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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: marriage

Your search returned 9 results.
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Fuck You. 1527

You fucking gas lighting, self righteous Cunt. I hope you choke on every eggshell I’ve fucking had to walk on these last years. I am fucking brilliant, and you allowed YOUR insecurity to dump your shit and guilt on me. Fuck.You.

It’s not my fault you hit ME when you get angry. Deal with your fucking shit.

Really? Nothing? 2230

First, you walk the dog on your already bum knee in flip flops and the SNOW? And them you are surprised you twisted it and this all the day before Thanksgiving?!?! So, I am taking care of everyone and the ungrateful neighbor’s fucking geriatric dogs and I have two teenagers who won’t brush their fucking teeth without needing reminding? I had to go MAKE a menorah in order to participate in Hanaukkah because $ is tight. AND THE 3 OF YOU TURN UP THE TV WHILE I PRAY?

Tomorrow, everyone will roll …view more

no interest in sex 1419

my wife makes no effort to have sex and when we do she scratches at her scalp disorder the whole time with her back to me. we have been married over twenty years and have had a very healthy sex life until recently ( 2 years) i accept the spark may have left our relationship but she could at least fake some interest. it makes me feel like a sex addict because i am always the one chasing it.and i end up viewing porn more than normal. i still need to be loved and because of our marriage i dont …view more

Stay Out of My Marriage 2134

Why the hell do guys have to assume that just because I don’t go out partying and I have my own separate hobbies that I must have a miserable marriage?

I don’t enjoy going out and getting wasted every weekend anymore. I have a job, I’m in school, I have bills to pay and responsibilities. I’m a grown ass adult. I’m over spending half the day in bed nursing a hangover.

I’ve ALWAYS been introverted. I’ve ALWAYS enjoyed my alone time.

Also, what if I was unhappy with my husband? Do they think …view more

So confused 2023

I don’t get it. I must be an idiot or something because I can’t figure you out! You miss, you love me…you’ve even forgiven me… but you’re still leaving me?
I just don’t get it. I want to be with you, I love you. And you keep saying you miss me…so why? If you’re so lonely and you miss me and all, why aren’t we together?
You keep saying you’re messing things up, that it’s not my fault…but you won’t give me any explanation…no reason beyond it’s your fault.
Dammit man! Just ask me to come back …view more

Australia 1734

don’t get me wrong, i love this country, im proud to be australian but i hate to live in this country when our own priminister hessitated to legalize gay marriage… who is she to judge them, and think that it is alright to hinder there right to get married. im not gay, but i have gay friends, and if they were not allowed happiness because of who they love, i would pack my stuff and leave this country tomorrow.

Yes, I AM Totally the One that Left You for a Woman. Totally. YOU WALKED OUT. 2222

You know what? Fuck you. Yes, I knew we were together for eight years. Yes, I married you. Need I remind you Mr. Free Spirit, that you didn’t want to marry me in the first place? You said it was unnecessary. You used me constantly and saw no need to change, you took the car, I walked to work, you used MY money, and MY account. I took care of you when you couldn’t work. You AND your friend BOTH freeloaded on me. And while I took care of you you pushed me away physically and emotionally. I went …view more



I am 25 and I still hate my parents. The cool thing is that after living with my fiance for two years (and AWAY from my parents) has taken me a step back and shown me that maybe I’m not being emo and maybe there are a few little legit reasons for them to piss me off so badly. My oldest cousin has excommunicated from the family because of her dad, MY dad’s brother, who was an asshat and made her feel like a worthless unwanted piece of shit, HMMM AND SOMEHOW I …view more

Raging Hormones 2028

Sometimes I think about cheating on my girlfriend… I know I never will though. I haven’t had sex in over a year and she wants to wait until marriage. I love her to death, I wish I could get my sex drive under control

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