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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: lies

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Best friends? What even is that? 2630

Where do I even start?
So my “best friend” since 4th fucking grade who supposed to be there for me hasn’t called me in a week! Even though I texted her that I needed to speak to her immediately because I’ve had a fight with my ex, not only did she not call me back but when she finally texted me she made fun of me and called me a stupid bitch because she never liked him anyway. Like are you kidding me bitch? My heart is breaking over here and you’re making fun of my decisions?

So then I call …view more

i know your lying 2530

dude, i know you’re lying. i know you still talk to her, I saw you ask her for pictures. why dont you just man up and tell me the truth. you lie and you’re controlling and even though you drive me absolutely insane, i can’t imagine living my life without you in it. what am i going to do?

I am so fed up with the system! 1922

I wish the judge who gave me the no contact court order, which was based on lies from my ex and his family, i wish that monster of a judge, that hanging judge, would fucking drop dead soon and get replaced with a decent nonbiased judge! Who knows how many innocent people hes incriminated and how many disabled people hes had jailed! I hope the proscuter also goes to hell now! I wish God would punish these people!

Alone… 2330

I am so tired of lies. Everyone I know has lied to me. He tells me he loves me. I love him. He is my world. But he is a player and I know it! He flirts with every single girl he sees. The only person I could trust, likes him, and lives down the road from him, and hangs out with him, and tries to kiss him. Sigh. And he would let it happen. I don’t have any friends. because i’m shy. But i’m not shy, i’m just upset. I hate my life. I used to be afraid of death. The idea of it all being over was …view more

grrrr 2122

So i got in touch a few months back with a close friend who’d moved away when we were kids. i’m a very open person so i told him a fairly large secret, one i’d rather not have get out. we would have very intimate conversations, but one day it just stopped. 3 weeks later, i see on facebook that he now has a girlfriend!! and from what i’ve heard, he will be absolutely ruthless to people who piss him off, so there’s no way for me to say anything to him about how i feel without being scared he’ll …view more

I know you’re cheating. Why won’t you just admit it? 3229

I’ve seen the way you look at that girl you work with. I’ve driven by on some of those late nights you were “working” and saw your car was nowhere to be found. I’ve seen the phone bills where you’ve been calling her and talking for hours. If that weren’t enough, last week I found a lacy red thong on our bedroom floor that doesn’t belong to me, and it smelled quite distinctly like pussy.

Why won’t you just admit that you’ve done me wrong so I can stop going crazy over this? I’ve confronted you …view more

Of course your butt doesn’t look big. 2024

Why do I lie?
Why can’t I call things as I see them?
Why do you ask my opinion if all you want is to hear lies?
If I ever dared to tell you a truth you didn’t like, somehow I would be the bad person. But I won’t do that, and you love it. It makes you feel good that I will lie to protect you every time, while bit by bit my self respect drains away. That’s the price of friendship with you.
It’s too high a price for any human relationship.
You’re fucking sick, and I’m just too damn weak.
I guess …view more

Liars and Attention-Whores 1930

She honestly thought I wouldn’t care that she made my *little* sister cry. But why did I care? I stuck up for my sister, and I had to deal with insults and hatred because of it. I thought that was alright though- I could live with that, “as long as my sister is fine…”

Yet I hear today my sister- the very same sister!- condemning me and gossiping with HER. About *me*! She was helping spread lies and rumors about me, her older sister who, not even twelve hours before, was attacked for sticking …view more

I’m tired!! 3329

Ok so I’ve had on hell of a year and a half and I’m just ready for it to be over! Over with the drama over with the new shit just over with everything! I have enough on my plate and I don’t want any more! One of the major things right now is why are guys soo stupid, I mean really, do you just not think or something!? To all the guys out there that keep calling me and I am not responding, there is a reason for it!! Think back to why we stopped talking in the first place….Really I’m not stupid …view more

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