For a little over the last 3 months my husband and I decided to be nice to two friends who were on the verge of being homeless, we offered them space in our tiny one bedroom suite until they found their own new place to move into……….. Boy, did that ever quickly become the biggest f**king regret of our lives… =3=
Not only were they extremely annoying, but they were also lazy and completely ungrateful… oh, and did I forget to mention f**king lazy???!?
Neither of them had jobs, nor did they plan
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I just can’t stand this guy I sit opposite at work, he used to report to me but thank god I hired a deputy who he now reports to. He’s lazy, he tuned out of his job about 2 years ago, but gets paid pretty well and so hangs around doing very little. The most annoying thing is that he’s talented, he could be one of the most influential people here, but all he does is tick over. I spent nearly two years trying to get him to kick into gear, and now I have to hold his hand through every project I
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Are you fucking kidding me!? I just got done telling you that I’m going into the bedroom to do my homework and not 5 minutes into it you’re going to scream my name out from the comfort of the couch to tell me that the dog needs to go out? What the FUCK? I have 30 hours of work to do in 2 days and your ass is sitting on the couch watching a movie and you can ‘t be bothered to take your own dog out!? FUCK YOU!!
I just caught my gf giving me a regifted present :/ I think it was for her dad from her sister, but he didnt like it.I didnt say anything but how shit is that :S