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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: mother

Your search returned 33 results.
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Dear daddy and mommy 1826

Your Marriage is far from perfect, we get it. you guys getting a divorce was the most logical thing to do after so many years of constant fights, anger and sadness. I’m cool with your divorce but the least you could’ve done was talk to me about it. I lived abroad and came home to a house that doesn’t even feel like home anymore, suddenly you guys were no longer together.
Dad, you didn’t even tell me the reason as to why you divorced mom, but hey, i figured it out long before you guys even …view more

Anyone else have a friend/family member who does this shit? 2331

I didn’t see it when I was little, but now I’m beginning to notice a pattern of behaviour with my mother.

Step 1. Mum: says cunty thing
Step 2. Other person: calls her out on cunty thing and/or cunty thing has invoked angry response
Step 3. Mum: pretends step 1 never happened and step 2 was totally unprovoked. Goes totally into victim mode. Extra points if the cunty thing she said invoked an angry response with bad language, because then that’s all she will focus on - ‘don’t use that language …view more

Murderous mother 1220

My mother wants to kill someone. She is constantly putting people in very dangerous situations and she has gotten my brother seriously injured. She’s tried to kill me several times but I’m smart so I have survived. She says it is an “accident” when she does it. For instance, taking a turn marked at 25 MPH at 90 MPH and the car almost flipping over. However her “accidents” have happened very frequently throughout my life. My mom is a cold, hard murderer and if she doesn’t kill her children, then …view more

Class A Parenting 1831

Okay, I get that I’m not the best daughter. I make stupid mistakes that get me into trouble and put off what I need to do. But my mom? SHE IS BATSHIT INSANE. It started when my mom made a rule that I’m not allowed to wear jeans consecutively. Like, I get that she wants me to wear more of what’s in my wardrobe, but literally 85% of my closet consists of jeans, and the other 15% is full of these awful clothes that she THINKS look good. Uh, okay, mom, obviously nobody is going to look at me weird …view more

Mother 1730

I feel like I’ve been living in such a toxic environment because of my mother. She thinks everything’s about herself and constantly makes the rest of my family and I feel like shit. She says my brother and his wife are horrible parents, calls my sister fat to the point where y sister’s started to get concerned when she doesn’t need to be, and calls me a demon child along with other things. Hell, she gets pissed off whenever my sister and I wear clothes she doesn’t like or are somewhat wrinkled …view more

More of my insanity. 2431

To calm my anxiety and depression, I go for late night walks. Like 11 pm or 2 am walks. I often sneak out, but my brother found out and told my mother. To a normal parent, this would raise a red flag. Your teenage daughter sneaking out at night. Not my mother. She merely acknowledged that I sneak out, then yelled at me about being in my room too much.

Just a few moments ago, she told me “You self diagnose yourself with all these things and none of them are real.”

Oh really.

Suicide isn’t …view more

I’m tired of my Mom. 1525

My mom has been a lazy, rude person ever since I was little. She refuses to get a job, even though she has no way to support herself of me and my 2 siblings. She smokes constantly and the house smells disgusting. There’s mold everywhere in my mom’s house. I don’t even shower at my mom’s house anymore because it’s just so damn disgusting. The sad thing is, I grew up in that house. I’ve lived in my mom’s house for 12 years, but my dad recently moved us out of that house when my parents got …view more

My worst fear 1318

My worst fear is that if my dad dies before I turn 18, I’ll have to live with my mom.

No child or teenager should have to that fear of living with their parent.

Dear Mother-in-Law 1426

Dear Mother-in-law,

Thank you.

Thank you for being you.

I used to love you. I used to think, “wow. I wish I could be a great mother and wife like her.” I used to wish you were my mother. Now you’re just a nightmare that won’t end. You used to say nice things to me. I always felt better when you were around. But then you changed. You called me names. You gave me the cold shoulder. Then I never saw you again.

Thanks to you, my 5 year …view more

I hate my mom 1730

Today my mom thought it would be an amazing idea to let my neighboor come and build a fucking closet in my room and my brother needs to use MY laptop for HIS work while Im never able to use his - like EVER (except for now). And I really, really wanna draw on my laptop because I just recieved a grafik tablet 2 days ago and am super excited to use it. But no. “There are too many people why dont u go do smthing else, hun??” and when I said that I wanted to take it to another room until its done …view more

Seriously…. 2223

You tell me one thing that I can go do something as long as I do some school work. It’s spring break. I go and I do some work, then come and ask you to go. Then you decide to be a bitch and tell me I cant go because I’m fucking around and whatever. You said I could go, and its fucking SPRING BREAK. You could not be any more fucking bitchy.

strange feelings 2020

whenever my mother does loving gestures towards me its weird…its like im expecting her to slap me or punch me…i hit her once but only one time and it was after she hit me, about 2 years ago, and it was over the temperature of DISHWATER. after that it was horrific..she would lock me in a room with her and she would just yell at me… my brother is hurt more than i am and i hate to see him that way. so now i just avoid situations that could cause me to hurt emotionally or act harshly. my dad calls …view more

I’m tired. 3131

You know it’s hard enough dealing with an abusive mother. It’s even harder when she puts on a charade and everyone thinks that I’M the bad kid, even going as far as sympathizing for her having to put up with me. All I want is the satisfaction of the truth emerging for all to see, an end to the senseless denial, and a fucking nap. And I was getting close to that - well, at least the first part…

Then she ends up with cancer. Metastasizing to the brain. Two to three months to live. I’m fine with …view more

Sick of 2328

Okay. First off, I do admit that I’m lazy and my mother has a right to get annoyed at me from time to time because of that trait. And second, I am aware that I’m very lucky for the opportunities I’ve been given from living in a first-world country.

But in all honesty, I am sick of my mother BITCHING about me when she thinks I can’t hear her. Like today for example. I made one tiny, little complain about bring the washing in. I said nothing on the subject afterward and brought it all in. I …view more

I think i hate my mother… 1317

So I’m 36. I’m fairly sure my own mother hates me. She does all she can to not support me emotionally or any other way, for that matter. She has always put strangers or acquaintences before me. Do you know once she even told me she started saving for an abortion when she found out she was pregnant with me, but couldn’t ’scrape up enough cash at the time’ to go through with it. What mother tells their child that? I’m a mumm to two now, my youngest is a newbie and I really need a mother’s …view more

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