Some ppl do not take kindly to criticisms. They can’t sing, but want to sing in some app and then have to ask - so , how do you think I did? Well, I think you don’t sound too good, and what happens? You go apeshit on me and reply - why? You think you are better? You think you got an angel’s voice? What makes you think you are better than me?!
So if you can’t take criticisms, DON”T ASK FOR MY OPINIONS. I am not going to lie to say you sound awesome. I will just say NO COMMENTS
Hey, friend: instead of using other people’s more well-written opinions to formulate your own, why not try, I don’t know, THINKING FOR YOUR FUCKING SELF!!! It’s bad enough that you go on and on and ON about women and ethnic groups and religion and everything wrong with them, and I have to listen to every single fucking word and pretend it’s all fine with me. But now you’re going to judge MY taste in music, books, movies games, etc. on SOMEONE ELSE’S OPINIONS?!?! FUCK. YOU.
I’m starting to believe my open personality is getting the best of me. I used to be quiet and shy up until high school, but it all seriously started seeming like it was most out of hand when I went my own way in college. I’m just getting this feeling that I’m to honest with people or let things get to the best of me. I know everyone has their moments where they do stupid things or have bad judgment’s. I mean even I do myself, but in the end I think that my opinions and what I thought were
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