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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: issues

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Young Teen with a Heart too Big to Go Around 2525

Since I’ve been in Highschool all of my Friends have gotten more and more stressed and I feel like I am pissing them off whenever I say a single sentence. But, my heart is just so big that I can’t help but try to help them with their issues in life.

But each day it’s getting harder and harder…. One of my close friends who lives around the country from me tried to kill herself, and I am so panicked. Everyone thinks I’m the smartest kid alive, I’m not, I cheat I lie… It’s getting harder and …view more

My Boyfriend 1918

My boyfriend is going to drive me crazy. He wants to have sex all the time and when I ask him to do things with me, like go on a date, he always backs out of it. I asked him to have dinner with me and he agreed, but then he complained about how he was full from thanksgiving (2 days ago) and didn’t really want to. When I asked what he wanted to do he told me that he didn’t really want to do anything. So I told him that I was going to take myself out on a date and his reply was “alright if that’s …view more

I just wish he’d realize.. 2431

Okay, so, here’s my issue. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year and we have a VERY sexual relationship, which, I think is great. It’s very open and honest, which pleases both of us GREATLY. Here’s the problem though, we both have Tumblrs and my Tumblr is an outlet of expresssion for me. I don’t put anything super crazy on my blog, it’s really just to rant, or express anything that’s on my mind at the moment, without actually saying it. My boyfriend, has 2 Tumblrs, one is sexual …view more

Client Hell 2228

I’m a BOFH. I was born with a keyboard in my hand and a wrenching urge to abuse end users with ID-10T issues. Like a lot of my kind, we pick up other oft-related skills to augment our incomes to better have the resources to torment our victi– err… where was I?

I currently do a lot of freelance work as a web developer and designer.

Nothing sends my BOFH-Attack meter of the charts more than a client that willingly makes piss-poor user interface decisions after they’ve been ‘educated’ as to why …view more

I have problems 2023

I’m SO TIRED of having these issues;; I’m glad that your life is going great, but my life SUCKS, what did you think?? do you honestly think I *enjoy* doing absolutely nothing and making NO constructive progress towards anything!? how am I doing, you ask? do you seriously buy it when I say that I’m “fine”? really? I’m fucking miserable! but I can’t tell you that because I’m obligated to not bring you down with my bullshit negativity.
past me, you screwed up royally, insisting that I’m all …view more

Cant Take High School Anymore 2731

Not sure why I’m even posting this to be honest. I guess I have no where else to express these feelings. I’m 16 years old and a sophomore at a fairly large highschool. I FUCKING hate it. I don’t hate it for the normal excuses such as homework, difficulty or rules. No, I hate the people there. The people I have to call my peers, all though I consider them no more than animals. Modern day society has molded them into these mindless zombies that feel the necessity to join every clique, be an …view more

You bastard….. 2537

That shit you pulled with her sent me into a major depressive episode that effectively ruined my life. The next several years were spent with mild but long-lasting depression and anxiety. I’ve got trust issues, anger issues, and borderline Avoidant Personality Disorder. You’re a fucking sociopath, you know that? Maybe most people don’t see it, and a few can tell there’s something off about you, but I know first hand what a sick, broken, individual you are. I fantasize that one day you’ll do …view more

irritated at best friend 2626

i am irritated because i had plans to hang out with my best friend on saturday and monday. well it turns out that she cancelled because her mom just decided to go out of town saturday, sunday, and monday. the EXACT days i was gonna hang with her and the EXACT days that i was free only. so since she couldnt hang out, my mom made other plans and stuff. but today she texted me saying that her mom cancelled the trip and now she can hang out. but then i cant because my mom already made plans.
it …view more

I -get- it. 2535

I know that you have issues with depression, and I know that you like poking fun at yourself for it for God only knows what reason, but joking about dying in your goddamn sleep is -not- funny, and I’m getting sick and fucking -tired- of you -totally ignoring- any kind of concern I have for you. You make me -hate- you sometimes, even though you’re my best friend, and that just makes me hate -myself-. I’m not telling you to shut up, I’m just asking you to have even the -tiniest shred- of sympathy …view more

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