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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: parents

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New Year, Better Me 23167

It’s New Years Eve and I’ve decided, once and for all, to say goodbye to some people and things in my life that don’t align with my goals. First, I forgive and release my parents from all the anger and bitterness I have held for them. Why you chose to have children, I’ll never know. But, you can’t hurt me anymore. You’re both dead to me. It was your choice. I don’t understand it, but I’ll live with it. I hope dying isn’t too painful for you. I hope your memory loss is easing that pain. I never …view more

Happiest News 1720

I can graduate early.

but my parents won’t let me.


I just found out my dad’s fucking rich. 1018

So, my dad’s at least a brigadier general in the USArmy. (Or at least he was last time I talked to him several years ago.)

So he alone, makes like 10k a month. His wife’s also in the army, I think she’s a doctor but I’m going to assume she makes money. Just not including that because she doesn’t owe me anything, she didn’t bring me into this awful world.

Anyways, my dad makes 10k+ a month, and you know how I’ve been living? I literally do not have a flushing toilet. I can only shower 1-2x a …view more

my mental health 1127

I honestly doubt anyone will read something this long, but here we go anyways. I don’t want this post to be a cry for attention or anything, but I need to rant so fucking badly.

I’m not self-diagnosing because I honestly think that you should go to the doctor and figure it out with them, but I think I have anxiety, am suicidal and depressed. I’m not sure if depression fits in with being suicidal or vice-versa, but I listed both because I want to be sure. I’m also not sure if suicidal is only …view more

fuck you parents 2729

my fucking parents
its all them
they dont give me any personal space, freedom, anything
they dont even beleive it when im depressed
or have an anxiety attack
or anything
if im stressed and crying they call me a crybaby
if i want to die and they hear me even mention it or whisper somthing or seem expecially different my mom …view more

Frustration 2031

My dad is a great dad who spends countless hours trying to make my life better and I love him for it. But sometimes I just need a little space. He continually insists on spending “quality family time together,” yet he doesn’t seem to understand that every time that he tries that, someone ends up fighting. He claims that he won’t try to influence my views on world topics, yet he rants about stupid problems all the time THEN ASKS ME QUESTIONS ON MY OPINION AND SHOOTS ME DOWN IF I DONT AGREE WITH …view more

Class A Parenting 1831

Okay, I get that I’m not the best daughter. I make stupid mistakes that get me into trouble and put off what I need to do. But my mom? SHE IS BATSHIT INSANE. It started when my mom made a rule that I’m not allowed to wear jeans consecutively. Like, I get that she wants me to wear more of what’s in my wardrobe, but literally 85% of my closet consists of jeans, and the other 15% is full of these awful clothes that she THINKS look good. Uh, okay, mom, obviously nobody is going to look at me weird …view more

Controlling Parents 1516

I am 17 this year and I really can’t deal with my parents. They deliver violent threats whenever I do something wrong, set unrealistically high expectations and control every aspect of my private life. Around them, I feel oppressed, deprived of every choice making rights. They won’t ever admit that they were wrong, including the 4 years of twice-a-week beatings I had to suffer from when I was 9 to 13 years old. They passed the whole ordeal off as ‘beatings for discipline’ but in reality, I …view more

Her 1622

I really freaking like her and k know it won’t go anywhere because of her parents but I wish it could because I really want to be able to hug her and hold her hand and call her mine and I’m actually really sad I can’t do that and I might tell her it’s ok but inside I’m dying

“Other people have it way worse than you.” 2037

I absolutely loathe when my parents or somebody else says “other people have it way worse than you” or “children are starving in africa” when I’m upset about something but like does that make me feel any better??? no. Telling me not to be sad because other people have it worse is like telling me not to be happy because other people have it better. TELLING ME OTHER PEOPLE HAVE IT WORSE DOES NOT MAKE MY FEELINGS MAGICALLY DISAPPEAR! IT DOES NO HELP WHATSOEVER. Yes, I acknowledge that other people …view more

My dad thinks sarcasm is a character flaw 1524

My dad is always on my case for how negative and pessimistic I am because I use sarcasm a lot and like to critique movies and books that I like. Breaking news: I can poke fun at something without loathing it. If I spend a long time talking about something and it’s flaws and strengths, that usually means I like the thing. Literally no one else I know thinks this is a bad thing and takes it as the humor intended. So fuck you dad, I’m not going to change a substantial part of my personality and …view more

Pieces of shit 1620

Why do people believe they are above others? It’s so idiotic. Like fuck off, just because your parents have money does not mean you yourself will make something of yourself.

Parents 1721

12 years of hearing “you’re too fat” “you need to lose some weight” why is it now after losing 95 Lbs I’m hearing “you’re too skinny” “you need to bulk up”

Support me atleast.. 2530

I basically just got a scold from my mom. I never understand my parents, they can’t just depends on me for their whole life. Two thousand fifteen wasn’t my best year and I could call it the second worst year. I had been my sister’s babysitter this whole year. My parents said they can’t depend on my brother since he just sleep around. They could’ve scold him. They are parents, they have the rights to scold him.

Two thousand sixteen, I wanted to join a boarding school. My parents won’t let me. …view more

Daddy Dearest 2124

I’m an adult and I still allow myself to be bullied by my father. He’s always been emotionally and verbally abusive, a few times it crossed over into physical abuse, but I thought maybe when I moved out we’d be able to have a better relationship especially after I got some therapy. He’s still as awful as he ever was though, I want to cut off all contact with him, but he’s really the only family that I have, and his health is declining, which makes him lash out even more. He doesn’t have any …view more

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