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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: love

Your search returned 101 results.
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Men never hit on me 2027

Men never hit on me. I am 22 and never had a bf before. I don’t go to bars or clubs. I see other women on their snapchat who talk about how their uber eats driver or how a guy at a grocery store hits on them but this never ever happens for me and I just feel so ugly. I am forever alone ))))):

26 year old asshole 1219

I’m 26 years old and I feel like I’ve wasted my life. Straight out of HS I started a media business with 4 of my closest friends. At first it was amazing. We even expanded. We made pretty good money. Better than most in our generation. I dedicated all my time to it…I was addicted to that feeling of success like I made something of myself, but I think I also did it because it meant I got to spend time with one of the other cofounders. I never really cared about relationships, and I never really …view more

In love and it hurts 1122

Ok so, that’s my first time posting on a site like that and I don’t really know what to do. I just want to let go you know ?

I’m in love with a guy, but the thing is I’m a trans dude (meaning I was born female but I’m a guy on the inside) and dating when you’re trans an be… complicated.

We are close and talk for like 4 hours every night on Skype so, of course, we also talked about love.
I told him I knew no guy would love someone like me and he said that “yes, of course. If it’s a …view more

I don’t know what to do with myself 723

Basically. I will never love the same due to an old friend of mine that I never dated but long story short he played me bad and destroyed me emotionally. Well, I met my boyfriend and it was the most I’ve felt since my friend hurt me. However recently I’ve noticed I’ve been distancing myself from my boyfriend because I just don’t feel the same. However my ex..held my hand the other day and I felt something…I hate myself for everything and I’m stuck in an uncomfortable situation that I’m too …view more

Attraction beyond your class 1920

Ever just feel that attraction of someone beyond your grasp .. ?

Its like you are a peasant trying reach the favour of a royal.

Simply just not compatible , when you KNOW, you goddamn well know if circumstances had been different that person would have considered you ..

They are out of your reach, you have been weighed , measured and have been found wanting .

Its not even so much the person , its the class of people , the environment , the travels , the culture, the stories …view more

cousins 1114

here’s the thing: i still like you, anyway. it’s not my fault, right? if only you didn’t make me feel like i was so much more than i think i am, then maybe i could’ve blocked myself from these feelings. maybe i couldn’t have met your hazel eyes when they held mine as you searched through the room. as vast as our room might be, your gaze landed on me and i couldn’t help but realize that it was because i was already looking at you.
maybe i could’ve regulated my heart from beating erratically …view more

True Love 1516

I have been in love with this guy ever since the 4th grade and I haven’t had sex with anyone ever because I’ve been saving myself for him. However, I haven’t told him that I love him. I’m broke and I’ve got nothing to offer him. Should I just go ahead and tell him I love him? I have been waiting forever.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not 1416

Every single day, I’m stuck to wonder this. It seems to change from time to time. Yesterday, we went on a date and it was so amazing. Now, though, I’m resorting to explaining my problems anonymously because anyone else would just tell me, “I told you so.” I don’t know what to do anymore…there’s at least two times a week I’m stuck feeling this pain, but I know that I would feel an even greater pain every day if I broke up with him.
I’ve been thinking about this for the past week or so but these …view more

Led Me On 1920

Why did you lead me on for weeks, only to tell me you don’t like me?

I don’t even know where to start tbh, I’m a 17 yrs old girl and I’m still learning from my mistakes. This is where my rant starts, I’m dating the love of my life and we’ve been dating for two in a half years now. But get this, I’m what you call a natural flirt and everyone (including my girlfriend) know this about me.

Now let me tell you guys this, about a month ago, I started to find one of my co workers cute (bad …view more

Yay, gay 1827

I’m guessing I’m not alone in this: I’m a straight girl with a thing for everything gay. I mean, it’s extreme: I’ve seen soo many gay romantic movies lately, and whenever I hear that someone is gay, I automatically, unintentionally, like them more. I wish that I was gay myself, just so that I could say that I’m part of their community! And I can easily have a crush on gay guys. I’m in love with a very good friend of mine (who’s gay) and I can not get over it. I just recently acknowledged to …view more

Freaking hopeless love 1426

Love is freaking annoying. I (an 18-year-old girl) have two great loves in my life: one whom I know doesn’t love me (I don’t even know if he likes me at all), and I CAN’T GET OVER HIM. What’s more, he’s 4 years older than me, and he will always be a small part of my life, because he’s my step-cousin. Which means that I can never forget him and move on: every time I see him (it can be many months in between) my feelings flare up again.

And the other is a very good friend of mine… who’s gay. And …view more

idk 2435

i’ve always been the type of person to try and see the best in people. a part of me believes that’s why i’m in the position i’m in right now, because i’m so forgiving. i’ve come to the realization that i’m not enough for anyone. i’ve had heartbreaks and i’ve had nights where i’ve stayed up until 2am crying my eyes out into the nape of my shirt and clenching my fists.
i’ve had nights where i lay there emotionless in bed staring at the ceiling because talking out my feelings isn’t even worth it, …view more

in love with my best friend 1020

what am i supposed to do when the one person i could ever see myself being with is completely out of reach? i’m in love with them and they’ll never know

Can’t Let It Go 1524

I developed feelings for someone I had become good friends with and we shared some pretty weird stuff with each other. Now she almost if not completely ignores my existence. I tell myself that I’ve gotten over those feelings and that she’s really not a good person, but every time I see her or her name pops up on Facebook, that longing is still there.
And I fucking hate it, and it absolutely ruins me every time.
But I also fucking love it.

i miss you baby 1925

i miss you so much already my baby, i love you forever and ever!! these two weeks without each other will be tough but i will be waiting right here with a J when you get home. love you babe

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