they laugh. As if i can’t feel fat. ITS UNFAIR. And why do all the girls my age have to be so so STUPID. Who do they think the are? Im sick of comparing myself to them all the time. Im also sicks of not …view more

A Horrible Fucking Person 1320

Why the title? Because only a horrible fucking person would think the things I do. A horrible fucking self-absorbed person.

My mom just got out of the hospital after her fourth mini stroke. The first one was about four years ago and it messed me up I think more than anyone else involved. I mean, she still doesn’t even remember most of the ordeal and I think she’s the luckiest fucking person for that because if I could cut into my own brain and take out the part that remembers, I would. In a …view more

I don’t even know 1927


Why is life do hard? Girls are fucking horrible. The one i like loves another girl. Another girl likes a different guy. Another possible girlfriend is dating lots of people. Another possible girlfriend is too hardcore for me. I’m a sadist and I feel like turning into it why can’t I be like a normal Asian? Why is life so hard?! Why can’t I be normal for a change?! Why do I have to see the hidden stuff everyone hides? Can’t I be a little un-observative for once? Can’t like be normal with …view more

Fuck you. 1830

Twice this has fucking happened to me. Twice where guys have started the friendship. They said the first “hello” I can clearly remember, but a few months down the road they send you a horrible message because they’re fucking idiots. One lets his gf onto his facebook and lets her send me a horrible message to make me doubt myself and only apologises 3 months later and also lied to me whilst talking to me.
The other one is also calling my all these colourful names that any girl wants to hear. …view more

Feeling Confused 3034

About two years ago I saw a woman burn to death in an automobile crash. I was the second one on the scene. She had stopped for a school bus, and a girl who was texting and driving smashed into the back of her pickup truck. Her truck was sideways in the road and She was knocked unconscious with a gaping head wound. Her door was wedged closed and the truck caught fire. There was no extinguisher or anything to try and put the fire out. I had to just watch her burn to death. One minute she was …view more

Uninformed Pushy Anti-Theists Need to Shush. 2229

I’m sick and tired of this new wage of pushy anti-theists, or as they like to be called ‘atheists’. But it’s not atheism when you go around pushing your belief that religion has no place in society and makes everything wrong and horrible.
Let’s just start with that: not everything associated with religion is harmful, just like not everything associated with atheism is enlightened. Ever heard of a man called Mao Tsetung? He was an atheist by ideology, and his poor leadership led to 20 million …view more

Hate rude people! 1831

Dear lady and horrible daugther at starbucks:
You both are CUNT BAGS, like it is so hard to wait for a new drink, or wait for 5 minutes because the people behind the counter only have 3 people there and they are working as fast as they can. I hope you both reap what you sow, and I hope you both get in a HUGE car crash.
Dear guy at burrito place today:
All I have to say is you are a fucking asshole, douche, fucktard, ass-licker. Yes you did have a right to be mad, but you did not handle that …view more

Tired of Playing Dr.Phil 2628

Im sick of being surrounded by everybody else’s problems! People come to me to bitch and moan about their life, there horrible situation but nobody has time to hear whats going on with me. I try to keep a positive attitude and although there’s aspects of my life that aren’t the greatest, there are some parts that are friggen fantastic! But all this “debbie downering” is putting a stink on things. I dont want to hear about your pathetic crap…stop dragging me down and let me at least try and be …view more

lies in jealousy 3337

I lied about being in love with my best friend when i wasn’t. i did that just to make my ex feel jealous. and now my bff thinks it was real and she’s acting all weird and making me feel horrible. and some guy has a crush on me… and pressure…the whole world knows about him and me and keeps pressurizing me..why do i have to do anything right or wrong..its my life…why do u keep tellin me how to live it..oh n top of it all im a lesbian teen…nobody knows except for my bff and she’s acting all weird …view more

Is age REALLY that big of deal? 4299

I’m 16, dating a 46 year old. No sex, yet, waiting till i’m 18. I love him very much. He loves me, i’m not an idiot..nor am i immature. i love that he’s older then me. he is in no way selfish, condesending, or horrible to me in any way. he respects me,loves me, cares for me. why do people always say that older guys ONLY want you for the sex? we’ve talked about sex many many times of course. but since neither of us want to get the other in trouble we are waiting. haven’t even had oral or …view more

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