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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: lesbian

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Outed by ex best friend 1424

So I’m lesbian. Most of my close friends accepted that but this girl decided to treat it like a piece of juicy gossip and spread it all around the school. She also teased me about it and would leave me alone about it. I forgave her for all of this because I like to avoid conflict but deep down I was still pissed-off. Then skip forward three months and we’re in college. The whole thing has settled down and although I’m still resentful I’ve moved on. Then I hear that a girl I just met asked if I …view more

Sexuality. 1726

I hate when people judge other people because their gay, lesbian, or bisexual. It doesn’t make the person any different. It doesn’t change the persons’ personality at all. It’s still the same person you became friends with. When people find out someone is not “straight” they act all disgusted. I wonder if they think about anything before they say it out loud. What if it was them who wasn’t straight. What if they were gay. How would it feel being called “queer,” “fag,” etc. I’m straight but I’m …view more

Short haircut 1825

My wife just got a really short haircut and she looks like a lesbian from an episode of Portlandia. It makes her look so unattractive. She said she was on the verge of tears when the hairdresser first cut it, but I call bullshit. When you get a haircut, you don’t first chop the hell out of it. You take a little bit off at a time. Dyke hairstyling just in time for the holidays. Way to go, wifey. I think I’m gonna grow a big fucking beard and say it was an accident.

fuck every guy who cheats. just fuck you. 1922

any guy who cheats on a girl is a worthless piece of fucking shit. I don’t fucking care what your reasoning is. you suck donkey ass. girls trust you and you just throw it away like it’s nothing. I’ll be a lesbian. cause any girl I know is capable of handling as simple of a task as NOT SCREWING SOME DUMBASS FAKE BLONDE WHORE WHILE DATING SOMEONE ELSE. I hate guys who lie too. “oh baby I swear I’m telling you the truth! I’d never lie to you!” ….. “okay well I lied I’m sorry please forgive me.” …view more

I want to fall in love with another girl 1828

I’m a lesbian and tired of being single. I’m just putting my desires out there into the universe & making them known. I heard that’s the first step to attracting & attaining the things you want….

I Kinda Hate Myself 1920

I don?t know if I?m gay, but i know I?m not straight and i guess this not knowing what to call myself ( amongst so many other things, including the fact that my friendship group of 10 years has only ever seen me as straight, the fact that for some reason the word ?lesbian? has always seemed to be the one chosen for teasing me and i?ve always laughed it off?as well as some cowardice) is the reason for my failing to come out. I don?t know what to come out AS. Any time i?ve thought i was attracted …view more

I Sometimes Think About You 1925

When we were friends in the beginning it was awesome. We liked the same things and could talk for hours. Then we flirted and one thing led to another and you were my girlfriend. The first homosexual relationship I was ever in too. Then you got weird and possessive. I couldn’t take your moodswings or the way you yelled at your kid or your road rage. I didn’t like how you tried to control me by manipulating my emotions. You tried to make me feel guilty for having a life that didn’t involve you …view more

lies in jealousy 3337

I lied about being in love with my best friend when i wasn’t. i did that just to make my ex feel jealous. and now my bff thinks it was real and she’s acting all weird and making me feel horrible. and some guy has a crush on me… and pressure…the whole world knows about him and me and keeps pressurizing me..why do i have to do anything right or wrong..its my life…why do u keep tellin me how to live it..oh n top of it all im a lesbian teen…nobody knows except for my bff and she’s acting all weird …view more

Yes, I AM Totally the One that Left You for a Woman. Totally. YOU WALKED OUT. 2222

You know what? Fuck you. Yes, I knew we were together for eight years. Yes, I married you. Need I remind you Mr. Free Spirit, that you didn’t want to marry me in the first place? You said it was unnecessary. You used me constantly and saw no need to change, you took the car, I walked to work, you used MY money, and MY account. I took care of you when you couldn’t work. You AND your friend BOTH freeloaded on me. And while I took care of you you pushed me away physically and emotionally. I went …view more

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