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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: idiots

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Why are some people so toxic in game chat 1619

God, some people need to just get off the earth if they see everyone else as idiots of faggots! and for GODDAMN’S SAKE, IT IS A FUCKING GAMEROOM CHAT and the fucking mute button does not work…!

Some Internet Shit 1218

So I found a petition online that says “Make All Shelters in the US Non-Kill Shelters” I read what the petitioner had to say on the issue. I came to the realization that not only was the end goal that that person wanted was impossible, but they were oblivious to the consequences that would occur because of this action. To basically sum it up, they wanted all shelters to be non-kill shelters, practically everyone in the United States of America to adopt a pet and literally force people to spay …view more

Sucks this SUCKS BIG TIME 2522

People in my college.. senseless inhuman humans i ever met, Some I cant stand at all.. Fucking idiots behave like kids after passing the teenage. Seriously grow up.. Its irritating, its so so damn irritating, I have tried my best to ignore but I just cant,, for gods sake pls mothr fucking grow up…

Peers in my English class are all idiotic assholes. 3335

I’m a Senior in high school, so this is very sad. About a majority of the kids in my class are all rude, annoying, condescending, idiotic, lazy, pieces of trash. There’s only about seven people in there who I don’t want to stab in the eye.

There’s one girl who never shuts the fuck up. She has such a goddamn attitude and always talks to this boy next to her, and they boy is the dumbest fucker I’ve ever met. They’ll talk all class long, and eventually the teacher will come over and tell her to …view more


I’m in a class with complete idiots.
I’m stuck with them until December.
They all have a complete lack of respect- not only for the teacher, or their classmates, but obviously to themselves.
I fucking hate them all.
I get through every unbearable hour and 1/2 class just by fantasizing about going up to each one of them and saying a big “fuck you”.
Personally, I’m always looking for the light in people, but I just can’t find it with these guys. They are loud, rude, disrespectful, STUPID, …view more


I am SO TIRED of being a trained info-monkey for idiots and drug addicts and jerks! Get your own goddamn phone number! You’re sitting in front of a computer, LOOK it up yourself! I have a fricken MASTERS DEGREE! And I am NOT the phone company! I am not your PERSONAL SHOPPER! I am not the complaints department of the store you are pissed at! I do not CARE why you want the lame and stupid information you want! If you had written it down the other twelve times we looked it up for you, we wouldn’t …view more

documentation… 1522

Can I just say that it really fucking pisses me off when people write amazing pieces of source code and then don’t fucking provide proper documentation on how to implement it!? Is that just like a thing? I’m gonna spend five years developing this amazing binary and I’m gonna release it, but am I gonna properly tell people how to use it? NOPE. Just gonna hope the gurus already know how to use it and leave the little guys to fend for themselves.

We all start somewhere, fags.

Everything is NOT about Sex 2137


Seriously, for anyone on either side of this debate, there are better verses to illustrate your point and your repeated invocation of the story of Sodom makes you sound like an idiot who didn’t bother to do a lick of …view more

Why do people “Shhh” you in the Library? 2622

If you study fine, have an area to study as it’s not easy to drag these big books home when all you need to do is use them for 10 minutes to jot something down on.

But why do people go to the Library and read and then expect people to be quiet? No, go home and read!

You don’t need silence when making other consumer decisions do you?

Just because you get books in the library doesn’t mean you have to read them there. If you do decide to read them in a public place with members of the public - …view more

I hate stupid people. 3631

I’m sure that almost everybody feels this way at some point, if not at all times. Why must the world be bubbling over with idiots? Why am I asked an innumerable amount of stupid questions each day? Why does it seem that I am the only person on the fucking planet that has any common sense?

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