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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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i’m done. 25480

i swear i am DONE. you’ve made friends of mine cry because you don’t admit that you ever do anything wrong. you can be such a hypocrite sometimes. i don’t want to hear you talk about sex or flirt with a guy that is both GAY and IN A RELATIONSHIP because you’re too thirsty and boys at your school probably don’t like you much so you do it to him. and you white knight for him too, everything revolves around his safety and making sure everything is perfect for him. you think you’re justified to …view more

Fat Pig 2219

The more I find out about your dirty little secret (little,ha) the more glad I am that I dumped your sorry ass and I wish I never dated you at all. You are throwing your life away with your online fat-fetish lifestyle and I won’t watch you do it. You are disgusting. You need help. I hope you get your shit together, but fixing you is not my job. I am so hurt by all your lies, and right now it feels like there is no such thing as a man who doesn’t lie or isn’t gross. I just want to be alone. I …view more

I’m a liar with a reason 1726

Well… we lost our phones/internet like two days ago because we couldn’t pay the bill. I alerted my friends online (including one friend who is really more of a pain in my side) that I would be offline for an unknown length of time. Well, someone helped us pay the bill so we have internet back… but I haven’t told any of my online friends, especially the pain in my side one. I have plans this weekend and I know if I tell her I have internet but I’m not going to be at home she’ll have a pissy …view more

Creepy Guy 1526

Okay, I just have to express how icked out I am right now. At first, I was just looking for an online friend cause I dont have many, and this guy who found me seemed pretty normal and nice at first. but I guess theres just something about me that brings out the creepiness in guys cause then he started talking about dick pics, making secret plans to come surprise me and see me (when I gave him no reason to think I’d be into that) going on and on about how much he luurves me (yah, do you actually …view more

My so called friend 2127

I have a friend who is poisonous. Whenever I talk with her in a group, she shuts me down as if I don’t count. The main group I talk to that she’s in is something that I only accidentally told her about, an online chatroom. In the chatroom she sticks out, too. She acts differently, and just tries to get attention.

But one on one online, I try to talk to her. I tell her that I’m hurt, and she calls me passive aggressive. I don’t want to bring it up in front of others, that would be drama …view more

Im a little tired of this, but ill keep going. 2523

I have alot of friends who are always feeling down and belittling themselves.

Maybe they have a mental problem, i don t know.
I only know them online.

I try to cheer them up every time, i always comment when they feel bad and always will.

I just wish i didn’t feel so much responsibility; like if I dont comment they will think im a selfish asshole.
Maybe i am a …view more

Striving to conquer my gaming addiction 2334

I am addicted to a MMORPG game. It?s all I think about. However, I think more about the girl I met over the MMORPG game than the game itself. I want this obsession and addiction to stop! I am going cold turkey as of today (July 23, 2011). I will promise to myself no more of this MMORPG game.

I have never been truthful with any of my online friends. I am a pathological liar in this game. I do not want to be that person anymore. All I think about is the person I want to be and how else I can lie …view more

To those of you who are looking for a job 2428

So I applied online for a job at kmart. It was all awesome until you get to the assessment part. I get through the first 30 then I realize there are freaking 96 question that practically repeats itself. This shit is stupid I wished I had a answer key because seriously I fucking don’t have a life because I can’t answer these retarted questions to get a job. The most fucked up shit is all the people I know that does drugs has a job they complain about how fucking crappy their job is and I stand …view more

Beyond lust and old enough to know the difference. 2324

I’ve known him for eight months. We went on two dates in that time and have spent the rest of it in some on-again, off-again pseudo online relationship. When he’s not there, online, texting me, whatever, I feel like I can’t breathe.

It’s so stupidly cliche and I know I’m setting the feminist movement back a couple decades, but I need this man in my life. I know he’s it. He’s the one.

There’s a fine line between telling someone you’re head-over-heels, crazy about them and willing to do …view more

Too Young? 2531

I’m 23 and have been talking to a girl online for about 6 months and when I asked if she’d consider meeting up she said of course. So now, in October I have time off work and I might do the 2 hour train ride and meet her. Problem is, she will have only just 16. This means it’ll all be legal blah blah but is it weird? I find her extremely attractive, stunning actually and when I call her she’s able to have a serious, mature conversation but still knows how to have a laugh. She looks older than …view more

shallow? 2625

Ok I met this amazing guy online. We talked on the phone and I felt myself really falling for him. There was just one problem - I didn’t know what he looked like. So of course I made sure not to commit before we met. We met today and I am not physically attracted to him. We had an argument about this before and he called me shallow for counting physical beauty. Ok, let me just say I do not put ALL the emphasis on looks. Though I will not be seeing him again because he completely turns me off. …view more

Addicted to gambling! 3850

I’m addicted to gambling online, I lost $400 this week!

Can’t tell the wife.

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