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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: mind

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backstabbing bitch 2636

Seriously, this bitch friend of mine need to come down to earth, and tell me to my fucking face all the lies she been trying to spread about me before I get seriously POD at her and bitch her out with all the shit that is ACTUALLY true about her and her pathetic hoe-ish life. I been nothing but fucking nice to her, despite how stupid I always thought her decisions have been, and helped her out. So seriously….Get a fucking life, and stop making up BS about me to OUR FRIENDS. I’m so sick of her …view more

omg seriously…. 2129

Have you ever had a friend that, is talking to you then starts to ignore you, and starts talking to another one of your friends. And as your sitting there trying to talk to them, they act and ignore the fact you said anything, as they keep responding to another?? I find it soo damn rude, my friend does this to me as of late, and I’m getting pretty pod with her. I’ll be trying to talk to her, and then I find out shes’ talking to my friend (this is all txt wise btw) and I dunno, its so annoying.

oh the chooices we make..what do I do?? 3143

lets see where do i begin? I’m dating someone right now and i really do like him, he’s actually the only guy that could break through the fact i really like one of my good guy friends. But see the problem is, I love being with my boyfriend but, I really love being with my guy friend, and I’ve always had a huge crush on him from before me and my boyfriend started going together, or even met. But I waited around for the signs of my guy friend to show me that he really does like me before I did …view more

me me me…I’M SICK OF IT 2735

how do you get through and tell someone that they are being self centered, and all they talk about is themselves. you tell them something about you and they feel like its a battle for something so they have to say something thats better or worse depending on what your talking about? How d you tell them, yo, seriously there are other people besides you here. Lets hear about them, or w.e. ugh its just so frustrating. if you gotta problem and your trying to leak it out to them because they are …view more

The world is all about me…. 2830

Have you ever had that friend where they act as if the world is all about them? That when you talk to them, everything has to be about them? Its a bit annoying sometimes, I have a friend like that. When I’m talking to them just about anything, they always have to find a way to bring it back around to them somehow. It’s like if I’m telling them about something about me whats been going on, its all one worded, cool, sweet, uh huh, okay, etc. Or they completely ignore it and move onto them or make …view more

Realizing… 2728

Well its about time I’ve come to pick up the pieces and truly see things for what they are. Instead of making up excuses and picking fights. I’ve finally open my eyes to acceptance. I have this friend and she is very sweet. She’s not the sharpest tool in the shead but she’s alright. She makes a lot of mistakes and majority of the time yes she does act selfish and like she’s 5 years old. She never seems to learn or give up when your really supposed to and takes things was to serious when its …view more

I hate it… (ventting) 3336

I hate how my parents well mostly my mother is so overprotected of me and my younger sister gets treated like fucking royalty. Half the crap that my mom did for me growing up she doesn’t even do with my sister. She has all the “trust” in her according to my mother. She doesn’t do anything wrong…BULLSHIT. I slipped up maybe once or twice growing up but I never did anything to not have my mother not trust me. I never got a cellphone till I was 14 and ONLY because of the fact my bus ran late and I …view more

Friend that ignore you 2330

What do you do when your friends with someone and all of a sudden they act like you don’t matter or they don’t need you anymore so they’ll technically cut you off and stop talking to you but yet talk to all your other friends and on top of that tell them that they are mad that you aren’t talking to them. Its kinda complicated I don’t get it either. Knowing yes both of us are busy but when I had to have another friend tell me this I started to try and make the effort to fix that by talking to …view more

Life sucks… 2327

I’m not even joking, I’m tired of always being so happy all the time when all I want to do is scream at the top of my lungs in how angry or depressed I truly am. I used to be able to write down how I felt in my poetry but lately it just hasn’t been coming to me. But seriously, I don’t believe that there is any hope for me. I’m not saying I’m a person that would ever consider drastic measures but I could surely wish to god for a way out of this horrid life. Nothing is ever right no matter what I …view more


Ugh.. sometimes I just seek to wonder..What if? What if I had done things differently in the past? What if I choose to be with someone, how would that have played a different part in my life? What if I never left my friends and family? What if I told a friend off and went to actually recognize my honest feelings? What if I had done things completely different back then, and my friends and my own life came out so much better..

I hate what ifs….it only make you dwell in a hopeless life of …view more

To help a friend in denial? 2634

I have this friend and I know that she is in major denial with herself. I dunno what to do honestly. I’ve tried before in the past to confront but all she did was yell at me telling me to shut the hell up its none of my business, yet she always came to me for advice on him… him being of her ex, who I know are more than just friends, I would declare them fuck buddies for the fact that I know they are having sex….whether she tells us or not. But the thing is, she claims she loves the guy, but how …view more

opinionated much? 2427

I’m starting to believe my open personality is getting the best of me. I used to be quiet and shy up until high school, but it all seriously started seeming like it was most out of hand when I went my own way in college. I’m just getting this feeling that I’m to honest with people or let things get to the best of me. I know everyone has their moments where they do stupid things or have bad judgment’s. I mean even I do myself, but in the end I think that my opinions and what I thought were …view more

OMG My friend is such a selfish condescending person… 2828

I’m not even lying, I’ve basically said this before but its getting worse and worse. She’s so selfish and condescending. If its not for her then screw the entire ordeal. Its disgusting and its annoying. My other friends and I always drop things for her and do it when she wants to do it, but if there is a simple task/favor for one of us she doesn’t do it. She’s so unreliable, I mean forgetting yes that’s one thing, but when you just all together don’t care because it has nothing to do with you …view more

A silly little crush or more? 3547

Well…I like this guy, I met him about a month ago and well we’ve become very good friends I think. I mean I love being with him and talking to him, even if its just sitting around his apt watching movies or outside talking. I had just gotten out of to me my longest relationship which was a little over a year, and its been 3-4 months since its ended. I’m pretty picky sometimes when it comes to guys I like, but this one particular guy he just takes my breath away and leaves me speechless half the …view more

Advice for an advice giver? 3240

Well… I mean there’s always a lot of tension in people lives especially being young like myself living the college life..but I’m always the person that my friends come to for advice, as much as I love to lend an ear it kinda bothers me with one of my friends…I’ve known her for awhile and we’ve had our tiffs, but in the end I don’t think she really listens. I understand advice is a word of opinion to help guide you, but when your constantly going to someone with the same questions after you …view more

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