I went to pick up my mom from a long time family members house. The guy always is an ass and says inappropriate jokes. So I rang the door bell once and I didn’t hear any foot steps so I rang it again. I could herE my mom and him still talking and the dog barking so I thought “HAHA they are so silly and old I’ll just keep ringing it and when they finally answer i’ll say “Oh man you guys really need to get your ears checked!” Then we all would giggle…….NOPE he opens the door half way, hands me
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Oh dear gawd…this woman has been married to my dad for 1 year and knew him for a year before that. My husband made a silly comment on FB to her and she has been nothing but a bitch since then. He has apologized over and over for the comment yet she won’t accept his apology. She DEMANDS respect yet refuses to give it! I asked her nicely to not be put in the middle of anything and she continually bashes me when speaking to my husband. My dad told her at the beginning that that was just my
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J 2930
Oh, no. That’s cool. Just essentially tell me to fuck off when I try to talk to you. Yup, that’s what friends are for. Simple solution for being an asshole: if you don’t have any reason at all to be a cranky little twit, then don’t be. If you absolutely insist on being a grouch, at least have the decency to not take it out on your best friends.