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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: lonely

Your search returned 17 results.
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self harm and lonelyness 1229

ive been wanted to self harm again and id tell one of my friends so they know but all of them ether dont care or they think im looking for attention when i tell them how i feel. I have no one to go to anymore. it really sucks. Im more lonely then ive been in a long time.

LOnely 1321

Im very lonely, inside .. no one likes me, because Im a super intense person.
Im successful, and creative.. but inside im a child, who needs reassurance..
Im also angry and this comes out .. its a vicious cycle

What are friends? 1532

Here I am. I feel lonely. I have friends but why do I feel lonely? Every time I talk via messengers with them, they read it but never reply. I need a friend that can make me feel good. That can make me calm from my sudden emo. I’m not often being emo but sometimes I did. A replied I got from a friend doesn’t make me feel better. It doesn’t feel like I was comforted. It was more like “I don’t care.”. I know i’m the kind that always wanna win in an argument but at least one time, make me feel …view more

Fuck you. 1726

Women, go fuck yourselves, I hate all of you. Why do you have to be so damn hard and fucked up? Like we talk for so long and all of a fucking sudden you never talk again. And it’s not even like I said anything controversial or fucked up! So FUCK YOU. All of you. I can’t believe, 9 months on a dry spell chasing after women, looking for a LTR, just to be turned down or ignored multiple times. I even have a fucking big house of my own, with no roommates, I’m NOT fat OR ugly, I have a fucking car …view more

Just Lonely 1523

I’m pretty lonely and I don’t really have anyone to talk to about my problems. I have two friends. One is a bit of a narcissist and ignores you unless she’s interested in the topic at hand. The other is glued to the hip with her boyfriend and I can never get her alone. No siblings. My dad is emotionally distant and my mom is so stressed and tired from work that I don’t want to bother her. Not close to extended family.

I’d like to have a boyfriend but that isn’t happening: baby face, gummy …view more

broken heart 1026

id like to talk about my heartbreak… im thinking this will really help me out. i started to date this guy around 6 months ago. we hit it off great! we could talk to each other about everything. we were even each other’s first. a few months later, my boyfriend’s ex contacted him and told him she still loved him. i was so upset, but he promised nothing would happen. the next month, him and i got into a really bad fight and he called me all sorts of names. then, he told me he loved his ex. i was …view more

I’ve had enough 1224

My god where do I start.

I’m sick of being taken for granted in my life. I’m willing to do so much for others, but get nothing in return. No matter how much care, effort or support I show I never get it back.

Recently I had my first serious relationship, it was going well, I didn’t know anything was wrong. Then the phone call comes, he dumps me and the person I loved is gone, haven’t heard from him since the new year. Oh and the joys, months later I find out he’s given me an STD. And I …view more

I hate the people who are around my age in my area 1919

Honestly, I cannot stand them! I probably wouldn’t speak to them even if I was better at speaking with people. I hardly go out of the house and so I can pretty much stay clear of them all, but my sister likes to go out and hang out with her friends quite often. So I get her stories when she comes home. She and her best friend decided to go out and cosplay to the store and neighborhood center. Some teens commented on their outfits, and one girl compared their outfits to some porn she saw. WTH? …view more

Im depressed 1722

I have no one
I want friends I want to cuddle and cry
Why nobody loves me I want someone to love me
I want someone to say “you are my person”
I wanna to talk please God
I dont talk because I have no one
Why Im alone why
I wanna die I dont care anymore
There is nothing wrong with but Im never good enough
I …view more

Why is it so hard for you to talk to me 1419

“I won’t leave you”. He said as he hung up the phone; she was sad so she’d called him two minutes ago. “I’ll never hurt you”. He said as his thoughtful reply to her short list of grievances, wondering why. “I’m always here for you”. He texted her, she was sad and needed to talk; he was busy relaxing so no time to call.
“What’s up? :)” she texted at seven oh eight.
“nothing”, his answer, ten minutes later.

fuckmylifepenis 2018

I wanted to go out with my boyfriend tonight, like on a date. Instead i stayed home and he went to drink at a friend’s house. He was supposed to come home like around 11 pm, it is now almost 6am and I haven’t heard from him. This is fucking stupid.

28 years old and still single. 2026

if i have a beautiful and awesome girlfriend, my life would be so complete.

i don’t think there’s someone more loser than me. i’ve been rejected 7 times in a row. why is it so difficult to get a girl? i am sad and lonely. i get so very jealous of guys with beautiful girls. i wish i can join the pickup artist community and learn their ways.

i don’t get it some girls did say i am good looking but when i approach them they go away. i hate life.

Phantom of the Lonely 1522

I never realized how lonely I was until I came to a play my friend was in, and then by intermission, I had no one to talk to. Sure I have friends but… Sure would be nice to have someone to talk to.

You left me 2124

We used to be best friends…. Then we loved each other. Me more than you loved me. You know how I know this? After you left me on my own: broken, lost, and lifeless; I still loved you…unconditional love. You ignored me and then came back into my life pretending that everything from before never happened. You didn’t care about me anymore. You distanced yourself. What did I do to make you treat me so bad? Don’t you know that I love you? Don’t you know that you’re killing me? Do you know how much …view more


We lived together. You left me alone to go live with 2 guys you work with. You are so “scared” of things in life that you claim you have trouble sleeping and suicidal thoughts. I am a gigantic sucker (also still in love with you for some stupid reason), so I say, “Come back and stay with me for a few nights so you are not so scared.” You went to a conference in another city and let another guy fuck you; among other things I’m sure, but I didn’t want any details. You tell me it’s because you …view more

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