Posts Tagged With: money
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I’m 26 years old and I feel like I’ve wasted my life. Straight out of HS I started a media business with 4 of my closest friends. At first it was amazing. We even expanded. We made pretty good money. Better than most in our generation. I dedicated all my time to it…I was addicted to that feeling of success like I made something of myself, but I think I also did it because it meant I got to spend time with one of the other cofounders. I never really cared about relationships, and I never really
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You’re ignorant and know no manners. I have done all things for you. Convert to your religion! Alright! Learn proper cooking and housekeeping! Done! But I’m so tired of your crappy attitude and treatment. I can’t stand this hilly billy hell you proudly call home. Everything here is a bunch of mismanaged pathetic shit. I hate your dirty kitchen, it always stinks and disgusting. I hate all the pressure you always put to my husband, the way you manipulate him and use his kindness for your own
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I just turned 18 and am in the process of leaving home. Home being a crackerbox of an apartment. I’ve been employed at he same place for nearly one and a half years and it isn’t until the end if this month that I’ll actually be getting the money they pay me. You see, due to no fault of my own my parents haven’t worked in years. Mom’s disabled. Dad’s just an asshole nobobdy likes so nobody hires. I’ve calculated that they’ve gotten $3-4k from my time working. Money used to put the internet cable
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I’m just tired. I feel like I should have stayed in Las Vegas sometimes, but then I’m not sure if that would have turned out too well either. So it’s better to have loved and lost right? Bullshit. I couldn’t done just fine without this one. All she was good for was a good fuck and a false sense of security. tells me I’m all she ever wanted them she gets tired of me and charts on me after 8 months and less to me about it till I put the puzzle together myself. it’s been months and I can’t stop
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I skipped all my college classes this week and then saw one of my professors outside of class. He called me out and made me realize that I missed over two chapters worth of learning. But I still don’t care. I hate school. I hate pharmacy. I hate pharmacy school. I just want to quit! But I already paid over $80k for my first two years of tuition. . . FUCK THIS SHIT. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO! FUCKITY FUCK FUCK
I’m 21 and live in Asia. All my peers have already graduated college a year ago, and I’m still floundering around. Heck, my little sister graduated college just this year, and is on her first year of med school, where I should already be in, but is now an option no longer possible for me.
I had gotten kicked out in my first college, an elite college in my country and am on the verge of getting kicked out of my second one, a local college and the only college that would take me, both times due
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Really! Were broke as fuck and right when I find a job to get us out of this rat hole you quit yours? What the hell is that, okay you can have time off, I get it, you’re tired. I’ll work alone for a bit, just realize that being a part time server isn’t enough to pay everything comfortably for that long which was the whole point. Now look, I know you don’t want a job, and I know you won’t go back to school or apply for financial aid, but damnit we need more income! Let me like clean someones
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In the middle of studying for my huge history test tomorrow, my sister comes in and tells me my dad wants to talk to me. Apparently, it’s now acceptable to take your kid out of studying time to tell them that at 10:00 pm they need to vacuum the house and clean the bathrooms. Now, if he judged yelled at me I would be fine, bit if I don’t he is going to take $50 and ground me for the week. You would think that as a teen recently out of anger management classes he would try to not piss me off so
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My fucking bitch of a roomate left the country without tying up loose ends in our rent. She was supposed to get her checks back and void them and we were supposed to give them my new checks for the rest of our lease. Instead she messages me from Germany, all in a panic, and demands I do it for her. Cunt. I wish she?d fall down a hole (and instead of die- just break both of her legs and loose her eyesight so that she couldn?t be a fashion major and overly obsessed with the way she looks all the
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My sister-in-law got unexpectedly pregnant about a year and a half ago. She was and is not married or in any kind of steady relationship. She was in no position, financially or maturity-wise, to be having a child, but decided to keep it anyway. The guy she determined to be the father, who was likewise not financially stable enough or mature enough to be having a kid, was oh-so-excited that he was going to “be a daddy”. The in-laws immediately poured out overwhelming support for them, and
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Last month, my sister-in-law (21 years old, not married or in any type of stable relationship) discovered she is pregnant. The girl is completely NOT ready to raise a child: emotionally, financially, or maturity-wise. Even so, she quickly ruled out the options of adoption or abortion, saying she ?couldn?t live with herself if she did anything but raise the child herself?. She doesn?t even make 20K a year, doesn?t even know which of two men got her pregnant, and just seems to be assuming that
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If you say you don’t have money, are stretched thin, or only $4 in the bank, don’t fucking whine about it when you go out and buy an iPhone a week later. Those of us who have more monetary commitments aren’t going to share in your lamentations or your joy. WTFever. I wish I could afford an iPhone, but I make due with my pay-as-I-go phone.
My sisters are so shallow and horrible. They wasted the money my parents worked hard for for 17 years on shitty clothes and they dont give a toss. Shallow self centred bitches.
Stop asking for discounts on perfectly good stuff, we’re a dirt cheap shop anyway, just pay the extra 10p and stop being such a scrounger!
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