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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: jealous

Your search returned 14 results.
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Jealous 2229

I have a crush on one of my friends. Some shit went down about this other girl in our friend group and I don’t like her anymore. But my crush likes her and he likes her back and I want to punch her in the face. She hurt somebody close to me but he still likes her. I’m happy that they both found each other but what the FUCK

My “Sister” 2025

I’m “best friends” with this girl, we’ve been friends for a long time on YouTube and we’ve never missed a day talking to each other until she grew bigger than me, she started ignoring me, and forgetting me. Stopped calling me her best friend. We called each other sisters because we loved each other like sisters. She now always looking to get something that probably cost $100 for free, she’s using crack versions of apps to cheat her way to popularity, and no one even knows it’s all cracked, …view more

I blv I’m cursed 1922

Age 30, brown S Asian male here. And yes, I blv I’m cursed.

Let’s start with symptoms. This only has to do with relationships. I get angry. Jealous. And suspicious. When I lose it I shout at people. And those that get hit hardest are those who’re closest to me. And it hurts.

I have some kind of attention surplus disorder. Let’s just say that I saw something out of ordinary from my spouse. I am bound to notice it. And I’m cursed with excessive attention. You can safely say I’m a human …view more

Fucking Fake Friends 1525

So I have this friend. Let me call her “Q”. So me and Q have been great friends in school for quite a long time. But as time went on, she starting chanings. Now all Q seems to want to do is try and be popular and talk about boys. She has this great fucking friends of hers who im going to call “W” So W is a girl I just met this school year. SO. FUCKING. FAKE. Her laugh is so damn fake, so is her smile. She likes about 5 boys. WTF. I like this guy named “E”. So Q used to like E, and W currently …view more

Hypocrite S/O 1618

Does anyone else have a boyfriend/girlfriend that’s a complete hypocrite? Like seriously. My boyfriend was mad at me cause I made one friend at work who happens to be a guy. I’m really shy and introverted so people tend to think I’m stuck up so making a new friend was AMAZING.

But my boyfriend saw my phone when my guy friend was texting me and got so mad that he started yelling at me while I tried to stay calm, as usual, as I explained. I had to hold back from mentioning his like 50 female …view more

idk, i think i’m just delusional… -E 1522

is it me or am i a crazy girlfriend who gets jealous of my boyfriend hanging out with other girls? idk, i tend to get jealous to often bc my bf hangs around girls quite a bit. once he went to the mall with a bunch of (our friends/my girlfriends) and they started posting pics with eachother etc etc. and whenever i see them, i scroll past them after a bit turn off my phone and throw it on my bed. and not interact with my phone at all. it’ll still be on sometimes but i leave it along bc i feel so …view more

Call Him Bae One More Time 1218

The way she talks to him makes me think she’s in a secret relationship with the guy I’ve been seeing. It might just be my over-analyzing, jealous brain making things up, but sometimes I just want to smack her and tell her to shut the fuck up.

I hate my ”life” all I feel is emptiness or anger. 1724

I hate everything about myself. I hate how I look, I hate where I am at in life. I am a jealous hypocrite. I lie all the time to everybody, I steal I deal drugs. I am frustrated sexually and emotionally, I masturbate to all these women I can’t have on Facebook, Because I can’t fuck them for real. I fantasize about vengeance and crime.

I really love to destroy people’s lives, because mine sucks. I am a con artist. If I can steal from you and get away with it I will. I think I am about to snap. …view more

28 years old and still single. 2026

if i have a beautiful and awesome girlfriend, my life would be so complete.

i don’t think there’s someone more loser than me. i’ve been rejected 7 times in a row. why is it so difficult to get a girl? i am sad and lonely. i get so very jealous of guys with beautiful girls. i wish i can join the pickup artist community and learn their ways.

i don’t get it some girls did say i am good looking but when i approach them they go away. i hate life.

FUCK getting married at 23. 1133

I know no less than 6 couples who are engaged now, and I’ve only been out of college for less than a year. Maybe I’m a little jealous. Okay, maybe I’m a lot jealous because these people seem to have found a committed, fulfilling relationship so early in life, and I can’t seem to hang on to a decent guy for three dates. I KNOW, I know, that these people will probably all be divorced in five years, but I’m having a really hard time seeing that schadenfreude-based silver lining.

AND now that …view more

A forbidden fruit….my best friends girl. 2815

It hurts so much. I’m such an idiot. Should have said something sooner. I see how you both look at each other. So jealous of the way you caress his face. Even at work i cant get away. I wish we were strangers instead of best friends. I confessed my feelings to you. Told me if i would have asked you out sooner things would have been different. We talk and text things we would never dare tell anyone else. I even told you about me leaving this town and going back to Atlanta. There is nothing for …view more

With jealous friends and boyfriends like you, who needs enemies??? 2124

How’s my day? Oh..I don’t know, How IS my day?? My day, my day, MY DAY! You wanna know how my day was??!! Well, it was okay..UNTIL THE END!!

My lying, backstabbing Bxxxh of a friend completely ruins my mellowness! I make ONE mistake over a year ago, and she holds on to it and uses it against me..WHILE I AM THERE! Then she gets jealous of my skin color for some reason and goes bashing light skin (Her own best friend has the same skin tone). AND THEN she somehow brings my boyfriend into the …view more

lies in jealousy 3337

I lied about being in love with my best friend when i wasn’t. i did that just to make my ex feel jealous. and now my bff thinks it was real and she’s acting all weird and making me feel horrible. and some guy has a crush on me… and pressure…the whole world knows about him and me and keeps pressurizing me..why do i have to do anything right or wrong..its my life…why do u keep tellin me how to live it..oh n top of it all im a lesbian teen…nobody knows except for my bff and she’s acting all weird …view more

You don’t worth my time 2124

You don’t worth my time.

You say how much you miss me, want me. Yet the first thing you do after you come back from your vacation, you go around and flirt with the girls in front of me. We have been seeing each other for a year now and you never tell me you love me. But today, when my friend busts out a joke, you tell her you love her cause she’s so funny. You know what? I’m glad that I never use the L word on you either! Why? because obviously I treat my Love more preciously than you do. …view more

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