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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: pain

Your search returned 9 results.
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In love and it hurts 1122

Ok so, that’s my first time posting on a site like that and I don’t really know what to do. I just want to let go you know ?

I’m in love with a guy, but the thing is I’m a trans dude (meaning I was born female but I’m a guy on the inside) and dating when you’re trans an be… complicated.

We are close and talk for like 4 hours every night on Skype so, of course, we also talked about love.
I told him I knew no guy would love someone like me and he said that “yes, of course. If it’s a …view more

I don’t know what to do with myself 723

Basically. I will never love the same due to an old friend of mine that I never dated but long story short he played me bad and destroyed me emotionally. Well, I met my boyfriend and it was the most I’ve felt since my friend hurt me. However recently I’ve noticed I’ve been distancing myself from my boyfriend because I just don’t feel the same. However my ex..held my hand the other day and I felt something…I hate myself for everything and I’m stuck in an uncomfortable situation that I’m too …view more

Lost 1630

I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do anymore. My best friend and I are really close, but we can’t seem to go a day without arguing any more. I love him with all my heart and I don’t want to lose him.. but he just drives me up the wall.
I’m just so lost and broken right now. I want to make things better and move on, but something is telling me that eventually it’ll just go bad again. We’re very broken people and trying to hold each other up all the time is just so damn hard.
But I …view more

dear lola, 1619

dear lola,
you’re a good person. you’re attractive and charming
your personality is addicting and i enjoy being around you
dear lola,
i think that you may return my feelings for you,
your friends keep talking about it
dear lola,
please hate me.
(or save me from this hell)
dear …view more

Best friends? What even is that? 2630

Where do I even start?
So my “best friend” since 4th fucking grade who supposed to be there for me hasn’t called me in a week! Even though I texted her that I needed to speak to her immediately because I’ve had a fight with my ex, not only did she not call me back but when she finally texted me she made fun of me and called me a stupid bitch because she never liked him anyway. Like are you kidding me bitch? My heart is breaking over here and you’re making fun of my decisions?

So then I call …view more

Life sucks. 3530

I have a disease that is getting progressively worse. Its a “hidden diease”, something people wont see when they look at me. all the doctors that i’ve seen say I will never be able to run or do anything I used to love doing ever again. Eventually I wont even be able to walk….. (That makes more than half the stuff on my bucketlist impossible.) Ive been trying soo hard to pretend like i am fine and nothing is wrong with me, but its so hard when people envite me to play active games that I …view more

Why is it so hard for you to talk to me 1419

“I won’t leave you”. He said as he hung up the phone; she was sad so she’d called him two minutes ago. “I’ll never hurt you”. He said as his thoughtful reply to her short list of grievances, wondering why. “I’m always here for you”. He texted her, she was sad and needed to talk; he was busy relaxing so no time to call.
“What’s up? :)” she texted at seven oh eight.
“nothing”, his answer, ten minutes later.

So hurt. 2618

I hate myself more and more everyday.
I will never ever forget some things.
I’m already ruined.
And to think I have to carry on living for the rest of my life with constant memories.
All of them.
I have no idea why I’m still breathing.
I’m so pathetic and full of hate that I cut my thighs.
And now the boy I have a crush on is talking to me, but he’s not interested.
I don’t blame him.
I’m the most …view more

I hate her. 1321

I hate her so goddamn much. I loved her with all of my heart, and she repays me by dumping me on a public site. I hope she fucking comes to regret her decision. I would just LOVE to verbally tear her a new asshole and make her feel what I’ve been feeling for the last few days: Absolute, total heartbreak.

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Be it a confession, a rant about how your customers suck or just tell us why you hate your life. Feel free to vent your rage on here!