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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: husband

Your search returned 15 results.
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My Confession 1520

I’m 20 years old and my son is almost 1. I partially regret having him when we did. I hate living with my in laws. I wanted to wait to be married. I envy all of my friends. My partner doesn’t have any interest in anything I want to do. I pretend to be interested in his stupid games all the damned time. He wants to tie me down but I have never been that person and idk how to tell him without hurting him. I hate staying in one place for long periods of time but at the same time I want to like it. …view more

Worthless Middle Aged Gamer Husband 1922

Dear frodowasaparanoidgnome, AKA Grokamole, AKA Peppa Femunda, AKA Plumber Hulk, AKA Gelatinous Dude, AKA Difficult Mac, or more appropriately: DOUCHEY MANCHILD:

I hate your worthless, lazy, pathetic gamer ass. You think your marriage and career are “a drag, man” and want to throw it all away so you can be free to play video games all day and night. Your 45 year old unemployed bald loser ass and your futon in a one bedroom apartment is just going to be so sexy to the ladies!

YOU are the …view more

Worthless Middle Aged Gamer Husband 1618

Dear frodowasaparanoidgnome,

I hate your worthless, lazy, pathetic gamer ass. You think your marriage and career are “a drag, man” and want to throw it all away so you can be free to play video games all day and night. Your 45 year old unemployed bald loser ass and your futon in a one bedroom apartment is just going to be so sexy to the ladies!

YOU are the idiot. You are a selfish, entitled user who hasn’t done shit with his life except screw
up everything worthwhile he ever had. You are a …view more

I hate my job and my husband 2029

I quit my job five years ago to go back to school and took a job working in my hubby’s office. I have since graduated and have been looking for work, but working for your husband doesn’t do much for your CV. I take care of every aspect of his business, of our kids and of the house. All he does is bitch at me and pile on more work. Currently I am recovering from the flu. Today I have to go into the office to answer phones, greet patients and make his “important” phone calls I lost my voice and …view more

My sister the MOOCH 1615

My sister is the main reason I want to move out. My husband and I have been forced to live at home with my sweet mother and my sister, because of financial difficulties. Oh. My. Gosh. My sister is such a lazy, ungrateful mooch! She sits around all day watching netflix, cooking and then wasting food that someone else bought, and NEVER cleans up after herself. She hasn’t washed a dish in… what, YEARS? This morning I found a plate with bread crusts sitting ON THE COUCH right next to her “nest”, …view more

What’s your problem? 2528

I’m doing my best to live with you and keep the peace. I buy groceries and share them with you. I bought you a snack in town today. So why the hell do you have an attitude with me all the time? My husband and I actually pay rent to live here. We are paying our bills and buying groceries and trying to earn our way in this world. YOU? You sit on your fat, lazy ass under a roof that our MOTHER is paying for, watching Netflix on a wii that belongs to ME, on a TV that belongs to our MOTHER, eating …view more

Your final words will never reach him. 1724

Before my husband and I were married, on two separate occasions a woman he had known since high school begged him to leave me and be with her instead. He refused her both times.

Not long ago, two days after she committed suicide, a letter from her arrived in the mail for my husband. He wasn’t home. I opened it and read it. It started with, “By the time you read this, I’ll be gone.” She went on at length about how she had always loved him, even insisting that she loved him more than I ever …view more

Mom 2027

I fucking hate my mom!!! She is so fake and thinks she has it so well put together!!! HELLO MOM!! WE CAN FUCKING SEE WHAT YOU’RE REALLY THINKING!!!

Yeah so you hate your husband and want to go fuck an old fame, well don’t lie about it!! Get real and throw away your damn fake religion while your at it. It’s helped you be even more fake, everyone with their fake smiles and doing god’s will.


Oh and don’t pretend like your available to care for me, you are so split you …view more

GTFO 2030

No, my husband does not want to “have lunch” with you and your boring family, no matter how many times you ask.

And in case you were wondering, it has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with how horribly you treated him. And yes, you DID treat him horribly, no matter how many times you try to tell yourself that nothing was ever your fault and you’re innocent of any wrongdoing.

He’s not one to hold onto grudges and ill-will, which is the only reason he even talks to you at all, but …view more

Can’t stand to talk to him on phone, don’t want him home either 1421

I don’t want to bother my friend with this. It puts them in bad spot. Even ranting is probably bad, because gives me chance to dwell on negative instead of doing some kind of emphasizing the positives.

My husband grates on my nerves. I can’t wait to get off the phone with him. If I have any tension in my voice he says I am yelling. No, I am just sick of you disagreeing with everything I say. It sucks.

I don’t want you to come home early. I want to be alone from you.

There I feel better.

My husband acts like he doesn’t wanna be with me. 2031

I’ve been with my husband for a couple of years now. I was so happy at the beginning of our relationship, and have never had anything to complain about. He makes me feel amazing, will do anything I ask, and he’s so loyal. But within the past year everything is feeling quite opposite from the fairy tail I remember. He started hanging out with his friends more, and I didn’t see anything wrong with it until the other night when we were on a DATE and he ditched me for his friends to go watch a …view more

I know you’re cheating. Why won’t you just admit it? 3229

I’ve seen the way you look at that girl you work with. I’ve driven by on some of those late nights you were “working” and saw your car was nowhere to be found. I’ve seen the phone bills where you’ve been calling her and talking for hours. If that weren’t enough, last week I found a lacy red thong on our bedroom floor that doesn’t belong to me, and it smelled quite distinctly like pussy.

Why won’t you just admit that you’ve done me wrong so I can stop going crazy over this? I’ve confronted you …view more

betrayed disgusted and abandoned 2833

your stupid slim of a husband tried to sleep with me when i was a teenager.. more than 12 years ago. You gave me up long before that though. How could you accuse me of making it up? How could you stay married to a man who wanted to sleep with your daughter? How can you hate yourself so much that you’d stay with someone like that over doing the right thing and ripping his balls off??

what to do? 1727

my husband is a one minute man and almost always never finishes me off. i am starting to get very fustrated. i have had serious thoughts about cheating on him and getting the banging i want. but i know i won’t because i love him.

any advice?

Marriage problems :( 3835

I have just found out my husband of 5 years has been stealing my underwear and secretly wearing it to work, i dont know how to feel about this or what to do :( plz help!

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